
惠州抽水蓄能电站 Huizhou pumped storage power station英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-21 15:13:54


惠州抽水蓄能电站 Huizhou pumped storage power station英语短句 例句大全

惠州抽水蓄能电站,Huizhou pumped storage power station

1)Huizhou pumped storage power station惠州抽水蓄能电站

1.Design of the safety monitoring system atHuizhou pumped storage power station;惠州抽水蓄能电站安全监测系统设计

2.Study on Inclined Penstock Excavating Technology in Huizhou Pumped Storage Power Station Project;惠州抽水蓄能电站高压斜井开挖方案选择

3.Experimental study on stepped energy dissipation of upper reservoir overflow dam at Huizhou Pumped Storage Power Station;惠州抽水蓄能电站上库溢流坝阶梯消能试验研究


1.Analysis of structural calculations for branch pipes subject to high hydraulic pressures of Huizhou pumped storage station惠州抽水蓄能电站岔管结构计算分析

2.Waterway Safety Monitoring System of First Plant of Huizhou Pumped-storage Power Station惠州抽水蓄能电站A厂水道安全监测系统

3.Characteristic and Activity of Fault 304 in Huizhou Pumped Storage Power Station Site Area惠州抽水蓄能电站厂址区F304断裂特征及活动性

4.Analysis on Fault Treatment of Lower Adit in Plant A of Huizhou Pumped Storage Power Station惠州抽水蓄能电站A厂下平洞断层处理分析

5.Ground-stress Testing Result Application of Huizhou Pumped Storage Power Station惠州抽水蓄能电站工程地应力测试成果应用

6.Design and Running of the Blocking Dregs Dam in Huizhou Pumped Storage Power Station惠州抽水蓄能电站拦渣坝设计运行探讨

7.Construction Summary of Slipform Concrete Lining in Inclined Shafts of HPSPS惠州抽水蓄能电站斜井滑模混凝土衬砌施工

8.Study on Construction Simulation and Optimization for the Underground Cavern Group of Huizhou Pumped Storage Station;惠州抽水蓄能电站地下洞室群施工仿真与优化研究

9.Dinorwic Pumped Storage Power Station迪诺威克抽水蓄能电站

10.Bath County Pumped Storage Power Station巴斯康蒂抽水蓄能电站

11.Study on Combined Operation of Nuclear Power Plant and Pumped Storage Power Plant;核电站与抽水蓄能电站联合运营研究

12.Technical and economic comparison between energy storage technology and pumped storage power station蓄冷蓄热技术与抽水蓄能电站技术经济比较

13.Numerical simulation on the side inlet/outlet of pumped storage power station抽水蓄能电站侧式进/出水口数值模拟

14.Study on Pricing of Pumped-storage Plant Spinning Reserve Capacity;抽水蓄能电站旋转备用容量电价研究

15.Study on construction scale of pumped storage power plants in northeast China power grid;东北电网抽水蓄能电站建设规模研究

16.Idea of “Three Parts” Electricity Tariff Structure for Pumped-storage Plant;抽水蓄能电站“三部制”电价结构的构想

17.Brief Introduction to the Mechanical and Electrical Equipment of Jiangsu Yixing Pumped Storage Power Station江苏宜兴抽水蓄能电站机电设备简介

18.Successful Practice in Management Reform --An Analysis of Experiences with Guangzhou Pumped Storage Power Station;工程管理改革的成功实践——广州抽水蓄能电站建设经验探讨


Huizhou pump-storage plant惠州抽水蓄能电站

1.The distribution of stress and deformation of the surrounding rock masses in underground powerhouse ofHuizhou pump-storage plant is analyzed using nonlinear 2D FEM.对惠州抽水蓄能电站地下厂房洞室围岩的稳定性进行了二维弹塑性有限元计算。

3)Guangzhou Pumped-storage Power Plant广州抽水蓄能电站

1.Economic Dispatching Strategies and its Operating Experience ofGuangzhou Pumped-storage Power Plant;广州抽水蓄能电站机组经济调度及运用经验

2.Fundtions orGuangzhou Pumped-storage Power Plant in Guangdong Power Network and its Economic Analysis;广州抽水蓄能电站在广东电网中的作用及经济性分析

4)Guangzhou Pumped Storage Station广州抽水蓄能电站

1.Analysis on Dam s Displacement ofGuangzhou Pumped Storage Station;广州抽水蓄能电站大坝位移监测成果分析

2.This paper presents the arrangement of drainage system for high pressure tunnels, high pressure bifurcations and high pressure diversion penstocks of stage I Project ofGuangzhou Pumped Storage Station and the results after filling test.本文介绍广州抽水蓄能电站一期工程高压隧洞、高压岔管及高压引水钢支管的排水系统布置及其充水试验后的效果。

5)Guangzhou Pumped Storage Plant广州抽水蓄能电站

1.On the basis of using the successful experience of the first-stage project for reference and the actual measurement data, the second-stage project of theGuangzhou Pumped Storage Plant adopts the principles and methods of pervious lining tunnel to conduct the structural design of high-pressure tunnel for the second-stage project.广州抽水蓄能电站二期工程 ,在充分借鉴一期工程的成功经验和实测资料的基础上 ,采用透水衬砌隧洞的原理和方法 ,对二期工程高压隧洞进行结构设计。

2.The whole project of theGuangzhou Pumped Storage Plant with the installed capacity of 2400 MW was completed and put into operation in March 2000, which is the largest pumped storage station in installed capacity in the world at present.装机容量为 2 4 0万kW的广州抽水蓄能电站已于 2 0 0 0年 3月全部建成投产 ,它是当今世界上装机规模最大的抽水蓄能电站。

6)pumped-storage hydroelectric plant抽水蓄能水电站


惠州卫生学校广东省惠州卫生学校是惠州唯一的一所省(部)级重点普通中等专业学校。学校创建于1958年,位于市区内著名的苏东坡故居--东坡亭。学校师资力量雄厚,校园环境优雅,生活场所及设施齐备,是惠州市目前办学规模最大、办学条件最好的中等专业学校。学校占地面积68.5亩,校舍建筑面积4.3万平方米,学校教学、生活、文化、体育等设施完善,有各学科实验室31个,计算机207台,有播放十套节目的电化教学系统和英语语言教学无线反射系统,课室和实验室配置三机一幕。学校拥有清洁卫生、可容纳四千人就餐的大型餐厅,有宽阔的多功能运动场,有设施齐全的活动中心,公寓式学生宿舍均配备电话。学校目前有教职工近300人,分行政和教学两条线。 专任教师120人,其中高级讲师30人,讲师67人。行政机构设办公室、人事科、教务科、学生科、财务科、总务科、保卫科、实践科等七科一室,科级领导20人。学校设有政治、语文、体育、外语、理生、化学、生化、解剖、生理、临寄、病理、药理、预防医学、中医、计算机、内科、外科、妇产科、儿科、护理等二十个教研组,附属医院及附属门诊部各一所。学校目前有在校生4000多人,原开设社区医学、妇幼卫生、中医医疗、护理、助产、医学检验、计划生育等七个专业,现增设旅游保健、针灸推拿专门化、卫生保健等新专业,并分别与汕头大学医学院、中山医科大学联合开办临床医学专业成人大专班、护理专业成人夜大和妇幼卫生专业自考大专班,形成了我校多形式、多层次的办学局面。在勇于开拓、大胆创新的办学过程中,学校始终坚持培养德、智、体全面发展的社会主义建设者和接班人的教育方针,从医疗工作的需要出发,以培养实用型的中等专业医疗卫生技术人才为己任,一方面注重培养学生忠于党的医疗卫生事业,培养学生的救死扶伤的社会主义人道主义精神;另一方面强化学生的技能训练。目前,我校在68所医院建立了实习教学基地,其中有三所是三级甲等医院,65所是二级甲等医院,带教老师均具有主治医师、护理师以上资历。完善的教学模式,毕业生扎实的专业知识,每年吸引了深圳、东莞等地的医院前来我校招聘毕业生。毕业生就业率达95%以上,稳居全市中专首位,使我校成为惠州市历年来就业最热门的中等专业学校。

  1. 如果可以从头再来2024-03-31 15:14如果可以从头再来[北京市网友]
  2. 顾左右而言他i2024-03-26 15:14顾左右而言他i[陕西省网友]




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