
培养路径 training path英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-08 20:00:34



培养路径,training path

1)training path培养路径

1.From the investigation of the university student ideological and moral present situation,this article analyses the existing problems which in the process of ideological and moral training in the new era,finally puts forward concrete suggestion to the choice of thetraining path.从高校大学生思想道德现状调查入手,分析了新时期大学生思想道德培养中存在的问题,最后对培养路径的选择提出了具体的建议。


1.Ways of Cultivating Sound Character in Contemporary Female College Students;当代女大学生健全人格培养路径探析

2.Discussion on connotation,value and fostering methods of Humanism spirit;论人文精神的内涵、价值及其培养路径

3.The Lifelong Moral Learning: Initial Explore to the Foster Path of the Moral Person终身道德学习:道德人的培养路径初探

4.Preliminary Study of the Cultivating Way to Ideal Personality--"Gentlemen" of Chinese University Students中国大学生“君子人格”的培养路径初探

5."Economic Law" Teaching to Find out the Path for Students Innovation Ability Cultivation;《经济法》教学对学生创新能力培养路径的探讨

6.The Cultivation Approach for the University Students Creative Spirit and Creative Ability;大学生创新精神与创新能力的培养路径

7.Research on Ways of The Tactical Consciousness about Young Men s Basketball Player;青少年篮球运动员“战术意识”培养路径的探讨

8.Modern Characteristics of Cultivating Way of Primary-School Teachers in China & Construction of Practice;我国小学教师培养路径的现代特征与实践建构

9.On the Training of Students Modern Educational Techniques;论师范生现代教育技术技能的培养路径

10.Diversification Practice Approach of Talents Cultivation Model of Higher Vocation Education;高职人才培养模式多样化的实践路径

11.On Talents Training Goal Positioning and New Approach to "Practical" Talents Training in Independent College;明确独立学院人才培养目标定位,探索应用型人才培养新路径

12.On the Path Selection to Fostering Service Spirit of Service-oriented Government;论培养服务型政府服务精神的路径选择

13.The Choice of the University Student Ideological and Moral Training Path In the New Era;新时期大学生思想道德培养的路径选择

14.Practical Approaches to Train BM Students for Application Work;经管类应用型人才培养实践教学路径探索

15.Supervision by Public Opinion-the Important Approach to the Forstering Service Spirit of the Service-type Government;舆论监督:培养服务型政府服务精神的重要路径

16.Cultivation and Recruitment: Deciphering Channels of Talent Attraction for Universities;培养与引进:高校人才资源集聚路径解读

17.On the Ways of Cultivating Students Creative Quality in Advanced Mathematics;高等数学教学培养学生创新素质的路径

18.Explore a Way to Foster the Graduates of the Financial Accounting Major with High Qualities;培养高素质财会专业毕业生路径的探讨


cultivation principles and measures培养原则与路径

3)training ways培养途径

1.The essential characteristics and thetraining ways of outstanding talents;拔尖人才基本特征与培养途径探讨

2.It has explored the distinguished teachers training patterns,different training plans and put forward the teachers-training ways in future,which is helpful in improving teachers training.针对医药类高职高专院校师资来源和课程体系特点,结合师资管理与队伍建设实际,对近年来师资培养途径的改革与实践进行了总结。

3.Through analyzing the content and characteristics of double-type teachers of News and Communication,the paper has made a study on thetraining ways and evaluation system for the double-type teachers,which will be of help to the building of teaching staff for the specialty.廓清新闻专业"双师型"教师的内涵及其特征,并在此基础上对该专业"双师型"教师的培养途径与考评体系进行探索,有利于该专业的师资队伍建设。

4)cultivation approach培养途径

1.The Diversity Analysis and Cultivation Approach on Male and Female Students Mathematic Creativity in Senior School;高中男女生数学创造力的差异性分析及培养途径

2.Thinking about thecultivation approach of young teacher in institutions of higher education高校青年教师培养途径思考

3.Objective To analyze the status quo,associated factors andcultivation approaches of care ability of nursing undergraduates at different grades so as to build a basis for working out training plan of care ability of different students.目的分析不同年级护理本科生关爱能力现状、影响因素和培养途径,为制定不同教育对象关爱能力的培养计划提供依据。

5)way of training培养途径

1.This paper clarifies the significance and functions of the tennis players s psychology, and the influential factors and theway of training have been discussed.本文阐述了网球运动员的心理素质的意义和作用,及对影响因素和培养途径进行了探讨。

6)training way培养途径

1.College students legal consciousness and thetraining way;论大学生的法律意识及培养途径

2.Ontraining ways of primary school sports teacher of China;我国小学体育师资培养途径的研究

3.The paper makes a preliminary research on the signification, nature, objective, pattern of bilingual teaching, the basic qualifications and thetraining way of a bilingual teacher.文章对双语教学的含义、性质、目的 ,双语教学模式 ,双语教师的基本条件 ,双语教师的培养途径等作了初步探讨。


Pro/ENGINEER中复杂几何路径的数组阵列1 引言 Pro/ENGINEER是目前应用非常广泛的CAD/CAM软件,其功能非常强大。在Pro/ENGINEER中进行特征复制时, PATTERN(数组阵列)可以一次建立多个相同的特征,比COPY(复制)省时省力。 在实际应用中,阵列的几何路径有规则的(如直线形、圆形等),也有不规则的(如平行四边形、椭圆形等)。对于规则路径,其生成较简单,如圆形路径,选取一周向驱动尺寸,输入阵列的增量与个数即可。下面以在基座上钻孔为例,介绍不规则几何路径的数组阵列。2 设计实例 首先,生成基座(如图1黑点表示孔的圆心位),其中心点位于Pro/ENGINEER中坐标系的原点,再钻出左上角的第一个孔(以基座的两条边为参考边,这两条边的交点为准原点)。然后进行数组阵列,产生其余的孔,依次选择“Pattern→General→Table”。图1 黑点表示孔的圆心位2.1 步骤一 选择图1中的尺寸“40,55”作为“表格驱动阵列的驱动尺寸”,然后选“Done”。2.2 步骤二 选择“Add”,进行表的添加(输入一个表名如A),接着打开一个窗口,其中已有的文字均为注释语句,最后一行为: idx d4(40.0) d3(55.0) 其中,idx表示这一列填的是序号,从1开始;d后的数字以实际操作中产生的为准,括号内数值为步骤1中所选驱动尺寸的值,可以看出该值的显示顺序与尺寸的选择顺序是对应的。2.3 步骤三进行表的录入,依次填入:165 5529055311555414055550856601157 701458951459151014514511170145121508513160115 其中1~4为上部右边的4个孔,5~7为左边3个孔,8~11为下部右边4个孔,12~13为右边剩余2个孔。2.4 步骤四 首先点击“File→Save”,并且进行保存。然后点击“File→Exit”,退出程序。之后执行“Done”即可进行阵列,如图2所示。

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  1. 沦陷2024-03-08 21:03沦陷[江西省网友]
  2. ┈━═☆暖暖2024-03-08 20:50┈━═☆暖暖[西藏网友]
  3. 宁静的石头2024-03-08 20:38宁静的石头[甘肃省网友]
  4. 心田笛泣2024-03-08 20:25心田笛泣[山东省网友]
  5. “濰藙”之鎵2024-03-08 20:13“濰藙”之鎵[湖北省网友]
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