
屯堡族群 Tunpu ethnic community英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-05-07 22:02:30


屯堡族群,也称为Tunpu族群,是中国特有的一个群体,分布在陕西、河南、湖北等地。屯堡族群是明清时期的南迁军民后裔,以屯垦、耕种、防御为生活特点,形成了独特的文化和风俗。他们保留了古老的习俗和传统,生活方式朴实而淳朴。屯堡族群以其独特的历史和文化而闻名,吸引着许多人前来学习和探索。以下是一些关于屯堡族群的英语短句和例句,帮助人们更好地了解这个特殊的群体。 1. The Tunpu ethnic community has a rich cultural heritage that dates back centuries. 2. The traditional clothing worn by the Tunpu people reflects their unique cultural identity. 3. Visitors can experience the traditional customs and hospitality of the Tunpu ethnic community during their stay. 4. The Tunpu ethnic community has preserved its traditional architecture and lifestyle for generations. 5. The traditional festivals celebrated by the Tunpu people showcase their strong sense of community and heritage.

屯堡族群,Tunpu ethnic community

1)Tunpu ethnic community屯堡族群


1.Tunpu Ethnic Community and Ethnic Identity--Taking the Tunpu Peope in Tianlong Village for Example屯堡族群与族群认同——以天龙屯堡为例

2.The Ethnic Group under the View of the Rite从村际地戏仪式观屯堡人族群的稳定性

3.Study the Relationship between Miao Nationlity and "Tunpu Ren" in Gui Zhou;贵州屯堡人与周边少数民族关系研究

4.Exploration of Guizhou Tun Pu Folk Songs--in Comparison with Buyi national minority folk songs;贵州屯堡山歌探析——与布依族山歌比较

5.Exploring the Relationships between Tunpu People in Guizhou and the Neighboring Minorities;贵州屯堡人与周边少数民族的关系初探

6.Rural Community And Harmonious Develapment of Community--On Community of Jixi As A Typical Tunpu Vellege;乡村社群与社区和谐发展——对黔中屯堡村落J村的社群研究

7.Anshun Tunpu Culture--The Regional Cultural Landscape of Central Guizhou Karst Environment;安顺屯堡文化——黔中喀斯特环境中的汉民族地域文化景观

8.Historical Facts,Social Memory and Identity of Ethnic Group历史事实·社会记忆·族群认同——以青海黄南吾屯土族为个案的研究

9.A textual study on word family of "jūn"、"jūn"、"qūn"、"tūn;“军”、“君”、“”、“屯”声字族析

10.A Historical Shock of Modern Civilization to the west Part of Hubei Province-- An Cultural and Economic Investigation of No.7 Women s School in Tunbao,Enshi City;鄂西民族地区的一次近代文明冲击——"七女高"时期屯堡社区经济、文化考察

11.On Woman′s "Shoes with a Phoenix-like Head" and "the Natural Feet" in Tunbao;屯堡女子“凤头鞋”与“天足”研究

12.On the Tourism Development of Tunpu Culture in Anshun;黔中安顺屯堡文化旅游开发初步研究

13.An Analysis of SWOT of Tunpu Culture in the Strategy of "Tourism Revitalizing the City" of Anshun屯堡文化在安顺“旅游兴市”中的SWOT分析

14.The Value of Tunpu Culture--Discuses with Mr. Song Cilin屯堡文化的价值——与宋茨林先生商酌

15.The power,Methods,Organization and Confusion on the study of TenPu Culture屯堡文化研究的动力、方法、组织与困惑

16.The Thinking of the Activities of "Carrying Wang Gong" and the Stability of the Community of TunPu--In the case of jichangtun the city of An shun“抬汪公”活动与屯堡社区稳定性思考——以安顺市吉昌屯为个案

17.THE ACTIVATAED FORM OF PRIMITIVE ESTHTICS SYSTEM;黑衣壮:原始审美制度的活化形态——广西那坡县弄文屯黑衣壮族群的日常生活

18.On studying of the station troops culture,we have made great achievements recently.对贵州屯堡文化的研究,近年来硕果累累。



1.An Analysis of Rice Price inTunpu(1911—1948);民国时期贵州屯堡地区米价分析

2.Historical Archaic,or Modern Package?——Analysis on "Hotpoint" and "Ice-point" in RemodelingTunpu;是历史遗存还是现代包装?——《屯堡重塑》中的“热点”与“冰点”

3.The Settlement-form of Jiuxi——One of the Most Characteristic Settlement ofTunpu in Guizhou Province;“屯堡第一村”——九溪的聚落形态研究

3)Tun Pu屯堡

1.Exploration of GuizhouTun Pu Folk Songs——in Comparison with Buyi national minority folk songs;贵州屯堡山歌探析——与布依族山歌比较

2.Ibn the research craziness ofTun Pu culture,people always pay attention to its conservatives and peculiarities,but ignore the ordinary rule of changes and above two cultures contact during its passing from generation to generation.在屯堡文化的研究热中,人们往往关注了它的保守及特殊性,却忽略了它在传承中的变易及两种以上文明接触的普遍规律。

3.Anshun county, which locates in the middle of Guizhou province, has a special culture named "Tun Pu".位于黔中腹地的安顺拥有独具特色的“屯堡文化”,它既是一种地域文化,也是一种移民文化。


5)the minority and"Tunpu Ren"屯堡人与少数民族

6)TunPu blockhouse屯堡碉楼

1.In AnShun,GuiZhout,he southwest of Chinat,here are particularily archaic construction named as TunPu buildings,which include blockhousesTunPu blockhouse.笔者主要研究屯堡建筑中的碉楼建筑及其结构、功能、历史和特色,进而挖掘屯堡碉楼的潜在价值和文化内涵。


屯堡1.亦作"屯保"。 2.驻有军队的城堡。





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