
24句满目委屈的心酸文案 特别让人心疼的句子

时间:2024-03-27 12:57:15


24句满目委屈的心酸文案 特别让人心疼的句子


一,其实QQ微信一条信息也没有 打游戏打到崩溃 小说看到腻 电视剧总是一个无聊的套路 其实这个世界真的很无聊.

In fact, QQ WeChat did not play a game to the collapse of a novel to see tired of TV is always a boring routine, in fact, the world is really boring.

二,偏爱又如何 感情专一又怎样 毫无保留的付出又怎样 结果还不是没结果 输得彻彻底底.

Preference and how the feelings of single-mindedness and how to pay without reservation, the result is not completely lost.

三,后来你认识一个女孩 她办事干净利落 脾气温柔如风 性格阳光开朗 交际甚佳人缘好 却不明白她为什么从不谈恋爱.

And then you met a girl who was clean, gentle, sunny, sociable, good-natured, but didn understand why she never fell in love.

四,那些对不起就好像机场延误后的一句抱歉 像打开瓶盖后的谢谢惠顾 都是空乏无意义的礼貌用语.

Those who are sorry are like an apology after an airport delay, like a thank you after opening the bottle cap, are empty and meaningless polite words.

五,当一个笑得比谁都开心的女孩子突然和你讲起大道理时 你永远不知道这些道理 是她崩溃了多少次 用眼泪换来的.

When a girl who laughs more than anyone else suddenly talks to you about the truth, you never know how many times she broke down and exchanged tears.


The first to be brave is always the mouth and finally the heart


I am really afraid that one day I can control my emotions and burst into tears. Later, I became used to staying up late and finally got used to no one cares. I tried to laugh but the tears would still fall

八,以后别再遇见我了 我好不容易熬过来的Don ever meet me again. I finally got through it 既然你不期待 那么我翻山越岭也没有意义了

Since you don expect it, theres no point in me going over the mountains

九,什么都是我教的 最后你却是她的

I taught you everything, and in the end, you e hers

十,你没有错 可我也没有啊

You e not wrong, but neither am I

十一,可我想要的是 不管三七二十一都无条件站在我身边的人啊

But what I want is someone who will stand by me no matter what


No surprises, no losses, except for the occasional grief

十三,我的执迷不悟感动了我自己 你却还是一样遥不可及

My obsession moved me, and you e still out of reach

十四,你曾经说的每句话 现在想想都心如刀割

Everything youve ever said is a knife in your heart


The eighth second of the fish is to forget, my first few disappointments is not love you


Going through the past is outstanding, not going through is out.


Things to do every day: fake smiles, fake manners, fake happiness

十八,敏感 胆怯 烂熟 躲在暗处 像你也像我.

Sensitive, timid, familiar, hiding in the dark, like you, like me.

二十,从未顾忌我得感受 又怎么知道我有多难过

How do you know how sad I am if you never worry about how I feel

二十一,委屈时才发现 诉苦的人都没有 失眠时才发现 聊天的人都没有

When I was wronged, I found out that the people who complained did not have insomnia and found that the people who chatted did not

二十二,不要把自己想的太重要 在别人眼里你或许什么也不是

Don think too much about yourself. You may not be anything in the eyes of others


You ruined the last bit of trust I had in my relationship


I am really afraid that one day I can control my emotions and cry

  1. 花花世界,谁懂谁无情 ⌒2024-04-06 11:03花花世界,谁懂谁无情 ⌒[吉林省网友]
  2. 墓·绝2024-04-01 12:00墓·绝[云南省网友]
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