
道德训诫: moral admonition英语短句+例句大全

时间:2019-05-30 23:29:16


道德训诫,moral admonition

1)moral admonition道德训诫

1.The characteristics of the pragmatic characteristics of the historiography of Ancient Rome are prominently demonstrated in its concern with rhetoric andmoral admonition.古代罗马史学实用传统的特点,突出表现在注重修辞和道德训诫的实用性上。


1.Weak Morality Reprimand--By Reading Du Shi-Niang Sink The Treasure Chest Angrily;乏力的道德训诫——读《杜十娘怒沉百宝箱》

2.To give religious or moral instruction, especially in a tedious manner.说教给予宗教或道德训诫,尤指以冗长乏味的方式

3.Inclined or given to tedious and excessive moralizing;didactic.说教的嗜好或喜欢进行冗长和过多的道德训诫的;说教的

4.A tedious moralizing lecture or admonition.说教冗长乏味的道德讲演或训诫

5.Mr. Lee rebuked sons and daughters who were not doing their duty.李先生训诫那些未尽孝道的儿女们。

6.Don"t preach me a lesson about patience. = Don"t preach a lesson about patience to me.别训诫我有关忍耐的大道理; 别规劝我要忍耐。

道德训诫: moral admonition英语短句+例句大全

7.Don"t preach me a lesson about patience.别训诫我有关忍耐的大道理;别规劝我要忍耐。

8.get a sermon on...因…事受训诫 [申斥]

9.Influence the First Ethical Systems of Chinese Women in Terms of The Daughter Warns;《女诫》对中国女性道德的第一次系统影响

10.We are told by moralists with the plainest faces that immorality will spoil our looks.相貌最丑的道德家告诫我们,道德败坏有损于我们的容貌。

11."For the rule is a light, and the teaching a shining light; and the guiding words of training are the way of life."因为诫命是灯,法则(或作指教)是光。训诲的责备是生命的道。

12.He admonished the child for his bad behavior.他训诫孩子的坏的行为。

13.To preach tediously and didactically.令人生厌地训诫和说教

14.They listen with rapt attention to the holy sermons of the saints and learned Jain scholars arranged during the ten-day festival.在这十天的盛典中,他们全神贯注地听着圣明之人和知识渊博的耆那修道者安排的神圣的训诫。

15.moral sense; a moral scrutiny; a moral lesson; a moral quandary; moral convictions; a moral life.是非感;道德上的审查;道德教训;道德上的两难局面;道德信念;合乎道德的生活。

16.The primacy of the family in society shows up in the commands to honor parents and to avoid all illicit sexual activity.诫命中把家庭摆在社会中的首位以荣耀父母并避免任何不道德的性行为。

17.He has very sternly admonished student.他十分严厉地训诫了学生。

18.As Confucius warned his followers,就像孔子向他的门徒所训诫的:




1.Rationality andadmonition is the thinking source of the west law tradition.理性与训诫是西方法治传统的思想渊源。

4)daojie(Taoism commandments)道诫

5)ethic teaching道德训诲

1.The characteristic of fairy tales in Merchants of Venice is made through the factors of atmosphere constructing,ethic teaching and assumption forming.《威尼斯商人》的童话性质是通过童话氛围营造、道德训诲原则、假定性形式等因素来完成的。

6)Ethics Training道德培训

1.Experimental Effect ofEthics Training in the View of Gray Marketing针对灰色营销进行道德培训的实验效果



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