
2020如何讲一口更流利的英语Steps To Become Fluent In English

时间:2023-11-27 03:16:01


2020如何讲一口更流利的英语Steps To Become Fluent In English

Hello I"m Emma from mmmEnglish! If becoming a fluent English speaker is part of your plan and you want to make it happen next year in 2020, then you need to keep watching this video.

大家好,我是 Emma,欢迎来到美味英语频道!如果说一口流利的英语是你2020年计划中的一部分,你想在这接下来的这一年完成这个计划的话,那么你需要继续看下去咯。

I"ll be sharing four things that you need to do in the coming year if you"re planning to become fluent in English within twelve months.

And it starts today right now and I"m going to warn you that there"s going to be some tough love happening here some strong words.


Perhaps ones that you don"t really want to hear or ones that you"ve been pretending that you can"t hear for a while but these are words that you need to hear.

If you"re going to make English fluency your goal for the year ahead, you need to change the way that you"re acting.


You need to change your behaviour, do something differently and that"s what we"re talking about today. . . . . . .


This lesson is sponsored by The Ladies" Project, a unique online community for women learning English as a second language.

We help women to transform their relationship to English, to become more comfortable, more courageous English speakers.

本节课程是由 The Ladies" Project 赞助的,这是一个独一无二的专门为正在学习英语作为第二语言的女性打造的线上社群。我们帮助女性转换和英语之间的关系,变成更加舒适自如、更加勇敢说英语的人。

Enrollments are open now but they"re closing soon. Membership costs just thirty-four ninety-nine a month and the link is in the description if you want to find out more.


If you"ve been telling yourself that the only way to become fluent in English is to live in an English-speaking country, well, you just need to stop that. It"s not true.

It"s simply something that you"ve been telling yourself to make an excuse for why you"re not already fluent.


That"s the tough love right here. Right now, it"s completely possible for you to create an English life for yourself, no matter where you are in the world and I"ll talk about that a little bit more later on.


Let"s get started on the four things that you need to do to become fluent in English within a year. Find motivation.


Get really, really clear on why you want to be fluent, so clear that you can actually see and feel what it"s like to be there. What are all the awesome amazing things that you"ll be able to do when you become fluent?


Imagine yourself there. Feel it.


Smell it. This is your motivation, the fuel you need to keep practising, to keep learning and keep reviewing, to keep putting yourself in situations that are outside of your comfort zone.


I mean, let"s not kid ourselves. There are and there always will be days when you feel frustrated with English and you feel like giving up, you can"t be bothered, you just want to make a new plan, right?


One that doesn"t involve English at all. But this is the reason why so many of us fail at things that we try or we don"t get as far as we want to because we don"t have enough fuel to get there.


Without a really clear motivation, it"s easy to get distracted, to lose focus and to let your attention be taken away from your English practice and put onto something else and that is absolutely fine as long as you"re not bothered about being fluent by the end of the year.

If you"re happy for it to take longer, for it to be a slower process, well that"s fine but we"re talking about making this happen in the next twelve months, okay?


So we need to take drastic action. So I want you to take this opportunity now to declare your motivation here.


Tell me in the comments what is your fuel that will help you to keep your English goals as a priority throughout 2020? Tell me down in the comments.


The second thing you need to do is financially commit and that means putting some money on the table, putting some skin in the game.

So in my experience, money is a huge motivator for me, for my students, for my friends and family.


For some people money is the biggest motivation right? Putting your hand into your pocket or your wallet and pulling out some of the money that you worked so hard for, doing that almost instantly changes your mindset about your English practice.


It certainly changed my mindset when I paid for my Spanish classes with Lingoda. I had to go because I had paid for them so I did way more practice during that period because putting money on the table forces you to commit, right?


It makes you show up. If you financially commit to your English, you will probably go much further and you will get to fluency faster.


Now let"s talk about this a little more because I know what some of you are thinking. Yes, there are things that you can"t afford but there are options that you can afford.


You can hire a local non-native English teacher, you can invest in an online English program that you can take yourself through at your own time, at your own pace. This is a much cheaper option than paying for a teacher"s time.


You can financially commit a little or a lot and what might be a little to some, might be a lot to others. But if you do that, if you invest in yourself, it will help you to get to your goals faster.


Now if you don"t have the money now, make a plan and save for it. Sacrifice something else in your life to get ahead in your English.


How badly do you want to become fluent? And I know the other thing that you"re thinking too.


Yes, you"re right. It"s possible for you to learn on your own but you will have more success and you will make more progress if you have the support and guidance of a good English teacher or a language program.


Now if you really, really, really can"t invest any money in your English training this year, then you"ll need to compensate by investing more time and more focus in your studies.

You"ll need to create a learning plan and you"ll need to keep yourself motivated all the way throughout the whole year, you need to be active.


And this is a much bigger challenge than finding some money to invest in your training. That"s my take on the situation.


If you want serious change and serious results in the year ahead, decide what serious action you"re going to do now and get ready for it. The third thing you should do is create a learning plan.


Even if you"re going to regular classes or you"re meeting your tutor often, you still need to create your own learning plan to help you practise outside of your lessons. You might think this sounds boring but it doesn"t have to be.


Your formal classes are just part of your learning plan and you need to make sure that you"re developing all four language skills, right? You need to spend a little bit of time on each of those skills each week.


Like you need to read to broaden your vocabulary. Learn and experience how new words are used in context.


Become familiar with the different use of phrasal verbs, learn common collocations and informal language by reading. You need to write.


You need to practise expressing your thoughts and your ideas in a controlled way.

If you create a habit around writing in English, it will start revealing where there are gaps in your knowledge and that will allow you to build your vocabulary further.


And here"s the thing about writing, when you write your own experiences and your own opinions and ideas, it increases retention. It helps you to remember new words and expressions because you"re associating them with your own ideas and experiences.


Starting and then committing to a daily journal practice is going to do amazing things for your language skills. You need to listen to different accents, you need to study the way that native speakers link words together and they reduce sounds.


Watch movies, listen to podcasts and audiobooks, all of those things. I"ve left some recommendations in the description below if you"re interested.


But try to give yourself some of the real listening practice as well, you know, in real conversations. And of course, you need to speak as much as you can to yourself, you can read aloud to your classmates, your teacher, your online friends, your colleagues, but make sure you"re constantly pushing your comfort zone further.


Chatting on Whatsapp doesn"t count here okay? You need to create the space and the opportunity to practise your speaking skills in real conversations.


A community like The Ladies" Project is the perfect place to get regular informal speaking practice. There are group conversations almost every day and unlimited one-to-one chats that you can have with other members.

像The Ladies" Project这种社区是进行规律性的非正式语言练习的完美之地。每天都会有小组对话,和其他的成员会有很多一对一的交流。

Lastly, you got to do it every day. You"ve got to do something every day to practise.


And this is not really something that you can question okay? It"s just something that you need to do if you want to create change in your English and create it quickly.


Doing fifteen minutes of practice every day is much better than doing four hours of solid English practice on a Sunday afternoon. Doing it daily allows you to build a great habit and it brings English into your life every day.


Now this doesn"t mean that you need to sit down and study every day right because there"s always going to be days where you just can"t be bothered and you don"t feel like it.

What it means is you need to expose yourself to an English activity every day, listen to something in English, read something in English, watch something in English, write or speak or sing in English. Anything, right?


To become fluent within a year, you need to do something daily. Now it could be simple and mundane like writing an email or writing in your daily journal but on Sundays it could be completely wild.


It could be exhausting, it could be like attending an international conference where you listened and network to people in English all day. But your daily practice does need to be balanced.


If you"re going to make it through a whole year, it needs to be balanced. Burying yourself inside a grammar book for fifteen minutes every day for a year is not going to make you fluent.


It"s going to make you awesome at grammar. Your learning plan really should be a combination of fun and passive English experiences with active and deliberate practice.


So a good example of active practice is writing. Okay you sit down and you spend some time creating sentences and expressing your own ideas.


And maybe the following day you review your work. You use a thesaurus to upgrade some of the words that you used or maybe check some of the grammar in a little bit more detail.


Now this is not as fun or as easy as watching an English movie right? But you need to do this type of practice too so you can reward yourself the next day by watching the movie, right?


This is the balance that I"m talking about. You do some grammar practice and some writing practice and then reward yourself with a podcast or a movie.


So now it"s up to you. What are you going to do to put your plan in action for 2020?


I want you to tell me about it in the comments below. I"d love you to set your intention for the year ahead because I truly, truly believe that you can do this.


And if there"s a lesson that you need me to help you with, let me know that in the comments as well. If you want me to be with you all the way through next year, make sure you"ve subscribed to the channel just down here.


Turn on the notifications so that you find out whenever there"s a new lesson waiting for you and to keep practising with me right now, check out this lesson here.?I"ve picked it especially for you.


Have a wonderful end to 2019 and I"m so excited to see where your English takes you in 2020. Best of luck!


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