
社会弊端 social evils英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-21 15:56:04


社会弊端 social evils英语短句 例句大全

"Social evils" refer to the various negative aspects and issues prevalent in society that cause harm and suffering to individuals and communities. In this collection of English short sentences and examples, we explore the wide-ranging social problems that plague modern society. From poverty and inequality to crime and corruption, these short sentences and examples aim to shed light on the detrimental effects of social evils on people"s lives. By highlighting these issues, we hope to raise awareness and initiate conversations about how to address and combat these pressing challenges. Through this compilation, we hope to inspire individuals and communities to work towards a more just, equitable, and compassionate society for all.

社会弊端,social evils

1)social evils社会弊端

1.In Yuewei Thatched Abode Sketches, Jiyun deeply unmasked all kinds ofsocial evils existed at that time.纪昀在《阅微草堂笔记》中深刻地揭示出了当时所存在的种种社会弊端 ,表现出了批判社会的魄力及勇气。


1.The social evils of poverty and injustice.贫困和不公的社会弊端

2.Society would go down in violent collapse if its abuses were not soon remedied.社会弊端如不及时纠正,社会就要灭亡。

3.There is a strong demand to reform social abuses.人们强烈要求革除社会弊端。

4.Drawing from Life in Kangxi and Qianlong Heyday--Unmasking and Repudiation of Social Evils in Yuewei Thatched Abode Sketches;“康乾盛世”下的“浮世绘”——《阅微草堂笔记》对社会弊端的揭露与批判

5.In an article a letter from a purported madman suggests the abolition of money as a cure for many social evils.在一篇文章里,一个人称疯子的人写了一封信,建议取消货币,作为消除社会弊端的办法。

6.Bureaucracy is the cancer of our society.官僚主义是我们社会的弊端。

7.Malpractice in the enforcement of social security policies in the Ming Dynasty略论明代社会保障政策实施中的弊端

8.Is hypocrisy the canker of our society?虚伪是我们社会的弊端吗?

9.On solute mechanism malpractice in building harmonious society;试论建立和谐社会要破解的体制弊端

10.Study of causal analysis and weakness of lack of social trust;“社会信用”缺失弊端和成因分析研究

11.Analysis of the Social Origin and Drawbacks of the Popularity of Group Text Message Sending;浅析民间群发短信流行的社会原因与弊端

12.The Drawback and Countermeasure of the Interest Demand Mechanism of the Public Organizations in Qinghai Province;青海省社会团体利益诉求机制的弊端与对策

munism maintains that social wrongs can be corrected only by violence.共产主义认为只有通过暴政才能纠正社会中的弊端。

14.Annie: Talking to the point, people"s consciousness has not over- come the habitual corrupt practices of the traditional men"s rights soci- ety.安妮:说到底,人们的意识还未克服传统男权社会的习惯性弊端;

15.Monopoly of public enterprises leads to drawbacks both in theory and in practice.不论是在理论分析还是社会现实中,公用企业垄断都引起诸多弊端。

16.The Disadvantages of Modern Education Inherited From the Transformation Process of Ancient Times;古代教育在步入近代社会时所暴露的主要弊端及其改造

ment on and Analysis of Main Maladies of Sports-social-science Theory-developing Pattern of Our Country;我国体育社会科学理论研发模式的主要弊端评析

18.The Shortcomings of the National Basic Education System and the Plight of the Construction of a Learning Society;国民基础教育中的弊端与学习化社会构建的困境


extirpate social evils根除社会弊端

3)Accounting abuse会计弊端

4)exhibition existed problems会展弊端

5)social malady社会弊病

1.In my opinion,thesocial malady which leads to isolation of human nature makes some adolescent commit crime.正是社会弊病导致人性的割裂,使一部分人走上犯罪道路。

6)cure society of a social evil根除社会弊病


社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)social being定社s卜ehui eunzoi社会存在(soeial being)会意识。见社会存在决

  1. 2008™2024-03-28 07:562008™[安徽省网友]
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