
朋友圈的经典好句子 简短有哲理 让你明白好多

时间:2023-09-14 02:16:01


朋友圈的经典好句子 简短有哲理 让你明白好多

一、 当你与整个环境格格不入,却无法找人诉说的时候;即使你和一群人一起,看着别人欢笑自己却丝毫不开心的时候,这应该就是最深的孤独吧。我喜欢生命的每一个当下,喜欢每一个手还能动、脚还能走路、嘴还能说话的当下。拥有当下,我已很知足了。When you are incompatible with the whole environment but unable to find someone to talk to, even when you are with a group of people and you are not happy at all when others laugh at you, this should be the deepest loneliness. I like every moment of my life. I like every moment when my hands can move, my feet can walk and my mouth can talk. I am satisfied with the present.

二、每个人都需要不断的新的革命,并非惊天动地,而是那回归初心的简单、正直、与坚持。 不敢再炫耀身边有谁,害怕他突然间离开,让我尴尬。Everyone needs constant new revolution, not earth-shaking, but the simplicity, integrity, and perseverance of returning to the original mind. I dare not show off anybody around me anymore. I am embarrassed because I am afraid of his sudden departure.

三、结婚时也给我张请柬吧,开心的难过的生气的温柔的,你所有的样子我都见过,就想最后见见你不属于我的样子。Give me an invitation when you get married, happy, sad, angry and gentle. I"ve seen all of you before, and I want to see you last as if you don"t belong to me.

四、友谊的一大奇特作用是:如果你把快乐告诉一个朋友,你将得到两个快乐;而如果你把忧愁向一个朋友倾吐,你将;被分掉一半忧愁。秘以友谊对于人世间生,真像炼金术所要找的那种“点金石”。它能使黄金加倍,又能使黑铁成金。A peculiar function of friendship is that if you tell happiness to a friend, you will get two pleasures, and if you pour out sorrow to a friend, you will be divided into half. Secretly speaking, friendship is like the "touchstone" that alchemy seeks for in human life. It can double gold and turn black iron into gold.

五、没有谁甘愿做别人倾诉烦恼的垃圾桶,一切的主动和热情,都是因为喜欢,ta愿意和你分享生活中所有细枝末节的小事,也愿意倾听你的生活中每一个开心或者悲伤的瞬间。No one is willing to be the trash can for others to pour out their troubles. All the initiative and enthusiasm are due to love. He is willing to share all the details of life with you and listen to every happy or sad moment in your life.

六、年纪不大却渐渐步入老年生活,没有特别喜欢的人,平淡的生活,每天规律的睡觉起床,不开心了就买买买,开心了 就看电视剧,生活没有波澜没有惊喜。Young but gradually into the old life, no special favorite people, plain life, regular sleep and get up every day, not happy to buy, happy to watch TV plays, life without waves and no surprises.

七、 一生中最重要的就是“今天”,因为今天是我们拥有的唯一财富。昨天不论多么值得回忆和怀念,它都像沉船一样沉入海底了。明天不论多么辉煌,它都还没有到来。而今天,不论多么平常、多么暗淡,它都在我们手里,由我们支配。珍惜今天,活在当下。The most important thing in life is today, because today is the only wealth we have. No matter how memorable and memorable it was yesterday, it sank like a wreck. No matter how brilliant tomorrow is, it has not yet arrived. But today, no matter how ordinary and dull it is, it is in our hands and at our disposal. Cherish today and live in the present.

八、好想每天都充满惊喜的遇见你,打开一扇门,亦或是在阶梯转角,真的好想你,失眠和失忆都是你,眼睛里都是你,泪水也冲刷不掉你的印记。Want to meet you every day full of surprises, open a door, or in the corner of the ladder, really miss you, insomnia and amnesia are you, eyes are you, tears can not wash away your mark.

九、 很多事情都是水到渠成的,急不得,躁不得。任何美好的状态都不会轻易降临。等吃够了当下的苦,未来的甜才会顺理成章地来,你也才能心安理得地享受。A lot of things have come to fruition. You can"t be anxious or impatient. No good state will come easily. When you have eaten enough of the bitterness of the present, the sweetness of the future will come in order, and you will enjoy it in peace.

十、人生四大悲剧:能力配不上梦想,收入配不上享用,容貌配不上矫情,见识配不上年龄。时间会淡化一个人的记忆,却永远无法让人淡忘那些回忆。Four tragedies in life: ability does not match dreams, income does not match enjoyment, appearance does not match affection, and knowledge does not match age. Time will dilute a person"s memory, but never let those memories fade away.

十一、你把自己感动的一塌糊涂,可对方呢,不过用一句玩笑,略过了你的真心,说白了,ta明白你的意思,但是宁愿当个玩笑不肯面对,更不肯接受,原因只不过是因为ta没那么喜欢你罢了。You moved yourself to a mess, but the other party, but with a joke, skipped your heart, to tell you the truth, TA understand what you mean, but would rather be a joke not to face, not to accept, simply because he did not like you so much.

十二、回忆,真的能让一个人变成神经病,前一秒,还是嘴角微扬,这一秒,却湿润了眼眶。最深的孤独,是你明知道自己的渴望,却对它装聋作哑。Memory, really can make a person become neuropathy, the first second, or the corner of the mouth slightly raised, this second, but wet the eyes. The deepest loneliness is when you know your desire and pretend to be deaf and dumb about it.

十三、在感情里,我们总是自欺欺人,一边忍受着失望,一边又不断的给自己希望,可是一个人是否全心全意的爱着你,从ta的一言一行,一举一动,甚至一个眼神里都能看得出来。In our feelings, we always deceive ourselves, endure disappointment while constantly giving ourselves hope, but whether a person loves you wholeheartedly can be seen from his words and deeds, every move, even a look in his eyes.

十四、做任何事情,我们都不应该半途而废,哪怕前行的道路再苦再难,也要坚持下去,你如果要想赢,就一定不能怕输。不怕输,结果未必能赢。但是怕输,结果则一定是输。Whatever we do, we should not give up halfway. Even if the road ahead is any harder, we should stick to it. If you want to win, you must not be afraid of losing. If you are not afraid of losing, you may not win. But fear of losing, the result must be losing.

十五、我一直在等待,等待花开,等待风起,等待你来。少年的爱情永远不够用,一杯酒足以了却一件心事。从来也没有深刻的喜欢过什么人,也没有被什么人喜欢过,如果这世界是一个圈,圆心千万不要只留下我自己。I have been waiting, waiting for flowers, waiting for the wind, waiting for you to come. Youth"s love is never enough, a glass of wine is enough but a matter of mind. Never deeply liked anyone, nor was anyone liked, if the world is a circle, the center of the circle must not leave me alone.

十六、 人心只一拳,别把它想得太大。盛下了是非,就盛不下正事。很多人每天忙忙碌碌,一事无成,那就是对细枝末节的琐碎关注得太多。米可果腹,沙可盖屋,但二者掺到一起,价值全无。做人纯粹点,做事才能痛快点。Don"t think too much about it. When right and wrong are abounded, no right or wrong will abound. Many people are busy and do nothing every day, that is, they pay too much attention to trivial details. Mike has a belly and sand can build a house, but they are all worthless when they are mixed together. Only by being pure can we do things happily.

十七、谁真谁假,不遇事真不清楚,谁好谁坏,不久处真不明白,人人都是好演员,一边演白脸,一边唱黑脸。也不是离开就不能活,不过是得不到心有不甘罢了。It"s not clear who"s real and who"s false, who"s good and who"s bad when things happen. Soon, it"s not clear. Everyone is a good actor, playing white face while singing black face. It"s not that you can"t live without leaving, but you can"t live without your heart.

十八、很多时候,你很努力的去做事,别人却是抱着怀疑的目光。这个世界上,没有完美的回声,只有你自己知道,尽力做事,尽心做人。在意别人的说辞,只能让脚下的步子,更沉重。Most of the time, you work hard, but others are suspicious. In this world, there is no perfect echo, only you know, do your best, and be a man with all your heart. Care about what others say can only make the footsteps heavier.

十九、不要让别人告诉你,你不能做什么。只要有梦想,就要去追求。那些做不到的人总要告诉你,你也不行。想要什么就得去努力,去追求。Don"t let others tell you what you can"t do. As long as you have a dream, you have to pursue it. Those who can"t always tell you, you can"t. If you want anything, you have to work hard and pursue it.

二十、正因为这是虚构的故事,才存在着人们的期望。假如这个世界存在的只有现实,没有虚构故事的话,我们的人生未免太贫瘠了。为了让现实更加多采多姿,所以我们阅读虚构故事。It is precisely because this is a fictional story that people expect. If the world exists only in reality and there are no fictional stories, our life would be too barren. In order to make reality more colorful, we read fictional stories.

二十一、 爱情是怎样逝去,又怎样步上群山,怎样在繁星之间藏住了脸。我也许没有最可爱的眼睛,最甜美的笑容,最美丽的脸庞,或者最完美的身材,但,我有一颗最爱你的心。How did love die, how did it go up the mountains, how did it hide its face among the stars? I may not have the most lovely eyes, the sweetest smile, the most beautiful face, or the most perfect body, but I have a heart that loves you the most.

二十二、最美是相遇,最痛是别离,当卿卿我我,变成痛哭流涕,那是怎样的痛,也许只有经历过的人才会懂。为爱放了手,成全了别人,委屈了自己,原来,爱到深处是放弃!The most beautiful thing is to meet, the most painful thing is to leave. When you love me, you become crying, what kind of pain it is, maybe only those who have experienced it will understand. Letting go for love, perfecting others, wronging oneself, originally, love to the depths is to give up!

二十三、我希望我跟你的名字能写在一起,不管是在婚礼的喜帖上,还是在葬礼的墓碑上。我想装疯卖傻的过一生,可以听不到那些刺耳,看不见那些揪心,感觉不出那些疼。I hope I can write your name together, whether on wedding invitations or funeral tombstones. I want to pretend to be crazy and foolish all my life. I can"t hear those harsh things, I can"t see those distractions, I can"t feel those pains.

二十四、等下次见面,我会用不知道,积攒了多少天的温柔,拥抱你;我拿着枪指着你的头,你却先把匕首刺进我的心脏,可你却不知道,枪里没有子弹,装的是你最爱的糖。Next time I meet you, I will not know how many days of tenderness I have accumulated to embrace you; I hold a gun to your head, but you first stab a dagger into my heart, but you do not know, there is no bullet in the gun, loaded with your favorite sugar.

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