
胸腺癌 Thymic carcinoma英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-22 12:19:15


胸腺癌 Thymic carcinoma英语短句 例句大全

Thymic carcinoma, also known as thymoma, is a rare type of cancer that originates in the thymus, a small organ located in the upper chest. It is categorized as a type of thymic epithelial tumor and can be aggressive in nature. Patients with thymic carcinoma often experience symptoms such as chest pain, coughing, difficulty breathing, and fatigue. Here are a few example sentences related to thymic carcinoma: 1. "The patient was diagnosed with advanced thymic carcinoma and started aggressive treatment immediately." 2. "Thymic carcinoma is often difficult to diagnose early due to its location and nonspecific symptoms." 3. "Research into new treatments for thymic carcinoma is ongoing, offering hope for better outcomes for patients in the future." These sentences provide a glimpse into the challenges and potential developments in the understanding and treatment of thymic carcinoma.

胸腺癌,Thymic carcinoma

1)Thymic carcinoma胸腺癌

1.Gemcitabine combined with cisplatin/carboplatin in the treatment of advanced thymic carcinoma吉西他滨联合铂类药物治疗晚期胸腺癌疗效观察

2)Thymic carcinoid胸腺类癌

1.Objective:To summarize clinical manifestation and pathological characteristics of thymic carcinoid,its CT performance and clinical value.目的:总结胸腺类癌的临床表现、病理特征、CT表现及其临床价值。

3)Carcinoma showing thymus-like differentiation呈胸腺样分化的癌

4)thymic neuroendocrine carcinoma胸腺神经内分泌癌

1.Objective To study the clinicopathological features ofthymic neuroendocrine carcinoma(TNC) and its differential diagnosis.目的探讨胸腺神经内分泌癌(TNC)的临床病理特征及鉴别诊断。


6)Thymus gland胸腺

1.Origins of thymus gland innervation in goat;支配山羊胸腺的神经纤维起源

2.Objective To study the relationship between pathological changes of thymus gland and clinical features in patients with myasthenia gravis.目的探讨重症肌无力患者胸腺的病理改变与临床的关系。

3.Objective To study MRI findings of the thymus gland in adult patients with ocular-muscular type myasthenia gravis (O-MG).目的探讨成年人眼肌型重症肌无力 (O -MG)的胸腺影像学变化特点。


1.Thymine or thymine nucleotide concentration was all disqulified.胸腺嘧啶或胸腺嘧啶核苷均不合格。

2.Sweetbreads are the two lobes of the thymus gland located in the neck and are a tender meat.胸腺有位于颈部的两片胸腺叶,它很嫩。

3.edible thymus gland of an animal.可以食用的动物的胸腺。

4.Surgical removal of the thymus.切除胸腺的外科手术

5.Veal, calf, and young beef furnish nearly all of the sweetbreads.小牛提供了所有胸腺

6.thymic alymphoplasia胸腺淋巴组织发育不全

7.thymidylic acid胸腺嘧啶脱氧核苷酸

8.Video-assisted thoracoscopic extended thymectomy through right thoracic cavity:a report of 38 cases经右胸胸腔镜下全胸腺切除术附38例报道

9.Purification and Characterization of a Thymus Activity Factor I(TAF-I)from Calf Thymus;小牛胸腺中胸腺活性因子I(TAF-I)的纯化和鉴定

10.Study of Technology for Extracting Thymosin from Bovine Thymus and Porcine Thymus;利用猪牛胸腺提取胸腺肽工艺技术的研究

11.WHO Histologic Classification of Thymoma and its Relationship with Thymoma Diagnosis and Treatment胸腺瘤WHO组织学分型与胸腺瘤诊治的关系

12.In ascension, the thymus gland grows up the sternum connecting to the thyroid, lymph nodes and brain stem.提升中,胸腺在胸骨上生长,连接到甲状腺、淋巴腺节点和脑干。

13.Study on the Effects of Epinephrine and Norepinephrine in Mice Thymocytes Apoptosis肾上腺素、去甲肾上腺素对小鼠胸腺的影响

14.Thymus: Pyramid-shaped lymphoid organ (see lymphoid tissue) Between the Breastbone and the heart.胸腺:胸骨与心脏之间的角锥形的淋巴器官。

15.Video-assisted Thoracoscopic Thymectomy for Myasthenia Gravis;电视胸腔镜下行胸腺切除治疗重症肌无力

16.Application of Robotic-assisted thoracoscopy in thymectomy胸腺瘤切除术中机器人辅助胸腔镜技术的应用

17.Progress on the treatment of myasthenia gravis with Video-assisted thoracoscopic thymectomy胸腔镜下胸腺切除术治疗重症肌无力的进展

parison of Video-assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery and Median Sternotomy Approach for Myasthenia Gravis;电视胸腔镜与正中劈胸骨行胸腺扩大切除治疗重症肌无力的比较


Thymic carcinoid胸腺类癌

1.Objective:To summarize clinical manifestation and pathological characteristics of thymic carcinoid,its CT performance and clinical value.目的:总结胸腺类癌的临床表现、病理特征、CT表现及其临床价值。

3)Carcinoma showing thymus-like differentiation呈胸腺样分化的癌

4)thymic neuroendocrine carcinoma胸腺神经内分泌癌

1.Objective To study the clinicopathological features ofthymic neuroendocrine carcinoma(TNC) and its differential diagnosis.目的探讨胸腺神经内分泌癌(TNC)的临床病理特征及鉴别诊断。


6)Thymus gland胸腺

1.Origins of thymus gland innervation in goat;支配山羊胸腺的神经纤维起源

2.Objective To study the relationship between pathological changes of thymus gland and clinical features in patients with myasthenia gravis.目的探讨重症肌无力患者胸腺的病理改变与临床的关系。

3.Objective To study MRI findings of the thymus gland in adult patients with ocular-muscular type myasthenia gravis (O-MG).目的探讨成年人眼肌型重症肌无力 (O -MG)的胸腺影像学变化特点。


胸腺多肽,胸腺素F5,胸腺素,胸腺素注射液药物名称:胸腺肽注射液英文名:Thymopetidum Injection别名:胸腺多肽,胸腺素F5,胸腺素,胸腺素注射液、胸腺因子注射液、胸腺因子D注射液。性状:本品为无色或微黄色澄明液体。药理作用: 促使骨髓产生的干细胞转变为T细胞,从而增强细胞免疫功能。 从健康乳牛胸腺中提取制得的多肽类细胞免疫调节剂。可作用于T淋巴细胞分化的各个阶段,有调节和增强人体免疫功能的作用,可提高机体的防病抗病能力,缩短感染性疾病的治疗周期。用于原发或继发性免疫缺陷病或免疫功能失调引起的各种疾病、自身免疫性疾病以及病毒或细菌性感染和肿瘤的辅助治疗。适应症: 用于免疫缺陷病、恶性肿瘤及病毒性疾病。 用于治疗各种原发性或继发性T细胞缺陷病,某些自身免疫性疾病,各种细胞免疫功能低下的疾病及肿瘤的辅助治疗.用量用法: 肌注:每次2-10mg,每日或隔日1次。对于胸腺发育不全症患者应做替代治疗,每日1mg/kg,病情好转后改为维持量每周1mg/kg。 静脉滴注:一次20~80mg,溶于500ml,0.9%氯化钠注射液或5%葡萄糖注射液,一日1次或遵医嘱。注意事项:1.对于过敏体质者,注射前或治疗终止后再用药时需做皮内敏感试验(配成25μg/ml的溶液,皮内注射0.1ml),阳性反应者禁用。2.本品如出现混浊或絮状沉淀物等异常变化,禁忌使用。3. 有发热、头晕、皮疹等。规格: 注射剂:2mg/2ml;5mg/2ml。2ml:5mg;2ml:20mg类别:免疫调节剂

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