
就业问题 Employment problem英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-25 07:37:06


就业问题 Employment problem英语短句 例句大全

Employment problem has been a pressing issue in today"s society, and finding effective ways to address it is crucial. This collection of English short sentences and example sentences aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the various facets of this challenge. From discussing the impact of automation on job availability to exploring the role of education in enhancing employment prospects, these sentences offer valuable insights into the complexities of the employment landscape. Whether it"s examining the effects of global economic trends or analyzing the importance of government policies in promoting job creation, this compilation covers a wide range of topics related to employment. By delving into these concise and illustrative sentences, readers can gain a deeper understanding of the multifaceted nature of the employment problem and be better prepared to contribute to meaningful solutions.

就业问题,Employment problem

1)Employment problem就业问题

1.Analysis of the landless peasants employment problem in Hangzhou;杭州市失地农民就业问题分析

2.A Study On Employment Problem Of University Graduates In The Populerization Process Of High Education;高等教育大众化进程中高校毕业生就业问题研究

3.On the role undertaking of enterprise and government in employment problem;论我国就业问题中企业与政府的角色承担


1.The Employment Problem of the Disabled and Thinking on the Policy of Employment Security;残疾人就业问题与就业保障政策思考

2.Studies on the Employment Policy and the Undergraduates Employment in China;论我国的就业政策与大学生就业问题

3.Probing into Employment and Reemploymen of the Vulnerable Groups of Employment;弱势就业群体的就业与再就业问题探讨

4.So we argued about competition and we argued about jobs.这样,我们就竞争问题,及就业问题进行了讨论。


6.The employment of college graduates and research of employment education in the new situation;新形势下高校毕业生就业问题与就业教育初探

7.The Encyclopaedia of Career Change and Work Issues职业变化和就业问题百科全书

8.Analysis on Employment during the Time of Economic Transformation for Mineral Cities;矿业城市经济转型时期就业问题分析

9.Enrollment and Obtain Employment Problems, Measures of the Secondary Vocational Schools;论中等职业学校招生就业问题及对策

10.Analysis on Employment at the Beginning of Economic Transformation for Mineral Cities;矿业城市经济转型初期就业问题分析

11.Study on the Problem of the Secondary Vocational School Students Employment in Tibet;西藏中等职业学校学生就业问题研究

12.An Analysis on the Factors Causing Graduate Unemployment;我国高校毕业生就业问题的成因研究

13.A Study of the Issue of Employment in the Process of Industrial Structure Adjustment in Yulin;榆林产业结构调整中的就业问题研究

14.Problems of Employment in Good Faith within Higher Vocational College Graduate and Countermeasures;高职院校毕业生诚信就业问题及对策

15.Analysis of and Countermeasures for Employment of Local College Graduates;地方高校毕业生就业问题与对策研究

16.Study on the Problems and Countermeasures of Employment of Forestry Talents in New Period;新时期林业人才就业问题及对策探究

17.A Ponder on Graduates Occupation-Optional Legal Education;毕业生择业就业法律教育问题的探讨

18.If you don" t make a profit you go out of business : that" s the bottom line.不盈利, 就停业: 根本问题就在这里.



1.OnEmployment Problem of Graduates Majored in Mould Design and Manufacture of Two-year System in Higher Vocational Colleges;高职两年制模具专业毕业生就业问题的思考

2.Employment in China from the Aspect of the Size of Population;从人口规模看我国的就业问题

3.The Measures of Government Unemployment Governance to Female Graduates;浅议政府治理女大学生就业问题的对策

3)employment issue就业问题

1.Empirical analysis of the industrial structure and theemployment issue in Shanxi Province;陕西产业结构与就业问题的实证分析

2.The research object of this paper is "theemployment issue of undergraduates",the paper has interviewed the student about their employment cognition situation and the graduation expected value.以"大学生就业问题"为研究对象,通过调查学生对就业的认知情况及毕业的期望值,并收集大量关于大学生就业的相关信息,最终从企业和学生的期望值角度出发,多层次深入分析二者的期望值之间存在的差异,找出大学生就业的问题所在,并提出解决问题的建议。

3.At present and for a long time, China semployment issue is catching people s eyes.当前及今后一个较长时期内,我国的就业问题十分突出。

4)employment problems就业问题

1.On Employment Problems and Countermeasures of Jianghan Oilfield江汉油田就业问题及应对措施浅析

2.As the higher education popularity and the change of social labor employment system, the adult education students also faceemployment problems.随着高等教育大众化和社会劳动就业制度的变化,成人教育学生同样面临就业难的问题,有必要在成人高等教育学生中实施创业教育来解决就业问题。

3.To deal with theemployment problems,we should first research the variables to promote economical development and employment increasing,find out the relative factors that are related with economical development and employment increasing,so as to construct the employment increasing model and find the ways to increase employment.解决好就业问题,首先必须认真分析促进经济增长和就业增长的变量,找出对经济增长和就业增长有着正相关关系的若干因素,进而构建就业增长模型,得出就业增长路径。

5)problem of employment就业问题

1.New theory on employability andproblem of employment of the students in higher vocational colleges under the financial crisis金融危机下高职生就业能力及就业问题新论

6)reemployment problem再就业问题


《抗日时期的经济问题和财政问题》毛泽东论述经济和财政的关系,以及发展陕甘宁边区经济建设的著作。1942年12月,毛泽东以《经济问题与财政问题》为题,在陕甘宁边区高级干部会议上作了一个长篇报告。本文是报告中的第一个问题,原题是《关于过去工作的基本总结》,在编入人民出版社1953年出版的《毛泽东选集》第三卷时改为今题。当时陕甘宁边区和敌后各抗日根据地在财政上遇到极大困难。由于日本侵略军的野蛮进攻和国民党的包围封锁,军队、机关干部和学校人员,缺少最必需的生活用品。毛泽东为了给解决财政困难指明前途,作了这篇报告。本文论述了十个问题。文中着重阐明了经济和财政的关系;发展陕甘宁边区经济应遵循的原则和应发展的各项生产事业。发展经济,才能解决财政困难 毛泽东指出,为了解决当时的财政困难,有些同志企图缩小必不可少的开支。他们不理解发展经济、保障供给,是我们的经济工作和财政工作的总方针。有许多同志片面地看重了财政,不懂得整个经济工作的重要性。财政工作固然很重要,但决定财政的却是经济。为了发展经济,在陕甘宁边区建立和发展了公营经济。边区政府办了许多自给工业;军队进行了大规模的生产运动;发展了以自给为目标的农业和工业;几万机关和学校人员,发展了同样的自给性经济。敌后各抗日根据地也都开展了大生产运动。帮助群众发展经济 毛泽东指出,人民群众为了抗日和建国的需要,多负担一些经费是应该的,也得到了人民的谅解。但必须使人民的经济有所增长,使人民的生产有所发展,也就是对人民的农业、畜牧业、手工业、盐业和商业,要采取帮助其发展的适当步骤和办法,帮助人民发展经济,在发展生产的基础上,增加人民的收入,使人民所得大于所失。在公私关系上,毛泽东认为,应是"公私兼顾"或"军民兼顾"。向人民征收抗日经费,既不能不顾战争的需要,片面强调政府应施"仁政";又不能不顾人民的困难,竭泽而渔。精兵简政 在陕甘宁边区的高级干部会议后,陕甘宁边区和各抗日根据地都实行了"精兵简政"。按照"精兵简政"工作的要求必须达到精简、统一、效能、节约和反对官僚主义五项目的。精简,就是减去不必要的机构和人员;统一,就是建立统一的、指挥如意的、使政策和制度能够贯彻到底的工作系统;效能,就是提高工作效率;节约,就是节省一切不必要的支出。在经济和财政工作中,还要求克服官僚主义,反对贪污现象。在本文所阐述的理论指导下,陕甘宁边区和各抗日根据地的生产事业得到了发展,克服了当时在财政经济上遇到的严重困难,提高了军队、机关、团体、学校人员和广大群众的物质生活条件,从物质上保证了抗日战争的胜利。

  1. 四 失心2024-04-04 07:37四 失心[江西省网友]
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