
道教化 Taoism英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-16 06:56:01





1.Secular Music To BeTaoism;世俗音乐的道教化——关于全真道经韵音乐与世俗音乐关系的探讨


1.The elevation of reasoning and educating through religion: use of religion as a means of education in "Xingshi Yinyuan Zhun;理性张扬与神道教化——《醒世姻缘传》的神道设教

2.Taoist architecture is the carrier of taoist culture and taoist thought.道教建筑是道教文化和道教思想的载体。

3.The Influences of Taoist Culture on the Yuan Drama about Taoist Deities论道教文化对元代神仙道化剧的影响

4.The Cultural Feature of Taoist Culture and Operas of Making the Immortals Taotists道教文化与“神仙道化”剧的艺术特色

5.I realize the Taoism culture, carefully will listen respectfully the Taoism music, Buddhism is repairs the next life, but the Taoism will be repairs this life.体会道教文化,仔细聆听道教音乐,佛教是修来世,而道教是修今生.

6.On Deformation Taoism s Cultural Color of Immortal s Taoism Novels in the Tang Dynasty;试论唐代仙道小说中的道教文化色彩

7.Moral Exhortation--The Key to Successful Moral Education of College Students;道德感化——大学生道德教育成功的关键

8.On LIChun s Moral Education and Recuperation Thoughts;李存的道德教化与道德修养思想探析

9.Children"s Moral "Deep Grammar" and "Moral Education"儿童道德的“深层语法”与“道德教化”

10.A study of the affective features of moral education and integrated moral education;道德教育的情感特质及道德教育一体化研究

11.Lu Xun s Perspective on Taoist culture:“China is totally rooted in Taoism;论鲁迅的道教文化观——从“中国根柢全在道教”说起

12.On Shang Yang’s Moralization Thought about "Good Morals and Cultivation";商鞅“德明教行”的道德教化思想论

13.On moral instruction of "making a convention out of the teaching and lecturing" in Guanzi;《管子》“教训成俗”的道德教化论

14.Encouraging Music for Moral Education--Analysis of Moral-Education Idea of Confucian Music Education;兴乐以育德——儒家乐教道德教化观浅论

15.A Study on the Methods of Morality Instruction of Lao-Zhuang Taoists and Their Cultural Origins;论老庄道家的道德教化方法及其文化渊源

16.The More Stress"and "the Weaker Stress" of Thinking Moral Training in Teaching;思想道德修养课教学中的“强化”与“弱化”

17.Jingchu Witchcraft and Taosim;论荆楚之“巫”与道教——“荆楚文化与道家、道教研究”系列之二

18.Moral Inheritance and Enlightenment in Ancient Chinese Literary Selections Teaching文以载道 以道育人——《古代汉语》文选教学的道德传承与教化


Taoism culture道教文化

1.The Influence ofTaoism culture to Li He s Poems;论道教文化对李贺诗歌的影响

2.“Medicine and Taoism in Harmony” indicates us thatTaoism culture has some effects on TCM health-keeping.“医道相通”启示我们道教文化对中医养生思想有一定影响。

3.Based upon analysis of present situations of Taoism build ings the contrasts between the uniqueness ofTaoism culture and present style of Taoism buildings are analyzed.阐述了道教有其独特的文化底蕴和宗教理念,并对道教建筑的现状作了研究,分析了道教文化的独特性与道教建筑现状的反差,探讨了道教建筑更深层次研究的必要性。

3)Taoist culture道教文化

1.Analysis onTaoist culture and the origin of Chinese wushu;浅析道教文化与中华武术渊源

2.The Influences of Taoist Culture on the Yuan Drama about Taoist Deities;论道教文化对元代神仙道化剧的影响

3.Ethical examination of human cloning from the perspective ofTaoist culture道教文化视野下对克隆人的伦理思考

4)Culture of Taoism道教文化

1.Culture of Taoism and Building in Mountainous Region——The Architectural Design of the Administration Center in Sanqinggong Scenic Spot of Sanqing Mountain;道教文化与山地建筑——三清山三清宫景区管理中心建筑设计

2.They had soaked into the profound culture of Taoism.元代太湖地区道教风行,该地区相继出现了赵孟頫、钱选、黄公望、吴镇、倪云林、王蒙等画家,他们浸润于浓厚的道教文化之中,面对激烈的社会矛盾,采取道家的隐逸清淡、修身养性的避世态度,但在绘画上形成了以笔墨写胸中逸气的新的画风。

5)moral education道德教化

1.Valuable functions ofmoral education in combating corruption and promoting honesty;试论道德教化在反腐倡廉中的价值功能

2.Laying stress on themoral education,culturing t he humanistic spirit of working hard,keeping good relation with the mass,making ratio nal contribution,and possessing th e life -long ideal,etc.民营企业要做大做强必须注重企业文化的建设和培养人文精神的培养,在民营企业中注重道德教化,培植敬业乐群、合理奉献和人生理想等人文精神,可以使企业文化建设具有更加深厚的底蕴。

3.However,no one wanted to chose martyrdom in Qin Dynasty by the Taoism,which is norms of adjusting the people s behaviors,and themoral education was neglected,which caused the moral degeneration of the upper class in Qin Dynasty and the perishing of the Qin Dynasty.只有秦朝灭亡的时候找不到一个殉节的君王和臣子,原因就在于秦国和秦朝长期推行法家文化,过分强调以利益规范人与人之间的关系,而忽视道德教化,尤其是节操教育。

6)moral cultivation道德教化

1.As a great patriot and pioneer of China s democratic revolution in modern times,the main contribution Sun Yet-sen made to moral education are as follows: stressingmoral cultivation,designing systematic contents of moral education,constructing excellent moral spirits,standard,establishing rich moral education methods and putting forward criteria of moral evaluation.文章对孙中山的德教理论进行了探析,作为中国近代伟大的爱国主义者和民主主义革命的先行者,孙中山在德教领域的主要贡献有:强调道德教化,设计了系统的德教内容,构建了优秀的道德精神,求立了丰富的德教方法,并提出了道德评估的标准。

2.When China s modernization confronts fast development of market,globalization and network,ethic institutionalization andmoral cultivation have become two basic ways for building up the morality.在市场化、全球化与网络化的中国现代化境遇中,伦理制度化和道德教化是道德建设的两个基本途径。

3.The new-datemoral cultivation(MC) in China has been developing.中国现代性道德教化是一项未竟的事业。


魏晋南北朝道教哲学(见道教哲学)魏晋南北朝道教哲学(见道教哲学)Taoist philosophy of the Wei, Jin, and North and South dynastiesWel一Jin一Nanbelehao Daojiaoz卜exue魏晋南北朝道教哲学(Taoist philosophy ofthewei,Jin,andNorth andsouthd歹nasties)见道教哲学。

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  1. 谁赋流年忆时光2024-03-16 08:07谁赋流年忆时光[吉林省网友]
  2. CAPRICORN2024-03-16 07:49CAPRICORN[青海省网友]
    @w.lee 这个网页收集了这么多有用的道教英语短句,真是太贴心了!
  3. w.lee2024-03-16 07:31w.lee[安徽省网友]
  4. 挽不回眼泪的离去╰2024-03-16 07:13挽不回眼泪的离去╰[浙江省网友]
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