
新资源+new+resources 英语短句+例句大全

时间:2024-03-25 12:00:50


新资源+new+resources 英语短句+例句大全

本短句大全收录了关于“新资源”以及“new resources”这一话题的英语短句和例句。无论是在日常交流中还是在学习英语的过程中,这些短句和例句可以帮助您更好地理解和运用“新资源”的概念。从商业领域到科技发展,从环境保护到能源利用,这些例句涵盖了多个方面,让您能够在不同情境下灵活运用相关表达。无论您是英语学习者还是专业人士,都能从中获得丰富的启发和帮助。希望本短句大全能够成为您学习和运用“新资源”相关英语表达的有力工具,让您在沟通中表达更加准确、自如。

新资源,new resources

1)new resources新资源

1.The results show that 1 species is a new species and 7 species are first recorded in Guiyang,7 species are new medicinal resources in Guizhou and 14 species arenew resources in Guiyang,7 species are not found in Guiyang,2 species are not found in Guizhou,17 species belong to different Latin na.通过野外调查、标本采集及分类学研究,对《贵州中药资源》收载的贵阳市菊科药用植物的种类、拉丁学名、地理分布进行考订,结果发现:贵阳市分布新记录1种,产地县分布首次记载7种,贵州省药用新资源7种,贵阳市药用新资源14种,《贵州中药资源》记载的有7种贵阳市未见分布,2种贵州不产,17种为拉丁异名。

2.The distribution laws,new resources and exploitation prospects of some important species are introduced in this paper.发现四川省分布新记录种5种,并择其重要种类介绍了羌药的分布规律、新资源及其开发研究前景。

3.At t he same time, the tourist bureau must abopt new ideas and measures, which are up holding five combinations, tappingnew resources, establishing brand, forming ex tra advantages, fostering qualified personnel as well as increasing compentence.要加快渝西旅游业发展 ,必须运用新思路 ,采用新举措 ,要找准市场 ,突出特色 ;坚持 5个结合 ,挖掘新资源 ,寻求新突破 ;创立新品牌 ,形成新优势 ;加强旅游人才队伍建设 ,增强和提升渝西旅游业的竞争


1.The Traditional Concept on Resources and the Construction of the New Concept on Resources;传统资源观的反思与新资源观的构建

2.On New Resource View and Resource Industry Exploitation in the Ideality of Sustainable Development;可持续理念下新资源观与资源产业开发

3.revalued resource base重新估价的资源基数

4.revaluated resource base从新估价的资源基数

5.redeploy the company"s resources.重新调配公司的资源

6.redeployment of unused resources重新部署未利用的资源

7.Study of Xinjiang Land Resources Based on XinjiangResource and Environment Database;从新疆资源环境数据库看新疆土地资源

8.Human Talents Resource as the First Resource: A New Trend in the Evolution of the Theory of Capital;人才资源是第一资源:资本理论演变的新趋势

9.HR s New ROI:Return on Intangibles Dave Ulrich and Norm Smallwood;人力资源新投资回报点——无形资产的投资回报

10.The water resources for the new agriculture will be much more critical than those for energy.新农业的水资源将比能源更加危急。

11.Researching in the Tourist Resources Development Mode in The Peach Blossom Valley Newly;湖南省桃花源旅游资源开发模式新探

12.Resources and development of new energy in China中国新能源资源基础及发展前景展望

13."Update pool for all open projects using the same pool.""更新所有使用同一个资源库打开项目的资源库。"

14.New Development of Research on Human Resource Management --Research on Intellectual Resource Management;人力资源管理研究的新发展——智力资源管理研究

15.Evaluation on Xinjiang Agricultural Resources based on Resources Richness Rate Index;基于资源丰度指数对新疆农业资源的初步评价

16.New Research Field: Recycling Resources and Economy of Recycling Resources;新的研究领域:排泄资源与排泄资源经济

17.Strategic human resources management (HRM): the new trend of HRM in knowledge economy;战略性人力资源管理:人力资源管理的新趋势

18.The Latest Development of Learning Resource Standards and a Perspective of Learning Resource学习资源标准的新发展与学习资源的发展趋势


New resource新资源

1.Of the above,59 species,3 varitas and 2 forms are new resources of the Guizhou medicinal Pteridophytes and 1 species is medicinal Pteridophytes peculiar to Guizhou.结果发现贵州现有蕨类药用植物352种11变种3变型,其中59种3变种2变型为贵州蕨类药用植物新资源,1种为贵州蕨类特有药用植物,23种分布区域狭窄、种群数量稀少,《贵州中药资源》中记载的11种蕨类药用植物为误载,贵州不产。

2.The spirit of the 16th conference of CPC gives us new task,new resource and new driving force.十六大精神给高校“两课”教学提出了新任务 ,提供了新资源和新动力 ,对增强“两课”教学的鲜活性、针对性、时效性 ,开创“两课”教学改革、发展的新局面有重要意义。

3)new type resource新型资源

4)innovation resources创新资源

1.Research on the Allocation of Innovation Resources in the Regional Innovation System;区域创新系统内创新资源配置研究

2.Research on the Allocation of Innovation Resources for Old Industrial Base in Northeast China;东北老工业基地创新资源配置研究

3.Study on Allocation of Regional Innovation Resources in Zhejiang Province;浙江省区域创新资源配置的研究

5)innovation resource创新资源

1.Scientificinnovation resources allocation under efficient institutional arrangement;有效制度安排下的科技创新资源配置研究

2.Based on this situation,it is put forward thatinnovation resources can be effectively coupled and the join force of innovation can be formed by reform of technological system.针对我国创新资源分散、整体创新能力不强的情况,指出了要通过科技体制改革,促进创新资源有效整合,形成创新合力。

3.Based on the definition ofinnovation resource, this paper analyzes theinnovation resource s composition and present situation, and its effect on technological innovation activities under open innovation pattern.开放式创新模式拓展了可利用创新资源的范围,提高了技术创新活动中资源利用的效率,同时也使企业管理各类创新资源的工作量和难度增大。

6)news resources新闻资源

1.The scheming of newsevents, which plays an important role in the exploration ofnews resources and in building the media s good image, is thenecessary outcome of the innovation of the journalism system.新闻事件策划是新闻体制改革的必然产物,它不仅对新闻资源的开发起着不可低估的作用,而且对塑造媒介形象具有十分重要的现实意义。

2.In order to make thenews resources sustainable,the development ofnews resources should follow the rules of advance step by step,moderation and comprehensive.滨海新区作为新闻资源的富矿地带,伴生着试验性、争议性、动态性、开放性、前沿性、国际性等传播特性,其新闻资源以经济科技、时政、涉外与新民生新闻等类型为主。

3.The gathering and editing personnels of the local newspapers can make a full display of the unique local advantages by selecting excellent and sufficientnews resources,giving prominence to local features and flavors and improving the journalist"s writing level.地方晚报采编人员可从"选料"——用好、用足地方新闻资源,"做菜"——突出地方特色、让乡土味扑鼻,"厨师"——提高记者采写水平等角度着手,发挥自身地域优势,做出色香味俱全的"地方菜"。



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