
克托莱指数与Quetelet index的英语短句及例句大全

时间:2024-03-21 16:49:43


克托莱指数与Quetelet index的英语短句及例句大全

The Kotelet Index, also known as the Quetelet Index, is a measure used to assess body weight in relation to height. It is commonly used to classify individuals as underweight, normal weight, overweight, or obese. This index is calculated by dividing an individual"s weight in kilograms by the square of their height in meters. In English, the Kotelet Index is often referred to as the Quetelet Index, and it is widely utilized in medical and health-related fields to evaluate individual body composition. Researchers and practitioners rely on this index to assess the health status of populations and make informed decisions regarding public health policies and interventions. Here are some examples of how the Kotelet Index can be applied in clinical settings and public health research.

克托莱指数,Quetelet index

1)Quetelet index克托莱指数

1.Research of heights and weights of world famous tennis players and characteristics of Quetelet Index;优秀网球运动员身高、体重和克托莱指数特征的研究

2.A dynamic analysis on theQuetelet index of foreign players in China Football Association League中国足球职业联赛外籍运动员克托莱指数的动态分析

3.The indexes of stature,weight,and theQuetelet index of the three to six age children of Hainan province were compared and analyzed.对海南省3~6岁幼儿的身高、体重和克托莱指数与全国平均水平进行了比较分析,结果表明:不同年龄、性别、地区的个体或群体之间存在体格特征方面的差异。


1.Research of heights and weights of world famous tennis players and characteristics of Quetelet Index;优秀网球运动员身高、体重和克托莱指数特征的研究

parison and Research on Body Height, Body Weight and Quetelet Index in Elite Track & Field Athletes of China and Abroad;中外优秀田径选手身高、体重和克托莱指数的比较研究

3.Sports Group Characteristics of Body Height, Weight and Quetelet Index of Today s WorldElite Track and Field Athletes;论当今世界优秀田径运动员身高、体重和克托莱指数的项群特征

4.A dynamic analysis on the Quetelet index of foreign players in China Football Association League中国足球职业联赛外籍运动员克托莱指数的动态分析

5.Analysis of Age,Height,Weight and Kotola Index of Junior Women Volleyball Teams我国女排后备队伍年龄、身高、体重及克托莱指数分析

6.Study on the dynamic development of the age,height,weight and spike high of Chinese excellent volleyball players;我国优秀排球运动员年龄、身高、体重与克托莱指数十年来发展状况的研究

7.Analysis on Dynamic Development of Body Physique and Spike Height of Chinese Elite Male Volleyball Players in League Match in Recent Ten Years;对我国男子排球联赛运动员年龄、身高、体重及克托莱指数的动态分析

8.Contrast Analyse on the Age, Weight, Height, Weight/height×1000 and Characteristic of Smashing Height Between Chinese Man s Volleyball Team and Strong Teams in the World;中国男排与世界强队运动员年龄、体重、身高、克托莱指数等诸因素的对比分析

parative Analysis on Age,Height,Weight and Quetelet Index between China Woman Volleyball Team and World Top Teams中国女排与世界强队运动员年龄、身高、体重及克托莱指数等诸因素的对比分析

10.On the Nonexistence of the Utility Function, Demand Functions and Klein Index for Poverty-stricken Consumers;论贫困消费者的效用函数、需求函数及克莱茵指数的不存在性

11.Poor Clive, by right of his wife, was now rich Clive贫穷的克莱武这时托妻子的福,成了富有的克莱武了。

12.Claire pointed to the hole a foot away.克莱尔指指一英尺来远的那个洞。

13."Captain Leclere did not, before he died, give you a letter for me?""莱克勒船长临终前,没有托你交一封信给我吗?

14.Jack Lemmon and Tony Curtis play the musicians.两个乐手分别由杰克?莱蒙和托尼?柯蒂斯扮演。

15.Otte dropped the bottle, thrust his hands into the hay to grasp Claire.奥托丢下酒瓶,把手伸进草里抓着克莱尔。

16."I am Dr. Grimesby Roylott, of Stoke Moran."“我是格林斯比莱罗兹医生,来自斯托克默林。”

17.The Voyage of Utopia to the Nature:A Review on L. M. G. Le Clézio s Ourania;走向自然的乌托邦之旅——评勒克莱齐奥《乌拉尼亚》

18.The Said and the Unsaid:A Study of Chaucer s Troilus and Criseyde in Terms of Relevance Analysis;言与不言:乔叟《托依勒思与克莱西荻》的关联分析


Quitele Index克托莱指数

1.By analyzing the height,weight andQuitele Index of football athletes that joined in Europe Cup,America Cup and Asian Cup in , we can compare the football athletes body shape between Asian,Europe and America.通过对参加欧洲杯、美洲杯和亚洲杯的足球运动员身高、体重和克托莱指数的分析,比较亚洲、欧洲和美洲足球场上不同位置运动员的身体形态特征,为运动训练和运动员的选材提供理论依据。

3)Kotola index克托莱指数

1.Through analysing data of age,height,weight andKotola index,gathered from 144 players in 12 men volleyball teams,who took part in Beijing Olympic Games,the purpose was to provide some ideas to effectively select volleyball player and efficiently train them.运用文献资料法、数理统计法,对参加北京奥运会男排比赛12支男排队伍144名运动员的年龄、身高、体重、克托莱指数、扣球高度和拦网高度进行对比分析,结果表明:中国男排年龄结构偏轻;身高达到世界平均水平;体重和克托莱指数与世界强队差距大;扣球高度和拦网高度达到世界领先水平。

2.Through analysing datas of age,height,weight andKotola index,gathered from 90 players in 8 main junior women volleyball teams,which take part in All National Junior Women Volleyball Team Winter Trainning Camp,the purpose was to provide some ideas to effectively select junior volleyball player and efficiently training.对参加3月全国青年女排集训的8支重点青年女排90名运动员的年龄、身高、体重及克托莱指数特征进行分析,研究表明:我国青年女排队伍年龄结构跨度大,呈正三角型的人才结构;身高是教练员选材的重要依据之一,运动员不断朝着高大化、力量化的方向发展;我国青年女排副攻队员身体较为单薄,体型偏瘦。

4)Klein Index克莱茵指数

1.On the Nonexistence of the Utility Function, Demand Functions andKlein Index for Poverty-stricken Consumers;论贫困消费者的效用函数、需求函数及克莱茵指数的不存在性

5)Peclet number佩克莱数




  1. 龙玉公子2024-03-28 08:49龙玉公子[安徽省网友]
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