
让你怼得开心的屌炸天句子 别人哭得伤心

时间:2022-02-16 09:36:45


《屌炸天的怼人句子+让你怼得开心+别人哭得伤心》简介: 这本书是一部集合了无数令人忍俊不禁的怼人句子的集子,作者精心挑选了各种场合下最合适的怼人利器,无论是面对恶心的前任,还是那个总让你生气的同事,这本书里都有能让你怼得开心的利箭。更有甚者,书中还附带了一些绝妙战术,保证你的怼击能够让别人哭得伤心。这本书不仅仅是一本让你学会怼人的利器,更是一本让你在生活中快乐应对各种烦恼的利器。无论是需要调侃朋友,还是需要击溃敌人,这本书能让你称心如意。

1. 只因在人群中多看了你一眼,我便从此瞎了眼。

Just because I saw you more in the crowd, I became blind.


Lets go to eat fish some other time. I think you can pick on me.

3. 和我摆脸色之前,先看我缺不缺你。

Before you make a face with me, see if I lack you.

4. 没文凭还学人家长得丑,不聪明还学人家秃顶。

If you don have a diploma, you can learn that your parents are ugly and not smart, and you can learn that they are bald.

5. 你家住海边吗,管的也太宽了吧。

Do you live by the sea? Its too wide a tube.

让你怼得开心的屌炸天句子 别人哭得伤心

6. 在说我坏话时请别添油加醋的,你真当炒菜呢。

But when I speak ill of you, please don embellish it. Are you really cooking?

7. 你顶配、满配、绝配又怎么样,老子原配。

So what if you e the perfect match? Im the original match.

8. 你一定是凌晨一点出生的,因为那是丑时。

1:00 must have been born in the early hours of the morning, because thats when its ugly.

9. 你是想气死我,然后做孤儿。

Are you trying to piss me off and be an orphan.


Its not easy for you to make me that complicated, is it.

11. 你象棋肯定下的挺好的,看你马后炮很在行。

Im sure you e good at chess. You e good at hindsight.

12. 给你点根蜡烛吧,看你如此能吹。

Let me light you a candle and see how well you can blow.

13. 你不去当厨子可惜了,甩锅甩的那么厉害。

Its a shame you don cook. You throw the pot so hard.

14. 每次吵完架,我都觉得自己没有发挥好,其实,是我不懂事,不应该把你当人看。

You are quarreling, I feel that I did not play well. In fact, I am not sensible and should not treat you as a person.

15. 我不是一个愿意争抢的人,因为我觉得,能被抢走的都是垃圾。

I am not a person who is willing to fight for it, because I feel that all that can be taken away is garbage.

16. 不用太在意某些人说的话,因为他们有嘴,但不一定有脑。

Don care too much about what some people say, because they have mouths, but they don necessarily have brains.

17. 只是随性,不是没脾气,对于某些人,我只想说我的巴掌很适合你的脸。

Who is the sex is not without temper, for some people, I just want to say, my slap is very suitable for your face.

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