
杉木条 fir strips英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-22 21:42:56


杉木条 fir strips英语短句 例句大全

杉木条和fir strips是木工和建筑材料中常用的原材料,它们具有坚固耐用、美观实用的特点,被广泛应用于家具制作、地板铺装、墙壁装饰等领域。英语短句和例句中,它们常常用来描述木材的质地、特性和应用场景。本文收集一系列关于杉木条和fir strips的英语短句和例句,帮助读者更好地了解和运用这些材料。无论是学习英语还是对木材有兴趣的人都能从中受益,同时也为相关行业的从业者提供了重要的参考资料。

杉木条,fir strips

1)fir strips杉木条

2)China-Fir slab strand杉木木条

3)Chinese fir pole-timber杉木原条

1.According to the International Regulation GB8415-84 and GB8416-84,on-the-spot bucking was conducted and appropriate mathematical model was selected to es-tablish the table(rate)of economic volume of individual tree of dimension and non-dimensionlumber ofChinese fir pole-timber.选用v=a·Db·Hc及V=a+b·D+c·H模型,编制了杉木原条规格材及小条木(非规格材)单株立木出材量(率)表。

4)China fir strip杉木木束条

5)C. lanceolata coppice shoot杉木萌芽条

1.The experiment indicates that to plant Pinus massoniana on Ⅲ- type sites of blanks of fellingCunninghamia lanceolata the measure of reserving 1200-1500 C.实验表明:在Ⅲ类立地的杉木迹地上营造马尾松,每公顷保留1200-1500株的杉木萌芽条,能起到促进马尾松幼林生长的作用;至7-8年间伐时每公顷可获纯利3800元。

6)Chinese Fir杉木

1.Variation Patterns of Microfibril Angle forChinese Fir Wood;杉木木材微纤丝角变异规律的研究

2.Research on and Suggestions for Processing and Utilization ofChinese Fir;杉木加工利用研究进展及建议

3.Intratree Variability of Wood Density and Main Wood Mechanical Properties inChinese Fir and Poplar Plantation;人工林杉木和杨树木材物理力学性质的株内变异研究(英文)


1.cedar wood雪松属木料,杉木

2.Fir or pine wood.冷杉木材或松木木材

3.a deal table, floor, etc杉木桌、 地板等.

4.The most common construction woods are Douglas fir, hemlock, spruce, pine, and some cedar.最常用的木料是道格拉斯冷杉,铁杉,云杉,松木以及其他一些杉木。

5.The box is made out of cedar wood.这盒子是用杉木做的。

6.nonresinous wood of a fir tree.不含树脂的冷杉木料。

parison on litterfall character of Phoebe bournei and Cunninghamia lanceolata plantation in the field of successive planting Cunninghamia lanceolata杉木连栽地上闽楠与杉木林分凋落物特征比较

8.Study on Liquefaction of Chinese Fir Wood Meals and Chinese Fir Wood Meals/SiO_2 Hybrid Ceramic Material;杉木粉液化与杉木粉/SiO_2杂化陶瓷材料的研究

9.The wood of such trees, used as a source of lumber, wood pulp, and tannic acid.铁杉,铁杉木这些树的木料,用作木材、木浆及丹宁酸的原料

10.A fir or pine board cut to standard dimensions.松木板或冷杉木板按标准尺度切成的冷杉木板或松木板

11.Seed zones of Chinese forest trees--Seed zones of Cunning hamia lanceolata (Lamb.) Hook.GB/T8822.2-1988中国林木种子区杉木种子区

12.Such boards or planks considered as a group.冷杉木板或松木板的总称

13.Carbon Sequestration and Balance in Pure Plantations of Cunninghamia Lanceolata and Schima Superba;杉木、木荷人工林碳吸存与碳平衡研究

14.Study on Separation of Cedrol from Chinese Fir Oil with Freezing Method冻析法从杉木油中分离柏木醇的研究

15.Economic Profits Evaluation of Continuous Cunninghamia lanceolata Soils Replanted by the Taiwania flousiana Plantations;杉木连栽迹地改植秃杉的经济效益分析

16.Study of Karyotype of Cunninghamia Lanceolata.Var.Duganshan and 5SrRNA Gene of Cunninghamia Lanceolata独干杉染色体核型及杉木5SrRNA基因的研究

17.Outdoor bench made of metal, teak, mahogany, redwood.金属、柚木、桃花心木、红杉木制成的户外长凳。

18.The Research on Bamboo-wood Composite Board with Fir-bundle Curtains Used as Core Materials by Saving Resources Mode;资源节约型杉木木束帘芯层竹木复合板的研制


China-Fir slab strand杉木木条

3)Chinese fir pole-timber杉木原条

1.According to the International Regulation GB8415-84 and GB8416-84,on-the-spot bucking was conducted and appropriate mathematical model was selected to es-tablish the table(rate)of economic volume of individual tree of dimension and non-dimensionlumber ofChinese fir pole-timber.选用v=a·Db·Hc及V=a+b·D+c·H模型,编制了杉木原条规格材及小条木(非规格材)单株立木出材量(率)表。

4)China fir strip杉木木束条

5)C. lanceolata coppice shoot杉木萌芽条

1.The experiment indicates that to plant Pinus massoniana on Ⅲ- type sites of blanks of fellingCunninghamia lanceolata the measure of reserving 1200-1500 C.实验表明:在Ⅲ类立地的杉木迹地上营造马尾松,每公顷保留1200-1500株的杉木萌芽条,能起到促进马尾松幼林生长的作用;至7-8年间伐时每公顷可获纯利3800元。

6)Chinese Fir杉木

1.Variation Patterns of Microfibril Angle forChinese Fir Wood;杉木木材微纤丝角变异规律的研究

2.Research on and Suggestions for Processing and Utilization ofChinese Fir;杉木加工利用研究进展及建议

3.Intratree Variability of Wood Density and Main Wood Mechanical Properties inChinese Fir and Poplar Plantation;人工林杉木和杨树木材物理力学性质的株内变异研究(英文)


木喜条达木喜条达 木喜条达 生理学名词。系借用五行学说阐述树木生长的特性,来比喻肝胆的生理特点。肝胆主疏泄升发,疏泄则能助脾胃消化吸收;升发则能使气机舒畅。故肝木喜畅达而不宜抑郁,肝郁则产生胁下痛、嗳气不舒等症。

  1. 彼岸一菩提2024-03-29 13:43彼岸一菩提[贵州省网友]
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