
北师大版_五年级英语下册_一年级起点单词列表 例句汇总

时间:2023-11-29 04:22:01


北师大版_五年级英语下册_一年级起点单词列表 例句汇总



Unit 7(17个单词)


·*trip英 [trp] / vi.旅行How did you like the trip?(这趟旅行感觉如何?)·*enjoy英 [nd] / vt.欣赏The play was over before we would fully enjoy it.(这场戏我们还没有尽情欣赏就结束了。)·*fun英 [fn] / n.有趣的They""re all having fun at the party.(他们在派对上玩得很开心。)·*London英 [lndn] / n.伦敦These are symbols of London.(这些都是伦敦的标志物。)·plane英 [plen] / n.飞机Can I have a plane?(我可以要你的飞机吗?)·place英 [ples] / n.地方I really must start tidying the place up.(我真得开始收拾收拾这个地方了。)·visit英 [vzt] / vt.拜访The three paid a visit to the wise man""s house.(刘关张三人拜访了诸葛亮。)·take photos英 [tek ftz] / 照相You can take photos here.(你可以在这儿照相。)·*show英 [] / vt.给人看;指引Show me which one you like and I""ll buy it for you.(指给我看你喜欢哪个,我给你买。)·tour bus英 [t(r) bs] / 观光巴士I think I can take tour bus.(我想我可以坐旅游大巴。)·bring(brought)英 [br] / vt.带来,带回The mailman will bring you your mail every day.(邮递员每天都会把你的邮件送来。)·*gift英 [ɡft] / n.礼物Please accept this little gift as a souvenir.(请留下这个小小礼物作为纪念。)·*over英 [v(r)] / adv.结束He jumped over the barrier easily.(他轻松地跳过了障碍物。)·read(read)英 [rid , red] / vt.& vi.阅读Have you read this book?(你看过这本书吗?)·by bike英 [ba bak] / adv.骑自行车I usually go to school by bike.(我通常骑自行车上学。)·by bus英 [ba bs] / adv.乘公交车I usually go to school by bus.(我通常乘公共汽车上学。)·by train英 [ba tren] / adv.乘火车I usually go to school by train.(我通常乘火车上学。)Unit 8(12个单词)


·*concert英 [knst] / n.音乐会The children put on an impromptu concert for the visitors.(孩子们为来访者即兴献上了一场音乐会。)·wonderful英 [wndfl] / adj.精彩的Wow!What a wonderful test score!(哇,你的成绩真好!)·*piano英 [pin , pjɑn] / n.钢琴He is learning to play the piano.(他在学钢琴。)·*drum英 [drm] / n.鼓The war drum is beating.(战鼓敲响了。)·*guitar英 [ɡtɑ(r)] / n.吉他He is an adept guitar player.(他是个吉他高手。)·*will英 [wl] / aux.(谈及将来)将要You will do as I request, if you please.(请按我的要求做。)·*start英 [stɑt] / n.开始Let""s start running.(我们开始跑步吧。)·*tonight英 [tnat] / adv.在今晚I""m going out tonight.(我今晚要出去玩。)·*worried英 [wrid] / adj.担心的Her worried about he heavy drinking.(她为他的酗酒感到担忧。)·*because英 [bkz] / conj.因为I was sad because I was ill.(我很难过,因为我病了。)·*violin英 [valn] / n.小提琴Xiaoming used to play the violin.(小明曾经拉过小提琴。)·*flute英 [flut] / n.长笛He played a nice tune on the flute.(他吹奏了一首优美的笛子曲。)Unit 9(12个单词)


·football英 [ftbl] / n.足球He likes to play football.(他最爱踢足球。)·*begin(began)英 [bɡn] / v.开始The talks are to begin tomorrow.(谈判将于明天开始。)·*row英 [r , ra] / n.划(船)Let us go for a row.(我们去划船吧。)·*team英 [tim] / n.球队,运动队His team is riding high.(他的团队正春风得意。)·*goal英 [ɡl] / n.射门He kicked the ball into the goal.(他一脚把球踢进了球门。)·player英 [ple(r)] / n.演奏者She is a skilled player on the piano.(她是一位熟练的钢琴演奏者。)·*field英 [fild] / n.田地People were working in the fields.(人们在田间劳动。)·basketball英 [bɑsktbl] / n.篮球Do you often play basketball?(你经常打篮球吗?)·*baseball英 [besbl] / n.棒球Baseball is the national pastime.(棒球是全民性的休闲运动。)·*volleyball英 [vlibl] / n.排球They are fond of playing volleyball.(他们喜欢打排球。)·*tennis英 [tens] / n.网球He plays tennis only so so.(他网球打得不怎么样。)·*ping-pong英 [p p] / n.乒乓球I also like ping-pong.(我也喜欢乒乓球。)Unit 10(11个单词)


·interesting英 [ntrst] / adj.有趣的The show is interesting.We all laugh.(这个节目很有趣,我们都笑了。)·*boring英 [br] / adj.单调的;乏味的This class is so boring that he falls asleep.(这堂课太无聊了,他睡着了。)·comic book英 [kmk bk] / n.(儿童的)连环漫画册I am going to buy a comic book.(我准备买一本漫画书。)·*more英 [m(r)] / adj.更多的It""s obvious that you need more time to think.(显然你需要更多时间来思考。)·*history英 [hstri] / n.历史;历史学History is an interpretive process.(历史是一个阐释的过程。)·picture英 [pkt(r)] / n.图画The sunset glow is just like a picture.(晚霞恰如一幅图画。)·difficult英 [dfklt] / adj.困难It""s difficult to find on the calendar.(很难在日历上找到。)·*expensive英 [kspensv] / adj.昂贵的,花钱多的The are so expensive! I can""t buy them!(天哪,这么贵啊!我可买不起!)·*most英 [mst] / adv.最Who ate the most?(谁吃得最多?)·*exciting英 [ksat] / adj.另人兴奋的,使人激动的He was enthralled by the exciting story.(那激动人心的故事使他听得入神了。)·buy英 [ba] / vi.买You can buy gift over the internet.(你可以在网上购买礼物。)Unit 11(16个单词)


·make(made)英 [mek] / v.做;制作This is of Chinese make.(这是中国制造的。)·*recipe英 [respi] / n.烹饪法,食谱No two chefs follow the same recipe.(每个厨师都有不同的烹饪方式。)·tell英 [tel] / vt.告诉Would you like to tell me what happened?(能告诉我发生了什么事吗?)·*step英 [step] / vi.踏;踩She""s so excited to see hers baby girl take her first step.(她的宝贝迈出了第一步,他激动极了。)·*flour英 [fla(r)] / n.面粉He makes up his own blends of flour.(他自己和了一些面粉。)·*bowl英 [bl] / n.碗I have a bowl of cereal every morning.(我每天早上喝一碗麦片。)·*add英 [d] / v.加,添加Add some milk to the bowl.(加点牛奶在碗里。)·*butter英 [bt(r)] / n.黄油He spread some butter on his bread.(他在面包上涂了些黄油。)·get(got)英 [ɡet] / v.去取,去拿What grade are you hoping to get?(你希望得到什么样的成绩?)·*mix英 [mks] / v.混合,搅拌Oil and water don""t mix.(油和水不相溶。)·a liter of英 NULL / 一升The bottle holds a liter of beer.(这个瓶子装一升啤酒。)·milk英 [mlk] / n.奶;牛奶Do you want milk?(你想喝牛奶吗?)·*break英 [brek] / n.课间休息Come and see me at break.(课间休息时来见我。)·*sugar英 [ɡ(r)] / n.糖How many sugars do you take?(你加几勺糖?)·*salt英 [slt] / n.盐Put some salt in the soup.(汤里着点儿盐。)·*bake英 [bek] / v.烘烤I love to bake.(我喜欢烘烤糕点。)Unit 12(5个单词)


·*decide英 [dsad] / vt.决定I had to decide right then.(我当时就得做决定。)·try out英 [tra at] / 尝试I would like to try out the new work.(我想尝试新工作。)·eat out英 [it at] / 外出吃饭Let""s eat out today.(今天我们出去吃吧。)·*menu英 [menju] / n.菜单There is a very reasonably priced menu.(菜单上的定价非常合理。)·walk through英 [wk θru] / 走过We took a long walk through the pines.(我们在松树林中穿行了很久。)《北师大版_五年级英语下册_一年级起点》由[小孩子点读]APP独家原创整理并发布,未经授权不得转载。小孩子单词天天练提供标准的发音,详实的释义,贴切的例句,助力大家学好英语。

  1. time table2024-01-30 11:14time table[北京市网友]
  2. ❉。悳源↗@尋路❉2023-12-30 07:48❉。悳源↗@尋路❉[陕西省网友]
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