

时间:2019-06-24 04:52:41



人际和谐,interpersonal harmony

1)interpersonal harmony人际和谐

1.Justice in harmonious society:interpersonal harmony;和谐语境中的正义:人际和谐

2.By making a theoretical study of theinterpersonal harmony and the harmonious socialist society,this paper makes clear that theinterpersonal harmony is a constant optimized process of interpersonal relation which has an inherent meaning of resolution of the interpersonal conflicts.通过对人际和谐和社会主义和谐社会的理论考察,明晰了人际和谐是人与人之间关系不断优化的过程,内蕴着人际冲突的化解。

3.The results showed that teachers organizational citizenship behavior consists of five factors,namely,school identification,altruism behavior,conscientiousness,interpersonal harmony,resources protecting.研究结果表明:教师组织公民行为由学校认同、利他行为、责任意识、人际和谐和资源保护等五个因素构成;职称和学校等级对教师的组织公民行为有显著影响;高级职称教师的组织公民行为高于低级职称教师;省一级学校教师的组织公民行为高于市一级学校教师,而市一级学校教师的组织公民行为高于区一级学校教师。


1.Good relationship is the key to establish a harmonious campus人际和谐是营造和谐大学校园的关键

2.About the Interpersonal Communication and Interpersonal Harmony in QQ Context;试论QQ语境下的人际传播和人际和谐

3.A Study on the Relationship between the Interpersonal Harmony and the Harmonious Socialist Society;人际和谐与社会主义和谐社会关系初探

4.Research on Leisure Sports was Promoted by the Human Harmonious Mechanism;对休闲体育促进人际和谐机制的研究

5.Toward a Model of Organizational Interpersonal Harmony in Chinese Context中国背景下的组织人际和谐模型建构


6.The Completely Comprehension of the Relationship Between People in Our Present Societv;和谐的人际关系:构建和谐社会的基础

7.Confucius Ideology of Harmony and Construction of Harmonious Interpersonal Relations;儒家和谐思想与高校和谐人际关系的构建

8.The Improvement of Personal Relationship on Campus for the Harmonious Humanist Environment;优化高校人际关系 营造和谐人文环境

9.Enhance the Level of Interpersonal Trust and Establish Undergraduate s Harmonious Interpersonal Relationship;提高人际信任水平 构建大学生和谐人际关系

10.Study on Harmonious Interpersonal Relationship Construction of Contemporary College Students;构建当代大学生和谐人际关系的研究

11.On Construction of Harmonious Interpersonal Relationship Inside Tax Organ;论税务机关内部和谐人际关系的构建

12.Construction of Harmonious Society on the Basis of Developing Chinese Traditional Virtue;中华传统文化中人际交往的和谐之美

13.Harmonize human communication,promote campus harmoniously;协调人际交往 营造和谐校园氛围

14.The Exploration and Analysis on the Construction of Harmonious Interpersonal Relation in Higher Vocational College s Campus;高职院校校园和谐人际关系建设探析

15.Harmonious Personal Relationship and the Healthy Development of Mind for University Students;和谐人际关系与大学生心理健康成长

16.Carrying Forward Excellent Traditional Morality and Developing Harmonious Interpersonal Relationship;弘扬优良传统道德 构建和谐人际关系

17.Building the harmonious college campus through interpersonal attraction laws;把握人际吸引规律 构建和谐大学校园

18.On the Humanism Order in International Law;构建国际和谐社会:国际法上的人本秩序



1.This paper pointed out the defects of the conceptuation of Snyder(1974),based on whether there is the balance of self-harmony andinterpersonal-harmony or not.该文在指出Snyder(1974)自我监控构念存在的缺陷后,根据自我呈现的动机和自我呈现过程中是否权衡自我和谐与人际和谐,把自我监控分为三种类型:自我导向、他人导向和高自我监控。

3)harmonious interpersonal relationship和谐人际

1.The times demands and methods of optimizingharmonious interpersonal relationship between college students and teachers高校师生和谐人际关系的时代诉求和优化思路

4)interpersonal harmony values人际和谐观

1.The author started the research with the perspective of management science and applied psychology, and then investigatedinterpersonal harmony values, the feature of innovation values and the present situation of innovative behavior of employees by methodologies like literature review, questionnaire survey and interview etc.本文以管理学、应用心理学为研究视角,综合运用文献分析法、问卷调查法、访谈法等研究方法对员工人际和谐观、创新价值观特征以及创新行为现状作了调查,同时对三者之间的关系进行深入分析,并在此基础上提出人际和谐与创新管理的相关措施。

5)harmonious interpersonal relationship和谐人际关系

1.Therefore,it is necessary to build good dormitory environment,which depends onharmonious interpersonal relationship.主要从内因的决定作用、语言艺术、宽容、换位思考、自由和纪律的关系、竞争和合作6个方面阐述宿舍和谐人际关系的培养。

2.The strategies of construction ofharmonious interpersonal relationship of urban community include developing.构建城市社区和谐人际关系的策略有:发展居民参与式的社区治理;加强社区公共空间建设;开展多种形式的社区活动等。

6)technical school library和谐的人际关系







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