
耕地土壤生产力 Cultivated land soil productivity英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-22 16:44:00


耕地土壤生产力 Cultivated land soil productivity英语短句 例句大全

Cultivated land soil productivity is a crucial aspect of agricultural sustainability and food security. Understanding and enhancing the productivity of soil in cultivated lands is essential for ensuring the long-term viability of crop production. This collection of English short sentences and example sentences is designed to provide a comprehensive insight into the factors that influence cultivated land soil productivity and the methods used to improve it. By exploring a range of sentences, readers can gain an understanding of the importance of soil quality, the impact of agricultural practices, and the potential solutions for enhancing productivity. Whether it"s through the use of innovative technologies, sustainable farming practices, or soil management techniques, boosting cultivated land soil productivity is vital for meeting the demands of a growing global population and ensuring the health of our planet"s ecosystems.

耕地土壤生产力,Cultivated land soil productivity

1)Cultivated land soil productivity耕地土壤生产力


1.Research on Effect of Soil Erosion on Cultivated Land Soil Productivity土壤侵蚀对耕地土壤生产力的影响研究

2.Effects of Rice Seedlings Broadcasted among High Standing-stubbles under No-tillage Condition on Soil Microbes and Soil Enzyme Activities and Soil Fertilization and Yield;免耕高桩抛秧对土壤微生物、酶活性及土壤肥力和产量的影响

3.Characteristics of Soil Fertility and Evaluation of Land Capability in Plowland of Anhua County安化县耕地土壤肥力特征及耕地地力评价研究

4.Effect of different farming methods on soil microbial biomass and soil fertility耕作方式对土壤微生物和土壤肥力的影响

5.Status of Soil Fertility of Arable Land in Fu"an City and Improved Approaches福安市耕地土壤肥力状况及改良途径

6.The Study on Crop Productivity and Soil Environmental Effects under Different Non-Tillage Rotate System免耕下不同轮作系统的作物生产力及土壤环境效应

7.cultivable soil, land, etc可耕的土壤、 土地等.

8.Dynamics of Soil Microbial Biomass on the Abandoned Cropland in Loess Hilly Area黄土丘陵区退耕撂荒地土壤微生物量演变过程

9.Dynamics of Land Use and Changes of Sloping Field Productivity in Hilly and Gully Area of Loess Plateau in Xiji County, Ningxia;黄土丘陵区宁夏西吉县土地利用动态与坡耕地生产力变化

10.The Stratagem of Cultivated Land and Food Supplies Security:Storing Food in Land-Raising the Comprehensive Productivity of Land Resource of China;耕地与粮食安全战略:藏粮于土,提高中国土地资源的综合生产能力

11.Soil Nutrient Status and Cultivated Land Fertility Evaluation in Changtu County of Liaoning Province辽宁省昌图县土壤养分现状及耕地地力评价

12.Effect of Different Cultivation Methods on Maintenance Capacity of Water and Fertilizer,Surface Soil and Yield of Corn不同耕作方式对土壤耕作层水、肥保持能力及玉米产量的影响分析

13.Soil Fertility Comprehensive Evaluation of Cultivated Land Based on GIS at Town and Township Level;GIS支持下乡镇域耕地土壤肥力的综合评价

14.Study on the Relationship between Soil Microbes and Soil Fertility in Paddy Fields of Long-term No-tillage and Ridge Culture;自然免耕稻田的土壤微生物与肥力关系研究

15.The Study of Soil Properties and the Potential Productivity of Crop in Kerqin Sandy Land;科尔沁沙地土壤特性及作物生产潜力研究

16.Effect of Cultivation on Grassland Productivity and Soil Quality开垦种植对草地生产力及土壤影响的研究

17.Cropland Potential Productivity in the Typical Region of the Upper Reaches of the Yangtze River--Case from Pengzhou City, Sichuan Province;长江上游典型区耕地的土地生产潜力——以四川省彭州市为例

18.Study on the Marginal Productivity of Cultivated Land with Change of Soil Organic Matter in China;中国耕地有机质含量变化对土地生产力影响的定量研究


Farming soil fertility耕地土壤地力

3)Productivity of farmland耕地生产力

4)Cultivated land耕地土壤

1.Changing trend of organic matter and nutrient content in cultivated land of the Ningxia irrigation area of yellow river;宁夏引黄灌区耕地土壤有机质及养分质量分数变化趋势

2.It has been 20 years since the Second Soil Census,in order to know the dynamic change of soil phosphorus,the data of soil phosphorus in cultivated land in Ankang from 1995 to is analyzed and the result is compared with the Second Soil Census.第二次土壤普查迄今已,为了摸清土壤磷素的变化动态,对安康市1995~耕地土壤有效磷化验资料进行了统计分析,并与第二次土壤普查结果进行了比较研究,结果表明,土壤有效磷呈上升趋势,严重缺磷土壤减少,但中高山地区土壤缺磷依然严重。

5)Cultivated soil耕地土壤

1.Study on Cu content in cultivated soils and its influence factors in Guangxi;广西耕地土壤铜的含量及其影响因素

2.Geostatistical methods were used in combination of GIS to analyze the spatial distribution characteristics of total K and available P in cultivated soils in Xinhui district,Guangdong Province,over 20 years from 1982 to .结果表明,研究区域耕地土壤由于来的耕作施肥使得土壤全钾和有效磷含量显著增加,土壤全钾在研究区域的南部变化最明显,与该地区的土壤类型为咸田有很大关系;耕地土壤全钾和有效磷的空间分布都表现为中等空间相关性;土壤全钾和有效磷变程的变化与土壤养分在土壤中化学行为有关。

3.In this project, analytical data of 20 items from 367 of cultivated soil samples in Minhou county were selected, and principle component and gray relation analysis methods were used for revealing the relationship between soil properties and environmental factors.耕地土壤性质与气候、地形、母质等自然环境和人类活动存在错综复杂的内在联系 。

6)Cropland soil耕地土壤


耕地耕地cultivated landgengdI耕地 (cultivatedl lalia’)经人们开发用以种植农作物、蔬菜、花卉的土地。根据《土地利用现状调查技术规程》(全国农业区划委员会,1984年)中土地利用分类含义,耕地还包括新垦荒地、休闲地、轮歇地、草田轮作地和粮林间作种植农作物的土地,以及种植农作物3年以上的滩地和海涂,也包括中国南方宽<1.0米,北方宽<2.0米的沟、渠、路、田埂(参见彩图插页第25页)。棉花地(陈百明摄)耕地是土地的精华。1991年,全世界耕地只占世界土地总面积的11.26%(《中国农业自然资源数据汇编》,全国农业区划办公室)。在中国,耕地面积约占国土面积的9.96%(统计数),按耕地面积调查数计算,也不过占13.19%-。分布在平原地区的耕地约占53%,分布在丘陵山区约占47%。按耕地类型可划分为水田和旱地。其中,旱地又可分为水浇地和依靠自然降水种植农作物的旱地。中国灌溉地(含水田和水浇地)面积占全国耕地面积的51.6%,比例之高,为世界之冠。按耕地生产力可划分为高、中、低产田。据全国农业后备资源调查,中国高产田面积占全国耕地面积28.7%,中、低产田占71.3%。中国耕地资源十分短缺,耕地后备资源也很少。由于经济发展,国家基建、乡村集体、农民个人建房和农业结构调整,占用了大量耕地,耕地日益减少,人均占有耕地据1望抖年统计,已降到1.2亩。耕地是农业生产的基本生产资料,要珍惜耕地,开发利用必须与保护相结合,促使其永续利用。(梁佩谦)

  1. ◆﹏詆調2024-04-03 16:44◆﹏詆調[北京市网友]
  2. 豪杰先生2024-03-30 16:44豪杰先生[广西网友]
  3. 莲花清露2024-03-26 16:44莲花清露[陕西省网友]
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