
成才观:talent view英语短句+例句大全

时间:2024-03-26 20:29:47


成才观:talent view英语短句+例句大全

The concept of talent and views on how to nurture it have always been integral to personal and professional development. In this comprehensive collection, we explore different perspectives and insights on talent, encompassing various aspects such as education, work, and personal growth. From defining what it means to be talented to discussing the best ways to develop and utilize one"s abilities, this collection offers a rich array of English short sentences and example sentences. Whether it"s understanding the importance of a growth mindset, identifying strengths and weaknesses, or exploring the role of perseverance and resilience in talent development, this compilation provides a holistic view of talent and its cultivation. Through the diverse and practical examples, readers will gain a deeper understanding of the multifaceted nature of talent and how it is approached across different contexts.

成才观,view of talent

1)view of talent成才观


1.“Undergraduates’ Viewpoint of Being Person with Ability” and Pertinent Educational Strategies;“大学生成才观”剖析与针对性教育策略

2.Analysis of the Phenomena of the "Hot Battle" of the National University Entrance Examinations and the Guidance of the Correct View of Talent-cultivation;高考“热战”现象的分析与正确成才观的引导

3.Education of being a Useful Person for Freshmen after Their Enrollments;新生入学阶段实施成才观念教育的探析

4.Transformation and accomplishment of undergraduates notion of the talent in era of knowledge-based economy;试论知识经济时代大学生成才观的转变及实现

5.Deng Xiaoping s Thoughts on Talent and the Way to Be Talented for Modern Youth;邓小平的人才观与当代青年的成才之路

6.Swimming genius Thorpe helps grow Australian tourism游泳奇才索普助澳洲观光业成长

7.A New Look at College Students Education Under the Scientific View on Development;科学发展观视野下的大学生成人成才教育新论

8.Socialist Concept of "Honor and Shame"--the Spiritual Motivity of College Students Growth;社会主义荣辱观是大学生成长成才的精神动力

9.Constructing a New Space for the Growth ofModern Agricultural Talents from Scientific View of Talents;以科学人才观,营造现代农业人才成长新空间(简报)

10.Study on Achievement Motivation and SWB for the Advanced Personnel in Chongqing;重庆市高层次人才成就动机及主观幸福感研究

11.Discussion on Education of Socialist Concept of Honor and Disgrace and College Students Healthy Development;论社会主义荣辱观教育与大学生健康成才

ment on Knowledge Economy and Factors Concerning the Growth of Talented Scientists and Technicians;知识经济与科技人才成长的主客观因素分析

13.Newton"s first two laws hold only when observed in unaccelerated reference frames.牛顿第一、第二定律只有在非加速的参照系中作观察时才是成立的。

14.In a way, the world-view of the Party imposed itself most successfully on people incapable of understanding it.不妨说,党的世界观,灌输给那般压根儿没有能力理解这种世界观的人,做得才最成功。

15.It is only someone looking on from outside,只有外部的旁观者才能,

16.On training university students in scientific outlook;基于科学人才观的高校人才培养研究

17.Talent: the Lifeblood of One Nation--Yang Wanli s view on talent;人才:国家之命脉?——论杨万里的人才观

18.Upholding the Scientific View of Human Talents for Strengthening the University;树立科学人才观 推进人才强校建设


concept of being a useful person成才观念


1.Writing:an effective way for young editorssuccess;写作——青年科技编辑快速成才的一条有效途径

2.Mental Health and Success of College Students;沉舟侧畔千帆过,病树前头万木春——论大学生心理健康与成才


1.Centering on Moral education, strategically direct the students to a fulldevelopment;以德育为中心,从战略高度引导学生全面成才

2.The Development of the "Noble" Groups in University Students;大学生“贵族”群体的成才

3.A Study on Developmental Stage Characteristics and Contributory Factors of Talented Basketball Referees in China;我国优秀篮球裁判员成才的阶段特征及其促进因素

5)useful person成才

1.Intelligence and non-intelligence equations are the important factors for a student to become auseful person.智力因素和非智力因素是一个人成才的两个主要方面。

2.To university students, learning to study is a objective need of social development as well as an indispensible way to becomeuseful persons.特别是对当代大学生来说 ,学会学习既是社会发展的客观要求 ,也是大学生成才的必经之途。


ponents of college studentsgrowth and development;大学生成才与发展要素分析

2.Ideal social psychological environment as the important guarantee of juvenile athletesgrowth;社会心理环境与少年运动员成才

3.People s study andgrowth are infmenced by both intelligent and non-intelligent factors,of which the latter has a decided effect.人的学习和成才的过程,受智力因素和非智力因素的共同制约,其中非智力因素起决定性作用。



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