
黄河上中游 upper and middle Yellow River Basin英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-22 19:08:15


黄河上中游 upper and middle Yellow River Basin英语短句 例句大全

The Upper and Middle Yellow River Basin, located in China, is a region of great historical, cultural, and environmental significance. The Yellow River, often referred to as the "mother river" of China, flows through this region and holds immense importance for the Chinese people. The basin is home to diverse landscapes, including the Loess Plateau, mountains, and fertile plains, providing a habitat for a wide range of flora and fauna. The region is also known for its rich agricultural activities, with terraced fields and traditional farming practices. This collection of English short sentences and example sentences provides a comprehensive overview of the region, covering its geography, cultural heritage, environmental challenges, and the resilience of its people. This resource aims to offer insights into the unique characteristics of the Upper and Middle Yellow River Basin and the significance it holds for both China and the world.

黄河上中游,upper and middle Yellow River Basin

1)upper and middle Yellow River Basin黄河上中游

1.Using the energy balancing method to set up the energy and water balance monitoring System(EWBMS) for the real time monitoring in theupper and middle Yellow River Basin,and comparing the calculated values such as actual evapotranspiration,temperature,net radiation,sensible heat flux with the observed data,and hereby to improve the accuracy and reliability of the EWBMS output.利用能量平衡方法建立能量与水平衡系统(EWBMS)对黄河上中游地区进行实时监测,并将其监测要素实际蒸散发、温度、净辐射、显热通量等与观测值比较,从而进一步说明EWBMS的准确性和可靠性。


1.The Harnessment Step of Soil and Water Conservation in Middle and Upper Yellow River Should Be Quicked黄河上中游地区必须加快水土保持治理步伐

2.Management Mode Research of Water & Soil Conservation Engineering on Upper-middle-reach Wide of the Yellow River;黄河上中游地区水保工程管理模式研究

3.Growing grass and trees on the upper-middle reaches of the Yangtze and Yellow rivers to improve the local ecological environment.在长江、黄河上中游大规模种草种树,努力改善生态环境。

4.The Qiang originally lived along the middle and upper reaches of the Yellow River.羌人,最初活动于黄河中上游地区。

5.The Qiangzu people is a strong and powerful one living along the middle and upper reaches of the Yello River.羌族是活动于黄河中、上游的一个强大民族。

6.Deforestation on the upper-middle reaches of the two rivers will be stopped completely.全面停止长江、黄河流域上中游天然林采伐。

7.Variation of Runoff and Sediment Delivery in the Upper and Middle Yellow River in Recent 70 Years近70年来黄河中上游径流与输沙量变化

8.Preliminary Analysis of the Influence of Climate Changes in Current Decade on Water and Sediment in the Upper and Middle Yellow River近十年气候变化对黄河中上游水沙影响分析

9.Neogene Sediments and Paleoenvironmental Evolution of the Middle Reaches of the Yellow River;黄河中游上第三系沉积地层及其古环境演化

10.The Sense and Features of the Drawings of Aquatic Animals on the Color Pottery in the Upper and Middle Reaches of the Yellow River;黄河中上游彩陶水族纹的构形特征和构形意识

11.Fragile Ecological Area"s Environmental Protection and Development in upper and Middle Yellow River in Gansu甘肃黄河中上游生态环境脆弱区的保护和开发

12.Land cover changes in the middle and upper reaches of Yellow River黄河中上游部分地区土地覆盖动态变化研究

13.Inestigation & Research on Hydrobios Resources in the Middle and Upper Reaches of Main Yellow River黄河干流中上游水生生物资源调查研究


15.Variation Analysis on Precipitation and Temperature in Upper Reach of Yellow River Basin from 1956 to 黄河中上游地区半个世纪降水与温度变化分析

16.We should intensify our efforts to protect the natural forests along the upper reaches of the Yangtze River and the upper and middle reaches of the Yellow River加大长江上游、黄河中上游天然林保护工程的实施力度。

17....in some gold-mining town called El Dorado in the middle of the Amazon....是在亚马逊河中游的一个 叫做黄金国的开采黄金的镇子上拍的.

18.Reduction of sediment load by water and soil conservation works in middle and upper reaches of the Yellow River黄河中上游水利、水土保持措施对减少入黄泥沙的作用


the upper and middle Yellow River黄河中上游

3)in middle-up stream of yellow river drainage basin(MUAYRR)黄河中上游地区

4)Drou6rpht-flood in upper-middle reaches of Yellow River黄河中上游旱涝

5)Upper Yellow River黄河上游

1.Effects ofUpper Yellow River Pollution on Antioxidant Enzymes Activities and Malondialdehyde Content of Bufo raddei;黄河上游环境污染对花背蟾蜍抗氧化酶活性及丙二醛含量的影响

2.Reconstruction of recent 522-year runoff series onUpper Yellow River and analysis on its variation trend;黄河上游近5径流量序列重建及其变化趋势分析

3.Climate variation in upper Yellow River in 1990s and its influences on inflow of Longyangxia Reservoir;近期黄河上游气候变化对龙羊峡入库水量的影响

6)upper reaches of the Yellow River黄河上游

1.For the severe situation of eco-unbalance in theupper reaches of the Yellow River, the study of function for soil and water conservation in rehabilitated lands not only has the theoretical values, but has the urgent need for practice.面对黄河上游地区生态失衡的严重现实,作为植被恢复重建重要手段的退耕还林还草工程,其水保功能研究不仅具有理论价值,而且有十分迫切的实践需要。

2.Based on field geological investigations of avalanches,landslides and mudflows in theupper reaches of the Yellow River,the authors determined the main influence factors and index system of the hazard risk evaluation and made risk evaluation with the county(city or qi)as a unit.本文在对黄河上游地区崩塌、滑坡、泥石流进行野外地质调查和资料收集的基础上,确定了灾害风险评价的主要影响要素和指标体系,进行了以县(市、旗)为单元的风险评价。

3.They are located among high mountains and gorges inupper reaches of the Yellow River.黄河上游水流湍急,水量丰沛。


黄河中游水电规划黄河中游水电规划hydropower resources of Huanghe (Yellow) river systemHuong He shu一x一shu一neng zlyuon黄河水系水能资源[hydropower resourees ofHuanghe(Yellow)river system〕据1950年《中华人民共和国水力资源普查成果》统计,黄河水系水能资源理论蕴藏量为3552亿kw·h/a,其中技术可开发资源117。亿kw·h/a。黄河水系水能资涯t占中国比重仅为6%.水系内部干支流水能资源t的分布见表。黄河水系可能开发水能资派统计衰┌─────┬───┬────┬──┬──┬───┬──────┬─────────────┐│河流名称 │流城 │多年平均│河道│落差│利用 │ 理论魏藏t │可能开发资娜 ││ │面积 │流t │长度│(m) │水头 │(亿kw·h/a) ├──┬────┬─────┤│ │(kmZ) │ (m3/s)│(km)││(m)││电站│装机容t │ 年发电t ││ │ ││││ ││厘数│ (MW) │(亿kw·h) │├─────┼───┼────┼──┼──┼───┼──────┼──┼────┼─────┤│黄河全水系│ ││││ │3552│4 15│28003│1 170 │├─────┼───┼────┼──┼──┼───┼──────┼──┼────┼─────┤│其中:干流 │752443│1744.5 │5464│4830│3012 │2607.5 │43 │25136│1037 │├─────┼───┼────┼──┼──┼───┼──────┼──┼────┼─────┤│流河流城 │25527 │163 │673 │2631│ │126.8│l4 │594 │34。4 │├─────┼───┼────┼──┼──┼───┼──────┼──┼────┼─────┤│大通河流域│15130 │92。3│558 │2793│884│101.7│1l │541 │28.1 │├─────┼───┼────┼──┼──┼───┼──────┼──┼────┼─────┤│渭河流域 │134766│324 │818 │2905│80。7 │75.1│10 │93 │3。9 │├─────┼───┼────┼──┼──┼───┼──────┼──┼────┼─────┤│其他支流 │ ││││ │640.9│337 │1 639│66.6 │└─────┴───┴────┴──┴──┴───┴──────┴──┴────┴─────┘注:资料来源为1980年《中华人民共和国水力资琢普查成果》。黄河干流全长5464 km,流经青海、四川、甘肃、宁夏、内蒙古、陕西、山西、河南、山东等省(自治区),注人渤海。

  1. 或许丶我爱你2024-04-01 19:08或许丶我爱你[宁夏网友]
  2. __.80's2024-03-27 19:08__.80's[浙江省网友]
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