
行政公正与英语短句例句大全:探讨administrative justice

时间:2021-10-05 15:03:55


"行政公正+administrative+justice 英语短句+例句大全" 是一个收集了关于行政公正和行政司法的英语短句和例句的资源库。在现代社会,行政公正和行政司法是保障公民合法权益和社会公平的重要保障,因此对这一主题的学习和理解至关重要。这个资源库旨在为学习者提供涵盖行政公正和行政司法的丰富例句,帮助他们更好地理解和运用相关英语表达。无论是从法律专业角度出发,还是对社会公正有兴趣的人士,这个资源库都能提供有益的参考和借鉴。通过收集这些英语短句和例句,我们可以更好地了解行政公正和行政司法在英语语境中的应用与表达方式。

行政公正,administrative justice

1)administrative justice行政公正

1.At the contemporary democratic society,administrative justice is a society public of common need and it is the important path which improves social unjust positive condition and it is our country set up to harmonize a society of important guarantee.在当代民主社会,行政公正是社会公众的共同需求,是改善社会不公正状况的重要途径,是我国构建和谐社会的重要保障。

2.The idea of modernadministrative justice holds the balance between all interests,but the unlimited extension of power makes it extremely easy to dissimilate the idea.现代行政公正理念内蕴各方利益的均衡,而权力的无限扩张本性使之极易异化。

3.Influencing by the judicial review, the standard ofadministrative justice provides protection, standard and restriction for the legitimacy of administration, and it is also widely accepted and recognized by the public.行政公正是树立行政权威的基础,行政公正涵盖了程序正义和实体正义,即对过程和结果公正的追求。


1.Realization of Administrative Justice as Regards the Validity of Presume-Legal;从行政行为公定力谈行政公正的实现

2.Draw Lessons from Administrative Justice to the Modern Theory of Multiple New Public Administration;行政公正对现代多元新公共行政学说的借鉴

3.On the Realization of Administrative Justice from the Perspective of Administrative Procedure;从行政程序的视角考察行政公正的实现

4.The Specific Connotation of Government Administrative Justice During Social Transformation;论社会转型时期行政公正的特定内涵

5.Justice in Administration:A Model for Administrative Behavior in a Harmonious Sciety;公正行政:和谐社会的行政模式选择

6.On Entity Justice and System Establishment of Public Administration;论公共行政的实体公正及其制度建构

7.The new government communized all banks.新政府正在使所有银行公有化。

8.If an administrative sanction is obviously unfair, it may be amended by judgment.行政处罚显失公正的,可以判决变更.

9.Due Process under the Vision of Public Security Administrative Law Enforcement;正当程序原则视野下的公安行政执法

10.Policy of Returning Meltage Fees to the Public Coffers in Youngzheng Reign and Its Enforcement in Zhili;雍正年间耗羡归公政策在直隶的实行

11.The Institutional Design of the Principle of Justice Concerning the Administrative Procedural Law;实现行政程序法公正原则的制度设计

12.A study on WTO and the Impartiality of Administrative Adjudication System;WTO与我国行政裁决制度公正性研究

13.Administrative ethics has important effect to justice honesty and efficient of public administration.行政伦理对于公共行政管理的公正,廉洁、效起着至关重要的作用。

14.fair government公正的政治,公正的管理

15.In fact, the most needed field of justness is the field of public administration.其实,最需要公正的领域是公共行政的领域。

16.The Application of Fairness and Justice in Public Security Administrative Law Enforcement公平正义理念在公安行政执法中的体现和运用

17.On Correct Exercise of Right of Discretion in Police Administrative Enforcement of Law;论公安行政执法中自由裁量权的正确行使

18.Third, we"ll establish a clean, highly effective, fair and standard administrative environment.三是建立廉洁高效、公正规范的行政环境。


Administrative injustice行政公正

1.Administrative injustice is the important means to realize the rule of law.行政公正是实现法治社会的重要途径,而法治社会的最终目标是实现和谐社会。

2.The relationship between administration and law contains injustice naturally, in that the inequality of the relationship often renders administrative justice dubious, therefore, administrative injustice is a possibility in reality.行政法律关系孕育、蕴涵、裹藏着行政不公正 ,行政法律关系的不对等性使行政公正存有诸多可疑 ,行政公正的可疑性成为一种现实的可

3)fair administration公正行政

4)On Administrative Justice论行政公正

5)Public administrative公共行政正义

1.Public administrative field involve particularity of state power by oneself because of their , can influence and intervene private interests and public interests directly, so, as a branch of the just problem, the public administrat.公共行政领域因其自身涉及国家权力的特殊性,可直接影响和干预私人利益和公共利益,因此,作为正义问题的一个分支,公共行政正义问题就日益显示着其独特的地位和作用。

6)justice in administrative procedure行政程序公正



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