

时间:2021-07-09 01:45:03


"Physical health of college students" is an important topic that encompasses a wide range of health-related issues among young adults pursuing higher education. This compilation presents a comprehensive collection of short sentences and example sentences in English to explore various aspects of college students" physical well-being. From exercise habits and nutrition to mental health and lifestyle choices, these sentences aim to shed light on the challenges and opportunities for enhancing the overall health of students in university settings. With an emphasis on promoting a balanced and healthy lifestyle, these examples serve as a valuable resource for understanding the factors that contribute to the overall physical health of college students and the strategies that can be implemented to improve their well-being.

大学生体质健康,Physical health of college students

1)Physical health of college students大学生体质健康


1.Study of the correlation between college student s physical health and mental health;大学生体质健康与心理健康相关性研究

2.The Investigation of College Students’ Health and Sanitation Service;大学生体质健康与卫生服务状况调查

3.The Evolvement of the Standard of Students Constitution and Health and Research on the Level of Undergraduates Constitution and Health;学生体质健康标准演变与大学生体质健康水平的相关研究

4.Analysis and Study the Result in Physical Health Test of University Students;大学生体质健康测试数据分析与对策

5.Research on the Model of Self-exercise for the Physical Health of the College Students;大学生体质健康自我锻炼模式的研究

6.A Research on the Sustainable Development of the College Students Physical Fitness;对大学生体质健康可持续发展的研究


7.Thinking about the Implementation of the University Student Physical Healthy Standard;《大学生体质健康标准》实施中的思考

8.Researching on How to Improve College Students Health Level;提高大学生体质健康水平的对策研究

9.Research and Analysis on Physical and Healthy Condition of Students;对大学生体质健康状况的研究与分析

10.A comparison between the new and old College Student Physical Health Evaluation Standard;大学生体质健康新旧测评标准的比较

11.On Physical Health of University Students and Measures for Its Improvement;大学生体质健康现状及提高对策研究

12.Consummation on the Physique Health Test Project Target University Student System;大学生体质健康测试项目的完善研究

13.Thoughts on Education of College Students Physique Health;关于大学生体质健康教育的若干思考

14.Analysis of Physical Condition of College Students in Liaoning Province;辽宁省大学生体质健康测试结果分析

15.A Study and Survey of the Students Constitution;对大学生体质健康状况的调查与研究

16.The Analysts of the Current Health Condition about the Students of Capital Normal University;首都师范大学学生体质健康现状分析

17.A comparative study on the urban and rural students’ physique health of Liaoning University;辽宁大学城乡学生体质健康比较研究

18.The Analyses about Student Health Testing Current Situation in Chengdu University;成都大学学生体质健康测试现状分析


physical health standard of college students大学生体质健康标准

3)the standard of college students"s body and helth《大学生体质与健康标准》

4)healthy situation of university students大学生体质健康状况

5)Students Physical Constitution and Health学生体质健康

1.In this paper,an all-round analysis has been conducted toward the test results ofStudents Physical Constitution and Health for students of 05 in Capital Institute of Physical Education and the characteristics ofStudents Physical Constitution and Health have been studied while a preliminary analysis is done for the current problems and suggestions for improvement are put forward.对首都体育学院学生体质健康标准测试结果进行了全面的分析,探讨体育院校学生体质健康状况的特点,对存在的问题进行初步分析,提出改善建议。

6)the health of college students大学生健康


大学生运动会大学生运动会第7届大学生运动会将在上海市举办。①第1届。1982年8月10~19日在北京市举行。有各省、市、自治区的大学生体育代表团的2432名运动员参加。设田径、体操、艺术体操、乒乓球4个比赛项目。②第2届。1986年8月3一9日在大连市举行。有各省、市、自治区的大学生体育代表团的2231名运动员参加。设篮球和田径2项比赛。③第3届。1988年8月16~30日在南京市举行。有各省、市、自治区的 1853名运动员参加。设田径、篮球、排球、乒乓球、艺术体操5个比赛项目。④第4届。1992年9日月29一10月5日在武汉市举行。有各省、市、自治区的1928名运动员参加。设田径、篮球、排球、羽毛球和艺术体操5个比赛项目和武术表演。⑤第5届。1996年8月28~9月4日在西安市举行。有各省、市、自治区及港、澳、台的6000余名运动员参加比赛与观摩。设田径、篮球、排球、艺术体操、健美操和武术6个比赛项目。⑥第6届。2000年9月4一11日在四川省举行。有33个代表团参加了比赛。田径赛有35人次打破19项大学生运动会纪录,有2人1次创1项全国纪录,29人30次创巧项全国大运会纪录。Daxuesheng Yundonghui大学生运动会全称中华人民共和国大学生运动会。中国全国性大学生综合运动会。由教育部、国家体委、共青团中央、全国学联、全国大学生体协联合举办。运动会在省会城市举行,每4年1届,从1982~2000年已经举办了6届。女子400米栏决赛运动会开幕式 女子5000米决赛 30誊嚣男子800米决赛大学生运动会上的球操

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