
虚寒型Asthenia-cold Syndrome 的英语短句和例句大全

时间:2019-11-14 17:06:50


虚寒型Asthenia-cold Syndrome是一种在中医中被广泛讨论的疾病类型,主要表现为人体内虚寒致使气血不足,导致身体虚弱和易感冒等症状。这种病症在西医学中常被称为Asthenia-cold Syndrome。 在中医理论中,中医师们通过调整体内的阴阳平衡和经络气血,以及采用草药治疗的方法来帮助患者恢复健康。虚寒型Asthenia-cold Syndrome在临床中有着广泛的应用,而且例句也是大量存在的。通过例句的学习,人们可以更深入地了解虚寒型Asthenia-cold Syndrome的症状、治疗方法以及预防措施,有助于提高对这种病症的认识和理解。

虚寒型,Asthenia-cold Syndrome

1)Asthenia-cold Syndrome虚寒型

1.The Clinical Study of Jiaoai Siwu Decotion in Treating Anovulatory Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding withAsthenia-cold Syndrome;胶艾四物汤治疗虚寒型无排卵型功能失调性子宫出血的临床研究


1.Clinical Research of "An Wei Ying" Decoction on Chronic Gastritis of Insufficiency-Cold in Spleen and Stomach;安胃饮治疗脾胃虚寒型慢性胃炎的临床研究

2.Curative Effect Observation of Method of Invigorating Spleen to Warm Middle Warmer on Chronic Gastritis Belonging to Type of Deficiency-cold of Spleen健脾温中法治疗脾胃虚寒型慢性胃炎疗效观察

3.Clinical observation of treatment in spleen-stomach weak-coled stomachache by Chinese traditional medicine differentiation nursing中医辨证施护脾胃虚寒型胃痛临床观察

4.Survey of Clinical Result of Warming Yang Soup for Cold Constipation温阳消秘汤治疗虚寒型便秘的临床疗效观察

5.The Clinical Study of Jiaoai Siwu Decotion in Treating Anovulatory Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding with Asthenia-cold Syndrome;胶艾四物汤治疗虚寒型无排卵型功能失调性子宫出血的临床研究

虚寒型Asthenia-cold Syndrome 的英语短句和例句大全

6.The Clinic Curative Study of Prevention and Cure the Cough Variant Asthma with Cold Syndrome Due to the Deficiency by the TheraPy of Combination of TCM and Western Medicine;中西医结合防治虚寒型咳嗽变异性哮喘的临床疗效研究

7.Qi Gan Grain Treatment of Peptic Ulcer (Pi Wei Xu Han) Clinical Study;芪甘颗粒治疗消化性溃疡(脾胃虚寒型)的临床研究

8.Effect of WWY on the Levels of Defensive Factors in Gastric Ulcer Model Rat with Insufficiency of Spleen-YANG and Stomach;温胃饮对大鼠脾胃虚寒型胃溃疡防御因子水平的影响

9.Experimental Study of Wenwei Yin on the Endocrine Level of Model Rat with Gastric Ulcer of Deficiency Cold of Spleen and Stomach Type;温胃饮对脾胃虚寒型胃溃疡大鼠内分泌调节的实验研究

10.Clinical Study on YiQiWenYang Decoction in the Treatment of Deficient Cold of Spleen and Lung of Allergic Rhinitis益气温阳法治疗肺脾虚寒型变应性鼻炎的临床研究

11.Clinical Research of Xiaojianzhongtang on Peptic Ulcer with Cool in Spleen and Stomach小建中汤治疗消化性溃疡(脾胃虚寒型)的临床研究

12.Experimental Study of Wenwei Yin on the Neuropeptide of Stomach Intestine of Model Rat with Gastric Ulcer of Deficiency Cold of Spleen and Stomach Type温胃饮对脾胃虚寒型胃溃疡大鼠胃肠神经肽影响的实验研究

13.The Clinical Observationon the Therapy of Knee Joint Osteoarthritis Using Moderate Moxibustion温和灸治疗阳虚寒凝型膝骨性关节炎

14.Correlation between type Ⅰ and type Ⅱ T lymphocytes and asthenia cold syndrome in menopathy patients月经病虚寒证与Ⅰ/Ⅱ型T淋巴细胞的关系

15.Clinical observation on acupuncture and moxibustion treatment with allergic rhinitis针灸治疗肺虚风寒型过敏性鼻炎临床研究

16.Clinical Research of Warming Needle Moxibustion in Treating 30 Cases of Knee Osteoarthritis with Yang Deficiency and Cold Coagulation Syndrome温针灸治疗阳虚寒凝型膝骨性关节炎30例

17.Clinical Observation on the Wen Shen Tiao Jing Zhu Yun Tang Treating Sterility Due to Anovulation;温肾调经助孕汤治疗排卵障碍性不孕(肾虚宫寒型)的临床研究

18.Clinical Observation of Wen Jing Tang on Treating Insufficency-yang and Blood Stasis Due to Cold of Primary Dysmenorrhea;温经汤加减治疗阳虚寒凝血瘀型原发性痛经临床观察


The model of deficient-cold虚寒模型

3)Type of qi and blood asthenia cold气血虚寒型

4)deficiency cold of spleen and stomach脾胃虚寒型

1.Establishment of rat model with gastric ulcer ofdeficiency cold of spleen and stomach type(脾胃虚寒型);脾胃虚寒型胃溃疡动物模型的初步探讨

5)Pain of deficiency-cold type虚寒型痛症

6)Yang deficiency and blood stagnation阳虚寒凝型


膀胱虚寒pangguang xuhan膀胱虚寒Hypofunction of Urinary Bladder with Cold肾阳不足,膀胱气化无力,虚寒内生,贮尿排尿功能失常的病理变化。

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