
审美心胸: Aesthetic Mind英语短句例句大全

时间:2019-08-27 12:53:36



审美心胸,aesthetic mind

1)aesthetic mind审美心胸

1.When he established ideology system,Zhangzai,as a famous idealist philosopher in the Song Dynasty,had discussed some theoretical problems in aesthetics,which mainly touched upon the problems such as relationship between human being and universe,aesthetic mind.张载作为宋代一位著名的理学家,在他建立理学思想体系时,实际上已经探讨了美学的一些理论问题,如他所说的“气之为物,散入无形,适得吾体”的命题、“虚明照鉴,神之明也”的命题、对“郑卫之音”的论述以及论《诗》的作用等,已涉及人与宇宙的关系、审美心胸、审美感受等美学问题。

2.It is considered that the poet described in “Er-shih-ssu shih-p in” experiences the process of reflection close to “abstention from judgment” and “transcendental reduction” of phenomenology, transcends the operation of “pure consciousness”, then achieves anaesthetic mind, which is planted in the serene personality.认为《二十四诗品》所描述的诗人经由近似于“现象学悬搁”与“先验还原”的反思道路之后,超越“纯粹意识”的操作性,获取以虚静人性为根柢的审美心胸;当这种纯净的意识统摄其意向对象时,诗人超越“先验构造”的异质性,当下洞见对象的本质,全然成立其审美创造。

2)aesthetic psychology审美心理

1.Synaesthesia-Aesthetic Psychology of Su Shi s Poetic Life;通感—苏轼诗意生活的审美心理

2.Consideration of synergism of elements with humanaesthetic psychology in design关于设计中元素与人的审美心理相协同的思考

3.Analyses of facility construction of agritourism demonstration zone based onaesthetic psychology从审美心理角度解读农业旅游示范区旅游设施建设


1.Influences of Aethetic Mentality on the Idea of Calligraphy Appreciation in the Han Dynasty;审美心理结构对汉代书法审美理念的促成

2.The Aesthetic Culture and Aesthetic Psychology in the Propagation of the Contemporary Exhibition Art.;现代展示艺术传播中的审美文化和审美心理

3.Analysis about the Esthetic Psychology of University Students Learning and Library Esthetic Coaching;大学生学习审美心理分析与图书馆审美辅导

4.Bitter Aesthetics──On the Structure of Aesthetic Psychology of Zhang Ailing;苍凉中的审美──论张爱玲的审美心理建构

5.Study on Aesthetic Psychological Characteristics and Aesthetic Culture of Farmer in Contemporary China当代中国农民审美心理特点及审美文化研究

审美心胸: Aesthetic Mind英语短句例句大全

6.Discussion on the Witchcraft"s Significance for Constructing Aesthetic Relations and Aesthetic Psychology论巫术对审美关系和审美心理建构的意义

7.Time- space Aesthetic Psyche and Aesthetic Connotation in Guo Feng;《国风》中的审美心理时空及其美学内涵

8.An Analytical Study Of Aesthetic Category "Forgetness" from Aesthetic Psychological Angle作为美学范畴“忘”的审美心理分析

9.The Effects of Zhuangzi s Open Mentality on Aesthetical Psychology;庄子的开放性心态对审美心理的影响

10.A Research on a Literary Translator s Aesthetic Psychological Structure in the Understanding Process;文学译者理解过程审美心理结构研究

11.Nostalgia implies beauty of sorrow and beauty of the transcendent world.怀旧的审美心理指向是感伤之美和彼岸之美。

12.Aesthetic Theory and Aesthetic Psychological Factor of Sports Appreciation;论体育欣赏的美学原理与审美心理要素

13.Reserch on Aesthetic Psychology in Visual Communication Design;视觉传达设计中受众审美心理的研究

14.How Contemporary Cartoons Affect Children s Aesthetic Appreciation;当下动画艺术的兴盛与儿童审美心理

15.Analyzing of Chinese Consumptive Taste Psychology Currently;对当前中国人的消费审美心理的分析

16.On the Aesthetic Psychology of Nostalgia;想象的文化记忆———论怀旧的审美心理

17.On the Source of Shang Qing s Aesthetic Mentality: Taoism;论尚清审美心理的思想之源——道家

18.An Analysis of the Aesthetic Psychological System of Jin Sheng-tan’s Creation of the Personalities;论金圣叹人物性格论的审美心理机制


aesthetic psychology审美心理

1.Synaesthesia-Aesthetic Psychology of Su Shi s Poetic Life;通感—苏轼诗意生活的审美心理

2.Consideration of synergism of elements with humanaesthetic psychology in design关于设计中元素与人的审美心理相协同的思考

3.Analyses of facility construction of agritourism demonstration zone based onaesthetic psychology从审美心理角度解读农业旅游示范区旅游设施建设

3)aesthetic mentality审美心理

1.The relationship between architectural spatial art and humanaesthetic mentality;建筑空间艺术与人的审美心理的关系

2.Starting with the native-color phrasing of his writings,this paper analyzes the native-color phrasing bent in the descriptions and dialogues of his writings,and reveals the features of his language and hisaesthetic mentality.在此从纳张元本色化的语言入手,分析纳张元作品中的本色化描述语和本色化对话语,进而分析纳张元作品的语言特色及审美心理。

3.Advertising is a mass art,complying with the social conventions and customs and satisfying the mass aesthetic culture level andaesthetic mentality.广告是一门大众化的艺术,它要遵循社会文化习惯和迎合大众的审美文化水平和审美心理。

4)aesthetical psychology审美心理

1.The problem ofaesthetical psychology is handled from the aspects of the course and characteristics ofaesthetical psychology.审美心理过程主要有三个阶段 ,即审美期待、审美展开和审美弥散。

2.Against the background of the Shanghai area culture, this paper systematically reveals the two traditions of shanghai styled film in the history, analyses its aesthetical characters such as pioneering spirit,pragmatism and secularity, and delves into the inner reasons for the change ofaesthetical psychology of Shanghai audience as time goes on.本文从上海地域文化背景着眼 ,较系统地阐析了海派电影诞生伊始便形成的“影戏”、“传道”两个传统 ,开拓性、务实性、随俗性等美学特征 ,以及上海观众审美心理随时代发展而嬗变的内在动因。

5)aesthetic mood审美心态

1.Centered on the artists,this paper discusses the change of role awareness andaesthetic mood under the background of the anti-Japanese war period and has a perspective of artistic forms and developmental condition in this specific period.以美术家主体为中心,探讨其在抗战大环境下的角色意识与审美心态的转变,透视这一特定时期的美术形态和发展状况。

2.One is the formation of the sense of void-quietness, in which material world and ego are required to be neglected and it means a welcomedaesthetic mood.虚静具有两个特定的心理层面:一是虚静之心的形成,要求忘物、忘我,它指称一种倍受推崇的审美心态;一是虚静之心的外射,表现为专注性、内视性、消融性,它意指三种相连的幻化境界:主体物化—客体人化—物我为一。

6)taste psychology审美心理

1.China is an age-old magnetic nation with particularly steadytaste psychology mode.中国是一个神秘的文化古国,在漫长的历史中产生了独特的审美心理模式。

2.Studies on the illogic thinking,taste psychology and visual psychology of ultra-realism can reveal the process of visual transformation design and the component of visual structure more integrally.分析研究超现实的视觉心理、审美心理以及非逻辑思维,能够获得视觉传达设计过程和视觉结构构成的更完整表达。



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