
伪国际贸易信贷 Fake international trade credit英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-16 21:32:07


伪国际贸易信贷 Fake international trade credit英语短句 例句大全


伪国际贸易信贷,Fake international trade credit

1)Fake international trade credit伪国际贸易信贷

2)trade credit贸易信贷

1.A contingent claim analysis oftrade credit;贸易信贷的或有债权分析

2.From the perspective of thetrade credit,this paper discusses the game between the corporations and farmers.本文从贸易信贷的角度来探讨企业和农户双方进行的博弈行为,同时注意到了可能出现的问题,并提出了相应的解决办法。

3.Trade credit could be a kind of quasi-money.贸易信贷具有“准货币”性质,其对银行信贷存在一定程度的替代性,因而贸易信贷能够对货币政策传导产生影响。


1.The Research and Practice of Sample Survey of Trade Credit of China;我国贸易信贷抽样调查的研究与实践

2.Trade Credit"s Role in China"s Monetary Policy Transmission贸易信贷在中国货币政策传导中的作用研究

3.The Surveys, Calculation, Charaterristics and Influence Factors of Trade Credit in Jiangsu Province;江苏省贸易信贷规模的测算、特征及影响因素研究

4.This is very helpful to the buying company to decide weather use trade credit to purchase goods.这对于买方公司决定是否选择使用贸易信贷这种方式提供了很大的帮助.

5."Compensation trade is, in fact, a kind of loan."补偿贸易实际上是一种信贷

pensation trade is a kind of loan, so interest must be paid.补偿贸易是一种信贷,因此必须付利息。

pensation trade is a form of international trade based on credit .补偿贸易是建立在信贷基础上的一种国际贸易形式。

8.It is necessary, therefore, to pay some interest each year.补偿贸易实际是一种信贷,每年应付一定的利息。

9."The State may take import and export credit, export tax refund and other foreign trade promotion measures for the purpose of the development of foreign trade."国家采取进出口信贷、出口退税及其他对外贸易促进措施,发展对外贸易。

10.Article 34 The State may take import and export credit, export tax refund and other foreign trade promotion measures for the purpose of the development of foreign trade.第三十四条国家采取进出口信贷、出口退税及其他对外贸易促进措施,发展对外贸易。

11.In these areas, trade and credit were essential to economic life.在这些方面,贸易和信贷成了经济生活中不可缺少的东西。

pensation trade is, in a way, a kind of loan you need to pay the interest on the loan every year.斯:补偿贸易从某种方式上讲是一种信贷。每年还应付一定的利息。

13.These were some of the ties of trade and credit that bound the United States to Allies by the autumn of 1915.到19秋季,有些贸易和信贷的联系,使美国对协约国承担了义务。

parisons Analysis of Promotion Function between FDI and Credit of Banks in China;我国对外贸易的FDI与国内银行信贷促进效应的比较分析

15.Credit Financing Difficulty of Hi-tech Small and Medium-sized Enterprises and Trade Financing;科技型中小企业信贷融资困境与自偿性贸易融资

16.regional trade information network区域贸易信息网(贸易信息网)

17.Intra-Arab Trade Information Network阿拉伯国家贸易信息网(贸易信息网)

18.TISNET Trade Information Sheets贸易信息网贸易信息活页


trade credit贸易信贷

1.A contingent claim analysis oftrade credit;贸易信贷的或有债权分析

2.From the perspective of thetrade credit,this paper discusses the game between the corporations and farmers.本文从贸易信贷的角度来探讨企业和农户双方进行的博弈行为,同时注意到了可能出现的问题,并提出了相应的解决办法。

3.Trade credit could be a kind of quasi-money.贸易信贷具有“准货币”性质,其对银行信贷存在一定程度的替代性,因而贸易信贷能够对货币政策传导产生影响。

3)Credit transaction信贷贸易

4)International trade credit国际贸易信用

5)international trade国际贸易

1.An Analysis of Energy Tariff "s Effect on International Trade and Environmental Pollution;能源税对国际贸易与环境污染影响的实证研究

2.On the internalisation of environmental cost ininternational trade;试论国际贸易发展中的环境成本内部化

3.Economic analysis on relationship between seafood safety standard andinternational trade;水产食品安全标准与国际贸易的经济学分析

6)World trade国际贸易

1.Theoretically, appropriate introduction of environmental protection policy into world trade may lead to the ideal state of protecting our environment, maintaining the ecological balance and respecting the earth ethically.绿色壁垒作为一种非关税壁垒 ,现已成为国际贸易中最隐蔽、最棘手的贸易障碍之一 ,国际贸易中引进适当的环境保护政策从理论上说可能达致了伦理地通往保护环境、维护生态平衡和尊重地球的美好境界 ,但在现实中往往蜕化为非伦理和反伦理的借口 ,对世界文明 (生态文明 )进化和国际贸易的发展产生负面影响。

2.This paper analyzes the fair world trade under the WTO.分析了WTO体制下的国际贸易公平问题,指出在WTO规则的制定及运作过程中,发达国家起着主导作用,虽然对发展中国家体现了优惠安排,但是这种优惠待遇不足以弥补两者之间的差距,而且这种差距仍在拉大。

3.We need to clarify the relation between the traditional comparative advantage theory and the booming competitive success theory in the tendency of developing world trade theories, as it is of great theoretical significance.从理论上梳理代表国际贸易理论主流的比较优势论与新兴的竞争优势论之间的关系,对于明确国际贸易理论未来的发展方向具有重要的理论意义。



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