
抖音经典的人生感悟句子 句句现实透彻!

时间:2023-10-05 02:05:01


抖音经典的人生感悟句子 句句现实透彻!


On the road of life, walk uphill and downhill with caution, walk Yangguan Road with eyes on the front and walk Yangchang Road with eyes overlooking the foot; Beautiful music springs up at night, you half cover your face with Pipa, shy laugh at me frequently, that moving waist and limb like your beautiful reflection, dissolve in summer night, and sit quietly on the lakeshore bank. In the midst of the moon.


we have been fantasizing in reality, but also looking for reality in fantasy. A sad man is inferior. Because of sadness, so inferiority, because inferiority, so sad. Hide in a certain time, miss a period of palmprint; hide in a certain place, miss a person standing on the way, also standing on the way, let me worry about.


I want to tell you that I am not doing so well. I still miss you very often and dream about you very often. Only time has taught me to shut up, because I know that many roads have to go by myself. It"s probably normal to be lonely. It"s good to survive.


the best love I can think of is the cup of hot water when I catch a cold, the washed and dried quilt, the trivial quarrel, and the hug after I get angry. When romance fades and passion fades, is the warmth of firewood, rice, oil and salt not the longest advertisement? There are roses, there are confessions. But love, to promise, more need to adhere to! Please cherish the person who never left after he came. May the sun and you still shine when you are old and faltering.

五、人生是一场永不落幕的演出,我们每一个人都是演员,只不过,有的人顺从自己,有的人取悦观众。Life is a never-ending performance. Each of us is an actor, but some of us obey ourselves and others please the audience.


life is difficult, do not embarrass oneself, free and easy; life is very bitter, do not disappoint oneself, confused some; life is very tired, do not force oneself, optimistic some; people can not stand the test, so do not easily test others. It"s hard to get into people"s hearts, but even harder to get into your own. The mind is uncertain, so everything is uncertain; if it is certain, it will be settled at the moment. Quiet mind leads to wisdom and disorder leads to stupidity.

七、 如果你掉进了黑暗里,你能做的,不过是静心等待,直到你的双眼适应黑暗。真正的爱应该是一种成熟的表现,可以在对方的身上看到对未来的希望,不会因为距离的远近,时间的长短而改变对一个人的心意。

If you fall into the darkness, all you can do is wait until your eyes adapt to the darkness. True love should be a mature expression, you can see the hope for the future in the other side, not because of the distance, the length of time to change the mind of a person.


If you don"t want to live a life without doing anything, you must endure loneliness, loneliness, pain and pressure. There is no casual success in the world. Behind every seemingly relaxed success is a deliberate effort. Fate will not owe you for your efforts. One day, the life you want will come quietly. And all hard-won, it is most worthy of cherishing.

九、怀念不一定就要相见,喜欢不一定就要在一起,你要相信每一种距离都有它存在的意义。人山人海,没有谁离不开谁, 如果爱,就请深深爱;如果不爱,就轻轻放开。 余生还很长,没有谁没了谁而不能活, 好好爱自己,也很重要. 愿你余生,再不经伤心的痛,再不受思念的苦, 一生幸运,一生被爱。

miss not necessarily to meet, like not necessarily to be together, you have to believe that every distance has its existence significance. No one can live without anyone. If you love, please love deeply; if you don"t love, let go gently. The rest of your life is still very long. No one can"t live without anyone. It"s also important to love yourself well. May you live the rest of your life without the pain of sadness, without the pain of missing, and be lucky and loved all your life.


When people are in the world, they think that there will be opportunities for everything in the future. In fact, life is a subtraction. See one side, less one side. I like many people, such as: lovely you, naughty you, angry you, sad you, and you do not love me.


Some things are known only after they have been done. Some things are known only when they are wrong. There are some things that you don"t know until you grow up. Don"t blindly crave others, how should we treat you, after all, everyone has their own bottom line.

十二、 人生就像一只储存罐,你投入的每一份努力,都会在未来某一天,回馈与你,而你所想做的就是每天都努力一点,要相信别人拥有的,不要去羡慕,只要你努力,时间都会给你的!如今,我的努力都在慢慢靠近我的目标!

Life is like a storage tank. Every effort you put in will give back to you someday in the future. What you want to do is to try harder every day. Believe what others have. Don"t envy it. As long as you work hard, time will give you! Now, my efforts are slowly approaching my goal!

十三、 的好对别人来说就像一颗糖,吃了就没了。你的坏对别人来说就像一个疤痕,留下了就永久在,这就是人性。

Good is like a candy to others. If you eat it, it will be gone. Your bad is like a scar to others. It"s human nature that remains forever.


If you live in the eyes of others, you will be lost in your own heart. You can never satisfy everyone without distorting yourself to please the world. Time is a relentless lock, you give it warmth, it gives you kindness, you despise it, it closes your heart window, you give it to help the world, it gives you happiness, miracle.


before adulthood, the heart of the likes are always unable to speak out, but the heart of the hate is unbridled; after adulthood, like a person has become blunt, but hate is buried in the heart.


[10 life treasures that others can"t take away] 1. Childlike innocence, never changing old mentality; 2. Kindness and kindness are compassionate mothers; 3. Romantic, beautiful everywhere; 4. Fantasy, youth patent; 5. lingering, affectionate; 6. Elegance, respect others in their solemn self; 7. Confidence, believe that they are the future; 8. Solemn, meditative accumulation of life; 9. Resolute, absolute. Hesitate; 10. mind, very eye-catching.

  1. ん叶子う2023-12-07 18:53ん叶子う[湖北省网友]
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