
蚕茧生产 Cocoonproduction英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-27 08:32:34


蚕茧生产 Cocoonproduction英语短句 例句大全

"Cocoon production" refers to the process of cultivating and harvesting silk cocoons for the production of silk. This industry has been an integral part of many cultures across the world for centuries, and it continues to thrive today. In this collection of English short sentences and example sentences, you will find a comprehensive guide to the various aspects of cocoon production, from the cultivation and care of silkworms to the harvesting and processing of the silk cocoons. Whether you are a student, researcher, or simply interested in learning more about this fascinating industry, this compilation provides a valuable resource for understanding the intricacies of cocoon production. From simple sentences explaining the basic concepts to detailed examples illustrating the practical applications, this resource offers a comprehensive overview of the entire process. Whether you are learning English or seeking to expand your knowledge of cocoon production, this compilation has something for everyone.




1.Effects of Environmental Pollutants on Cocoon Production and their Control Strategies环境污染对蚕茧生产的影响及其防控措施

2.Study on the Price of Silkworm Cocoon in Guangxi;广西蚕茧价格变迁与蚕业生产发展的研究

3.Studies on the Output of Cocoon and Raw Silk andDistribution of Sericultural Areas in the World;世界蚕茧和生丝生产量及其产地变迁的研究

4.fibers from silkworm cocoons provide threads for knitting.由蚕茧产生的纤维,提供针织品所需的细丝。

5.Colourful reeling cocoon silk is s newly-innovated technology in which people add pigment to the silkworm food.利用色素添加在家蚕的食物中生产彩色茧丝是一项创新技术。

6.The Effects of Chlorfenapyr Residue of Different Formulations in Mulberry Leaves on the Growth and Development and Cocoon Production of Silkworm(Bombyx mori)不同剂型溴虫腈在桑叶中残留对家蚕生长发育及产茧量的影响

7.A Preliminary Report on Producing Ultrafine Silk Filament by Using Anti-juvenile Hormone to Induce Bimolters应用抗保幼激素SM-Ⅰ诱导二眠蚕生产超细纤度茧丝的试验初报

8.Oil plants, pod and sea food also take the top place in Jiangsu.油料、蚕茧、水产品产量也居全省首位。

9.Analysis on the Contribution Rate of Key Elements of Cocoon Production Increases in Shandong Province;山东省蚕茧产量增长要素贡献率分析

10.Yunnan could be a good base to produce cocoon with high quality because of its suitable natural conditions in mulberry planting and silkworm rearing.云南具有世界上比较适宜栽桑养蚕的自然条件,是生产优质原料茧的好基地。

11.ExperiencesonGrowthofCocoonOutputforMany YearsRunninginHaiyanCounty;海盐县蚕茧产量连年超历史的几点经验

12.The Relationship between Cocoon Weigh of and Main Quantitative Characters Silkworms Analyzed by the Grey Related Degree System家蚕产茧量与主要性状的灰色关联分析

13.wild silk pongee柞蚕丝和棉交织茧绸

14.As for new cocoons, it had been a bad season and quotations were high.新茧呢,现在蚕汛不好,茧价开盘就大。

15.Study on Influence of Planting Density of Non-trunk Mulberry with Leaf Yield and Cocoon Quality in Cold Region;寒地无干桑树栽植密度对桑叶产量及蚕茧质量影响的研究

16.Covariance Analysis on Several Cocoon Quality and Larval Weight Property Indicators of 3 Silkworm Varieties3个家蚕品种部分产茧量及体质量性状指标的协方差分析

17.Studies on Standard Techniques of Rearing Male Silkworm Hybrid 2 The Influence of Different Rearing Density and the Amount of Leaves for Feeding on the Output of Cocoon During Young Larva Stage雄蚕杂交种的饲养标准技术研究 2.稚蚕期不同饲育密度与用桑量对产茧量的影响

18.Studies on the Standard Techniques of Rearing male Silkworm Hybrid 3 The Effect of Different Rearing Techniques on the Male Silkworm Development and Cocoon Production雄蚕杂交种的饲养标准技术研究 3.不同饲育技术标准对雄蚕发育及产茧量的影响


Silkworm cocoon output蚕茧产量

3)Cocoon quantity and quality蚕茧产质量

4)Antheraea cocoon柞蚕生物茧

1.Under the controlled climate, in Yingkou city, Xifeng country (both in Liaoning province), Kouqian township and Dunhua city(both in Jilin province), belly-cutting eggs ofAntheraea cocoon were hosted by Trichogrmma, then storied at low temperature for 15,30,45and 60 days respectively.试验研究了不同寄主产地柞蚕生物茧的剖腹卵被赤眼蜂寄生后,在人工气候条件下冷藏15、30、45、60d的赤眼蜂的羽化率。

2.Relations betweenAntheraea cocoonQuality and Its Oval asTrichogrammaHost;研究认为:应建立以卵量母种投产柞蚕生物茧的四级繁育体系,生防用茧必须从柞蚕生物茧以上种级中选出,其内染率应控制在15 % 以下;早春暖茧,其蛹滞育前期可适当补温,发蛾暖茧温度以中温偏低(18 ℃~22 ℃) 为宜;夏季暖茧,其蛹滞育前期不宜多补温,发蛾暖茧温度以中温偏高(20 ℃~24 ℃) 、 R H75 % ~85 % 为宜。

5)Cocoon and raw silk蚕茧和生丝

6)Silk cocoon蚕茧

1.Effect of nitrogen and potassium combined application on mulberry (Morus atropurpurea Roxb.) leaf yield and quality,and silk cocoon quality;氮钾肥配合施用对桑叶产量品质及蚕茧质量的影响



  1. 堕落的尘埃2024-04-08 09:08堕落的尘埃[海南省网友]
  2. 2024-04-04 08:56[新疆网友]
  3. H`Wohh2024-03-31 08:44H`Wohh[江西省网友]
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