

时间:2023-10-15 03:38:01








At the start of the 20th century, an American engineer named John Elfreth Watkins made predictions about life today. His predictions about slowing population growth, mobile phones and increasing height were close to the mark. But he was wrong in one prediction: that everybody would walk 10 miles a day.

1.At the start of the 20th century, an American engineer named John Elfreth Watkins made predictions about life today.

【注】①at the start of=at the beginning of

at the beginning of和in the beginning of的区别在于,前者指某个时间点,后者指某个时间段


2.His predictions about slowing population growth, mobile phones and increasing height were close to the mark.


②close to the mark接近目标

3.But he was wrong in one prediction: that everybody would walk 10 miles a day.


Today, in Australia, most children on average fall 2, 000 steps short of the physical activity they need to avoid being overweight. In the early 1970s, 40 per cent of children walked to school, while in 2010, it was as low as 15 per cent.

4.Today, in Australia, most children on average fall 2, 000 steps short of the physical activity they need to avoid being overweight.

【注】①on average副词,平均而言,位置多变,本句所处位置为平衡句子中和其他副词的关系。

②fall sth. short of缺乏,不足,强调动作。基本等同于be sth. short of,后者强调状态。

③avoid doing sth.


5. In the early 1970s, 40 per cent of children walked to school, while in 2010, it was as low as 15 per cent.



③as adj. as同级比较

The decline is not because we have all become lazy. Families are pressed for time, many with both parents working to pay for their house, often working hours not of their choosing, living in car-dependent neighborhoods with limited public transport.

6.The decline is not because we have all become lazy.

【注】①decline近义词decrease, fall short of, low


7.Families are pressed for time, many with both parents working to pay for their house, often working hours not of their choosing, living in car-dependent neighborhoods with limited public transport.

【注】①be pressed for time时间不够

②working做后置定语,常可补充完整为定语从句,即many with both parents (who are) working to pay for their house,主被动关系比较明确。

③not of one’s choosing其中choosing可同choice相互转换,前者强调动作

【2014江苏卷】Each of us is born into one family not of our choosing.


The other side of the coin is equally a deprivation: for health and well-being, as well as lost opportunities(机会)for children to get to know their local surroundings. And for parents there are lost opportunities to walk and talk with their young scholar about their day.

8.The other side of the coin is equally a deprivation: for health and well-being, as well as lost opportunities(机会)for children to get to know their local surroundings.

【注】①the other side of the coin事情的另一面

源于:Every coin has two sides.

②well-being构词法,看being的词性,其他如well-informed; well-known; well-trained等,均为形容词

③surrounding构词法,类似如building, booking, thinking等

Most parents will have eagerly asked their child about their day, only to meet with a “good”, quickly followed by "I"m hungry". This is also my experience as a mother. But somewhere over the daily walk more about my son"s day comes out. I hear him making sense of friendship and its limits. This is the unexpected and rare parental opportunity to hear more.

9.But somewhere over the daily walk more about my son"s day comes out.


正常语序为:But more about my son’s day comes out somewhere over the daily walk.


But nowhere over the daily study happy feelings about learning appear.

10. I hear him making sense of friendship and its limits. This is the unexpected and rare parental opportunity to hear more.

【注】①hear sb. doing sth.

②make sense of理解;弄清楚

Many primary schools support walking school-bus routes(路线), with days of regular, parent-accompanied walks. Doing just one of these a few times a week is better than nothing. It can be tough to begin and takes a little planning-running shoes by the front door, lunches made the night before, umbrellas on rainy days and hats on hot ones-but it"s certainly worth trying.

11. It can be tough to begin and takes a little planning-running shoes by the front door, lunches made the night before, umbrellas on rainy days and hats on hot ones-but it"s certainly worth trying.

【注】① it is adj. to do sth.

②tough近义词difficult, hard, painful, harsh等

4. Why does the author mention Watkins" predictions in the first paragraph?

A. To make comparisons.B. To introduce the topic.

C. To support her argument.D. To provide examples.

5. What has caused the decrease in Australian children"s physical activity?

A. Plain laziness.B. Health problems.

C. Lack of time.D. Security concerns.

6. Why does the author find walking with her son worthwhile?

A. She can get relaxed after work.B. She can keep physically fit.

C. She can help with her son"s study.D. She can know her son better.

【答案】4. B 5. C 6. D




推理判断题。通过文章第二段“Today: in Australia: most children on average fall 2: 000 steps short of the physical activity they need to avoid being overweight. In the early 1970s, 40 percent of children walked to school while in 2010, it was as low as15 percent.(今天:在澳大利亚:大多数孩子平均比避免超重所需的体力活动少了2000步。在上世纪70年代初,40%的孩子步行上学,而在2010年,这一比例降至15%)”说明作者根据沃特金斯的预言做了相关调查,并且写下了这篇文章。通读全文得知作者在第一段提到沃特金斯的预言,是为了介绍文章主题。故选B项。


细节理解题。通过文章第三段中“Families are pressed for time: many with both parents working to pay for their house, often working hours not of their choosing, living in car-dependent neighborhoods with limited public transport.(家庭时间紧迫:许多家庭的父母都在为房子买单而工作,工作时间往往不是他们自己选择的,他们住在公共交通有限的依赖汽车的社区)”可知,导致澳大利亚儿童体育活动的减少的原因是时间不够。故选C项。


细节理解题。通过文章倒数第二段中“But somewhere over the daily walk more about my son’s day comes out. I hear him making sense of friendship and its limits. This is the unexpected and rare parental opportunity to hear more.(但是,在每天散步的某个地方,更多关于我儿子日常的事情出现了。我听到他在理解友谊及其局限性。这是一个意想不到的难得的机会,家长听到更多)”说明作者觉得和儿子一起散步能让她更了解她的儿子。故选D项。

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