
给人感觉很治愈的文案 很温暖文艺 也很煽情


Has been fed by the disappointments of life 但愿人际关系也能恢复到出厂设置的状态

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Has been fed by the disappointments of life.


I hope the interpersonal relationship can return to the factory settings.


I"m not mature enough, so I think love can keep me.


I have been very good, the grievances and heartache are vent in the night.


If a light goes into the dark, it is evil.


If dark clouds enter the body, I feel depressed when the light is on.


The palm of the hand is so big that it holds too many things.


It"s raining heavily outside the classroom window. You didn"t look at me. I didn"t look at the rain.


If you can see the sunshine, why look out of the window.


For a long time, I don"t know whether I like it or cling to it.


If I go back, I"ll die.


Only in the wind, you and I can"t get together.


Once something safe explodes, you feel like everyone is coming with knives.


I"ve heard 10000 songs, seen 1000 movies and read 100 books, but I never catch a person"s heart.


Life is always dragging forward by the collar.


One is in love, the other is driving to see the sea at night.


There"s no enthusiasm, and I feel like I can"t catch up with you, so I quietly walk away.


It doesn"t seem to be, but it seems to be the only way.

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