
心情失落伤感的句子 看完后莫名的心酸!


Loneliness is probably like this No one laughs with you and no one bears your sorrow 期待,是所有心痛的根源

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Loneliness is probably like this. No one laughs with you and no one bears your sorrow.


Expectation is the root of all heartache. If the heart does not move, it will not hurt.


I have never drunk the strongest wine, but I have given up the people I love most.


When others pay a little attention to you, you open your heart. You think it is frank, but in fact it is loneliness.


If a person lives with a mask for too long, he will gradually forget his original appearance.


One thing I don"t like about life is that it always allows more sensible people to bear bad feelings and results.


When you love someone, you suck in so much courage, but what you spit out in the end is a sigh.


You are amazing time away, I am waiting for years, you are a meteor, I am a lone star.


In fact, I am quite afraid of chatting with you, because you always ignore me in the middle of the conversation.


Without identity, even jealousy should be measured. What suffers is not waiting, but waiting without response.


I know that people who want to leave are asking for one more word, but even if I ask you, you still leave.


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