
营养效应与例句:nutritional effect英语短句大全

时间:2024-03-26 13:38:55


营养效应与例句:nutritional effect英语短句大全


营养效应,nutritional effect

1)nutritional effect营养效应

1.Nutritional effect of mixed broadleaved and coniferous forest on inhibiting Dendrolimus population growth;针阔混交林抑制松毛虫种群增长的营养效应

2.Nutritional Effect of Selenium on Tartary Buckwheat;硒对苦荞营养效应的研究

3.The Effect of Selenium and Zinc Interaction on Nutritional Effect of Tea Plant under Hydroponics;水培条件下硒锌交互的茶树营养效应研究


1.Effect of Fertilizer Combination on Yield and Quality of Taro;不同养分组合对芋头的营养效应研究

2.Studies on the Nutritional Effects of Microbe E Protein for the Piglet;微生物E蛋白对仔猪营养效应的研究

3.Nutritional Effects of Lactose in Artificial Rearing Neonate Piglets;人工饲养新生期仔猪的乳糖营养效应研究

4.Study on Nutritional Effect of Organic-N on Lettuce and Dissolved Oxygen Techniques in Hydroponics;水培生菜有机态氮的营养效应及营养液溶氧管理技术研究

5.The Effect of Selenium and Zinc Interaction on Nutritional Effect of Tea Plant under Hydroponics;水培条件下硒锌交互的茶树营养效应研究

6.Characteristic of Magnesium Nutrition and Interactive Effects of Magnesium and Potassium in Rice;水稻镁营养特性及镁钾营养互作效应研究

7.Effect of SPNE on nutritional ingredient and epigenetic inheritance of different variety rice特效植物营养素对水稻不同品种营养成分和表观遗传效应的影响

8.Advances in nutrient retention of dams on river水库对河流营养盐滞留效应研究进展

9.The Research Development of Silicon Nutrition and Fertilizer Application in Rice水稻硅营养与硅肥应用效果研究进展

10.Preliminary report on yield-increasing effect of applying SPNE on super-rice特效植物营养素对超级稻增产效应研究初报

11.Effects of Bordeaux Nutritional Protective Powder on Growth of Fuji Apple Tress and Quality of Fruits;波尔多液营养保护剂在果树上的应用效应研究

12.Effects of postoperative immue-enhancing enteral nutrients and probiotics on metabolic and immunologic status in patients undergoing radical gastrectomy surgery: a random-ized, controlled trial应用肠内免疫营养与生态营养对胃癌术后患者营养支持疗效的前瞻、随机、对照临床研究

13.Environmental Impacts of Decaying Water Hyacinth in Eutrophic Water凤眼莲在富营养化水体中衰亡的环境效应

14.Studies on Genetic Effects of Important Nutrient Quality Characters in Chinese Cabbage大白菜主要营养品质性状的遗传效应研究

15.Eutrophication Status and Its Ecological Effects in the Changjiang Estuary and Adjacent Coastal Waters;长江口及邻近海域富营养化状况及其生态效应

16.Study on Effects of Fertigation and Distribution Patterns of Carbon and Nitrogen Nutrition in Sweet Pepper (Capsicum annul. L);甜椒碳氮营养分配模式与滴灌施肥效应的研究

17.Study on the Environmental Effect of Submerged Macrophytes on Eutrophic Water;沉水植物在富营养化水体中的环境效应研究

18.Development and Hypoglycemic Effect of Compound Acidophilous Milk for Diabetic;糖尿病复合营养酸奶降糖效应的实验研究


nutritional effects营养效应

1.Studies on the biological andnutritional effects of various host leaves on the bollworm不同寄主植物叶片对棉铃虫的生物学和营养效应比较

2.This study was intended to investigate thenutritional effects of different soybean products.将20头3周龄断奶的DLY仔猪随机分成4组,断奶后第1周分别饲喂以膨化全脂大豆、膨化豆粕、膨化去皮豆粕和大豆浓缩蛋白为主要蛋白源的全价日粮,第2周开始,所有仔猪均饲喂同一日粮10d,以考察不同大豆蛋白饲料的营养效应。

3)Nutrient effect营养效应

4)nutritional efficiency营养效应

1.Impacts of the rising CO-2 concentration atmosphere on growth, development, reproduction andnutritional efficiency of the cotton bollworm Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) reared on spring wheat in the cotton region of Northern China were studied through laboratory experiment with collected milky grains (as diets) from spring wheat grown in 370 μL/L CO-2 treatment (factually 382.通过室内饲养实验研究了在高CO2 浓度 ( 738 8± 2 5 7μL L)中生长的小麦对棉铃虫Helicoverpaarmigera (H櫣bner)生长发育 ,繁殖以及营养效应的影响。

5)Myotrophic effect肌肉营养效应

6)nutritional and physiological response营养生理效应


植物营养最大效应期植物营养最大效应期maximum efficiency stage of plant nutrition植物营养最大效应期(maximum effieieneystage of plant nutrition)作物播要养分最多,且施肥能获得最大效应的时期.营养最大效应期往往在生长最旺盛时期,这时作物吸收养分的绝对t和相对t都最多,如能及时满足作物对养分的需要,增产效果非常显著。水稻氮肥的最大效应期在幼称形成期,玉米在抽雄初期,冬小麦在拔节至抽称期,大豆、油菜在开花期,棉花在盛花始铃期.棉花不同时期施用氮肥的试验结果表明,以花期追施氮肥效果最佳(见表)。各种营养元素的最大效应期不完全相同。例如甘,在生长初期氮素营养效果较好,而在块根膨大时,则碑、钾的营养效果较好.稀花不同时期追施获肥的增产效果┌──────┬────────┬────┐│处理│籽楠产t │经济产t ││├────┬───┤系效│││峪/卜mZ │% ││├──────┼────┼───┼────┤│苗肥│2799.75 │134。5│0.306││,肥│2843.25 │136。5│0.277││花肥│2969.25 │142。6│0.329││铃肥│2679.00 │128。6│0.345││对照(不追肥)│2082.75 │100。0│0 .392 │└──────┴────┴───┴────┘注:引自《中国棉花栽培学》.每公顷均追旅硫按300千克生产上应掌握不同作物营养最大效应期这一关健时期,结合土壤的供肥能力及其他外界环境条件.进行合理施肥,可获得最高的增产效果和经济效益. (那鹅程)

  1. 一池碎萍2024-04-05 13:43一池碎萍[江苏省网友]
  2. 罗文雷2024-03-31 13:41罗文雷[贵州省网友]
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