
隐含碳和embodied carbon:英语短句和例句大全

时间:2024-03-26 16:57:33


隐含碳(embodied carbon)是指产品或建筑在生产、运输、安装和废弃等环节产生的温室气体排放量。在当前全球关注碳排放的背景下,隐含碳成为了一个重要的议题。本篇文章收集了关于隐含碳的英语短句和例句,旨在帮助读者更好地理解隐含碳的概念、影响和应对措施。这些短句和例句涵盖了各个领域的实例,包括建筑、工业生产、交通运输等,旨在为读者提供全面的参考资料,帮助他们更好地理解和运用隐含碳的概念。

隐含碳,embodied carbon

1)embodied carbon隐含碳

1.The conservative one applies carbon intensity coefficient of China to estimateembodied carbon of imports.采用投入产出法,估算了1997-中国进出口贸易中的隐含碳。

2.What’s more, via the input-output model, this article makes a research on Chinaembodied carbon emission in trade, through which we can redefine the responsibility for green house gas and reduce the obligation and press China faces.最后,本文通过投入产出分析,研究了我国各部门在国际贸易中的隐含碳排放问题,希望借此能重新界定温室气体排放的责任,减少我国减排义务和压力。


1.Analysis on Embodied CO_2 Emissions Including Industrial Process Emissions包含工业生产过程碳排放的产业部门隐含碳研究

2.Study on Estimates of Embodied Carbon in Import and Export of China and Structural Analysis of the Factors中国进出口贸易隐含碳的计算与影响因素结构分析研究

3.Consisting of, containing, relating to, or yielding carbon.碳的由碳构成的,含碳的,与碳有关的或产生碳的

4.Translator:The Soulmate of the Implied Author译者——与隐含作者心灵契合的隐含读者

5.a steel that contains 0.9% carbon (the eutectic point in the iron-carbon system); a carbon steel with 0.9% carbon is pure pearlite.含%碳的钢(铁碳混合物的低共熔点),含%碳的碳钢是纯珠光体。

6.Of course I know. according to the amount of the carbon content, carbon steels can be divided into low-carbon steel, medium-carbon steel and high--carbon steel.根据碳元素的含量,碳素钢可再分为低碳钢、中碳钢和高碳钢。

7.identifying implicit two time scale problem识别隐含双时标问题

隐含碳和embodied carbon:英语短句和例句大全

8.winkling out hidden meanings,挖掘其隐晦的含义,

9.an implied conclusion or judgment.一个隐含的结论或判断.

10.The word "portly" connotes dignity.‘Portly’一字隐含【威严 】之意。

11.On the Implicitness or Explicitness of Implicture in Translation;隐含意义在翻译中的“隐”与“现”

12.Carbohydrate is found in sugar,碳水化合物富含于糖

13.any compound that does not contain carbon.任何不含碳的化合物。

14.Wood charcoal contains up to 98% carbon.木炭含有相当于98%的碳。

15.Pig iron may contain 4% of carbon.生铁约含有4%的碳。

16.This steel contains C, Ni and Cr.这种钢含有碳、镍和铬。

17.determination of carbon residue-conradson method残碳含量测量方法-康氏残碳

18."carborane:any of a class of stable compounds containing carbon, hydrogen, and boron."碳硼烷:一种含碳、氢和硼的稳定化合物.



1.In this paper,the author analyzes the types and cohesive functions ofimplication,and points out that it is one of the implicit cohesive devices.本文研究隐含的类型及其实现的意义,探讨隐含的衔接作用,从而说明隐含是隐性衔接的一种手段。

2.This paper, from the perspective of the structual and semantic categories, discusses the usage of theimplication isolated structure of titles.本文专门探讨篇名中的隐含型孤立结构,主要从结构类型和语义类型两个方面分析这种结构在篇名中的使用情况。

3.There isimplication in the pure scientific text, which is expressed by the means of grammar, vocabulary, semantics, context and pragmatics.在纯科学篇章中也存在隐含意义 ,具有语法、词汇、语义、语言上下文和语用表达手段。


1.The Relevance-based Analysis of Implicatures;以关联理论为基础分析隐含

2.Metaphor is a kind of weakimplicature,and the subjectivity of the translator is apt to be realized in translating metaphor.隐含可以表达出不同强度的多层意义,使文本呈现出诗学效果。

3.The theory of conversationalimplicature was first proposed by Grice in the William James lecture delivered at Harvard.会话隐含理论最早是由格赖斯于1967年在哈佛大学的讲座中提出的,其基础是合作原则。


1.On the basis of analyzing the definition ofconnotation from different perspectives,it points out that theconnotation of a word or a language unit is more related to its context than its referent.本文主要破解了隐含意义的确立与语境密不可分的关系。


1.on the basis of distinguishing ellipsis andconcealment,this thesis discusses the substantival-predicated sentence type which is regarded as "omitting the predicative verb"by some scholars.在区分省略和隐含的基础上 ,本文讨论了有些学者提出的“省略述语动词”的体词谓语句 ,证明这类体词谓语句中有相当一部分实际上属于隐含范畴 ,并结合认知对这种隐含的语义基础进行了具体分析 ,试图更深入地认识体词谓语

2.In the semantic research field,whether“Empty category”isconcealment or ellipsis attracts peoples great attentions.在语义研究中,“空语类”是隐含,还是省略,这一课题的研究引起了人们极大的关注。


1.So the ore belongs catacla-stic, refractory,carbon-containing.05mm,含碳是钼的10余倍,而且云母类易浮矿物很高,这些都将对钼的浮选回收造成严重的影响,该矿石属极难选含碳多金属破碎带钼矿石。



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