
「神仙文案」看见心仪的你 我眼睛都在落雨 要冲洗所有人间无趣



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With the spring mountains and autumn waters, the four seasons of this world have their own timing and are self-contained. And you happen to appear in my life, not sooner or later, neither fast nor slow. So in every solar term, I record the time, and I wish to startle Gu Yu and have you every year.春山脉脉,秋水盈盈,这个世界四季各有时序,自成一体。而你正好出现我生命里,不早不晚,不疾不徐。于是每一个节气,我记录光阴,愿惊蛰谷雨,岁岁有你。

I love you, and I have been steadfast in the long and long years. This is a promise made by me and myself. If one day you can turn back time, you can see how much I love you in the past.


Dreaming in a dream, walking alone at night, suddenly raised his head halfway, and was seeing the stars in your eyes.


I hope the sky won"t be so fast, so I can see your dreams shining in the night.


You, you are my "happy at first sight, the most proud in the world."


Lying silently with you in the dark room with the curtains closed, listening to your weak breathing and rustling small movements, so that you can immerse yourself in a long, long good sleep.


For most of the day, I hope to have you by my side. Although life can"t go smoothly, but when I see you, my eyes are raining. I want to wash everyone"s boring life.


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