
抚慰伤心的情感小短句 阳光积极 令人惆怅!


You are the prince in the fairy tale I made up, and Im just a passerby in your life 其实有两个闺蜜就够了,一个肯借你钱

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You are the prince in the fairy tale I made up, and I"m just a passer-by in your life.


In fact, there are two bestie is enough, one willing to lend you money.


We say never let go of each other holding hands, but the reality said that love is not enough!


Once I did not learn to cry, now I often burst into tears.


It rained all night and my love spilled like rain.


What is the terrible distance, what is the terrible time, no longer love is the most terrible.


Our end is, in the end, tragic.

成年的我们要学会一项必备技能 就是控制自己的感情 懂得在一段感情里 及时的收手和退场

One of the skills that we need to learn as adults is to control our emotions and know how to stop and exit a relationship in time


Hold the plate for me while I eat my cake, eat the rest of it naturally and casually, and feel like we"ll be together forever.


I will never regret falling in love with you, I would like to use all the time before the breath stops, to mourn that beautiful and painful memories.


Learn to smile and shake your head to say no to what you like.


May our hearts, like Y, be as one and never separate.Forever and ever...

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