
农村生态系统健康 Rural ecosystem health英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-09-26 05:35:04


农村生态系统健康 Rural ecosystem health英语短句 例句大全

Rural ecosystems play a vital role in maintaining the health of our planet, providing essential services such as food production, water purification, and climate regulation. Ensuring the health and sustainability of these ecosystems is crucial for the well-being of both rural communities and the global environment. This collection of English short sentences and example sentences aims to highlight the importance of protecting and preserving rural ecosystems. From the benefits of sustainable agriculture to the impact of biodiversity loss, these phrases demonstrate the interconnectedness of rural ecosystems and human health. By promoting awareness and understanding of the significance of rural ecosystem health, we can work towards fostering a more sustainable and harmonious relationship between people and the environment.

农村生态系统健康,Rural ecosystem health

1)Rural ecosystem health农村生态系统健康


1.Exploration on the basic connotation and evaluation system of rural ecosystem health农村生态系统健康的基本内涵及评价体系探索

2.Discussion on Farmland Ecosystem Health Assessment Method on Village Scale of Mountain-foot Plain of North China;华北山前平原村级农田生态系统健康评价方法探讨

3.The Health Assessment of the Agro-ecosystem in Weihai City of Shandong Province;山东省威海市农业生态系统健康评价

4.The Ecosystem Health Evaluation of the Agriculture in the North Bank of Yili Valley伊犁河谷北岸农业生态系统健康评价

5.The Research on the Service Functions and Health of Agricultural Ecosystem in Baicheng Area;白城地区农业生态系统的服务功能与健康研究

6.Health assessment of natural rubber industry ecosystem in Hainan farm;海南农垦天然橡胶产业生态系统健康评价研究

7.Assessment Method of Agroecosystem Health of Based on Pressure-State-Response Model;基于压力-状态-响应模型的农业生态系统健康评价方法

8.Mental Health of the Children Left Home in Rural Area--An Ecological Perspective;农村留守儿童的心理健康:一个生态学的视角

9.Investigation on Health-related Knowledge,Attitude,and Behavior Among Rural Middle School Students of Minyun County密云县农村中学生健康知识、态度、行为调查


11.University Student Ecology Psychologically Healthy Education System Research;大学生生态心理健康教育的系统研究

12.Correlations between marital quality and reproductive health-related behaviors among married rural women of childbearing age农村育龄妇女婚姻质量与生殖健康行为关系

13.Study on the Ecosystem Health Assessment Based on GIS&RS基于RS与GIS的生态系统健康评价研究

14.Assessment and analysis of wetland ecosystem health in Dongting Lake洞庭湖区湿地生态系统健康综合评价

15.Assessment of ecosystem health for typical estuary in Haihe River Basin海河流域典型河口生态系统健康评价

16.Health Evaluation of the Eco-economic System In Xiangbizui Small Watershed象鼻嘴小流域生态经济系统健康评价

17.Research of the Environmental Flows and Levels for Lakes Based on Ecosystem Health;基于生态系统健康的湖泊生态需水研究

18.An Assessment of Ecosystem Health for Dongting Lake and Its Restoration;洞庭湖生态系统健康评价及其生态修复


Agroecosystem health农业生态系统健康

1.Agroecosystem health is the comprehensive characteristics of agroecosystems,it can he assessed through the measurements of vigor,stability and self-organization and is a very important guarantee for realizing the construction goal of eco-agricuhure.农业生态系统健康是农业生态系统的综合特征,它具有活力、稳定和自调节能力,是实现生态农业建设目标的重要保障。

2.Agroecosystem health refers to the state of an agroecosystem where it is free from "distress syndrome" and to cope with stress, or capability to produce agricultural products in a sustainable way.农业生态系统健康是指农业生态系统免受发生“失调综合症”、处理胁迫的状态和满足持续生产农产品的能力 。

3.In this paper, the recent research achievements about agroecosystem health were introduced, including the emergence and development of the concept of agroecosystem health, the stresses endangering agroecosystem health , the methods and index assessing agroecosystem health, etc.本文从农业生态系统健康学说的形成与发展、危及农业生态系统健康的胁迫因子、农业生态系统健康的评价方法和指标等几个方面综述了农业生态系统健康学的研究概况。

3)farmland ecosystem health农田生态系统健康

1.Discussion on indicator system offarmland ecosystem health assessment;农田生态系统健康评价指标体系的探讨

4)ecosystem health生态系统健康

1.Review of research onecosystem health in riverine phreatic zones;河流潜流带的生态系统健康研究进展

2.Indicators and evaluation ofecosystem health of typical rivers in Shenzhen City;深圳典型河流生态系统健康指标及评价

3.A kind of method and its application for urbanecosystem health assessment;一种城市生态系统健康评价方法及其应用

5)health of ecosystem生态系统健康

1.Based on the connotation ofhealth of ecosystem in mining areas and the evaluating indicator system,this paper puts forward the evaluation method of ecosystem health trend in mining areas.根据矿区生态系统健康内涵,建立了评价指标体系,提出了矿区生态系统健康趋势评价方法。



农村农村village农村(villa罗)以从事农业生产为主的农业人口居住的地区,是同城市相对应的区域,具有特定的自然景观和社会经济条件,也叫乡村。农村是生产力发展到一定阶段的产物,在生产力高度发达的未来社会中,城市与农村的本质差别将消失。在不同的国家、不同时期、不同地区,所规定的农村统计口径有所不同。例如美国,1950年以前规定,凡是人口在2 500人以下的、没有组织成自治单位的居住地就算农村;1950年以后规定,不论其是否组织成自治单位,凡人口在2 500人以下或人口在每平方英里1 50。人以下的地区及城市郊区都算作农村。欧洲各国一般以居住地在2 000人以下者为农村。在中国没有直接规定“农村”这一统计指标的口径,仅规定了“市镇总人口”和“乡村总人口”这两个人口统计指标。据《中国统计年鉴》(1987)解释,“市镇总人口”指市、镇辖区内的全部人口;“乡村总人口”指县(不含镇)内全部人口。其中,“市”是指经国家规定成立“市”建制的城市;“镇”是指经省、自治区、直辖市批准的镇。1984年规定,凡县级地方国家机关所在地,或总人口在2万人以下的乡、乡政府驻地非农业人口超过2 000人的,或总人口在2万人以上的乡,乡政府驻地非农业人口占全乡人口10%以上的,均可建镇。在原始社会初期,人类依靠采集、渔猎为生,逐水草、居巢穴,无所谓村落。到了原始社会的中期,约在新石器时代,人类掌握了农业生产技术,有了耕种土地、照管作物、饲养畜禽等生产活动,人类开始定居下来。同时,为防御外族侵扰和野兽的侵害等,要求一个氏族聚居在一起,从而出现了最早的村落原始村落是以血缘关系形成的氏族部落的聚居之地,实行原始公有制,按自然分工进行生产活动,平均分配。至原始社会末期,交换有了一定的发展,在一些交通方便、位置适中的村落中,出现了集市。在奴隶社会的农村中,由于生产力的发展,手工业、商业相继从农业中独立出来。在一些大的村落中,手工业者集中,商业集中,形成永久性市场。这些地方,逐步演变成一个地区的政治、经济、文化中心。为了保护财产的安全、政权的巩固,则修筑城堡等,逐渐出现了城市。大商人、大奴隶主、官吏聚居在城市,奴隶、个体小农、少数小奴隶主则居住在农村。奴隶社会的农村社会经济关系,本质上是奴隶主剥削、压迫奴隶的关系。在封建社会的农村中,主要居住着农民(雇农、佃农、自耕农)或农奴、中小地主等。土地等生产资料绝大部分为封建地主阶级(或封建农奴主阶级)所有,少部分归农民所有。封建社会农村社会经济关系本质上是封建地主阶级统治、压迫、剥削农民的关系。

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