
消费品零售总额 total sales of consumer goods英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-25 19:27:34


消费品零售总额(Total sales of consumer goods)作为一个经济指标,在各国经济发展中具有重要意义。这一指标反映了国家或地区居民的消费行为和消费能力,也是衡量宏观经济发展和消费市场活力的重要指标之一。为了更好地理解和运用这一指标,我们整理了关于消费品零售总额的英语短句和例句,希望能够帮助读者更好地理解和运用这一概念。这些例句涵盖了消费品零售总额的概念、影响因素、统计方法和趋势分析等内容,为读者提供了全面的信息和实际运用的指导。

消费品零售总额,total sales of consumer goods

1)total sales of consumer goods消费品零售总额


1.Total retail sales of consumer goods社会消费品零售总额

2.Of this, the volume of retail sales in urban areas rose by 11.5 percent and that in rural areas by 8.3 percent.其中,城市消费品零售总额增长11.5%;农村消费品零售总额增长8.3%。

3.and the total volume of retail sales of consumption goods increased by 9.0 percent over that of the previous year.社会消费品零售总额比上年增长9.0%。

4.The total value of retail sales nationwide rose by around 10 percent.社会消费品零售总额增长约10%;

5.The total volume of the actual retail sales for social consumer goods shall be increased by about 9%.社会消费品零售总额实际增长9%左右;

6.In the first quarter, the volume of retail sales totaled 925.6 billion yuan, up 10.3 percent on last year"s correspond-ing period.一季度,社会消费品零售总额9256亿元,同比增长10.3%。

7.In the first six months, the retail sales of consumer goods hit 1,791.5 billion yuan, up 10.3 percent on last year"s corresponding period.上半年社会消费品零售总额17915亿元,同比增长10.3%。

消费品零售总额 total sales of consumer goods英语短句 例句大全

8.Retail sales of consumer goods in the country totaled 2,684.3 billion yuan, representing an actual increase of 10.2 percent.全社会消费品零售总额26843亿元,实际增长10.2%。

9.Creating ARIMA Model by the Total Volume of Social Retail Consumer and Forecasting the Trend;社会消费品零售总额ARIMA模型的建立及预测

10.Fitting Application Based on ARIMA Model in the Social RetailgoodsARIMA模型对社会消费品零售总额的拟合应用

11.Analysis of Total Retail Amount of Commodities" Fluctuation and Influence Factor社会消费品零售总额波动规律及影响因素分析

12.Analysis and forecast about the total volume of social retail consumer关于我国社会消费品零售总额的分析与预测

13.The city contains some160 consumer goods markets, with total annual retail sales of8.4 billion yuan.现在全市有各类消费品市场160个,年消费品零售总额达84亿元。

14.The total amount of consumable retail is expected to rise by9.5 per cent, and the general price to be kept stable.社会消费品零售总额年均增长9.5%右,保持价格总体水平基本稳定。

15.The total amount of consumable retail is expected to rise by 9.5 per cent, and the general price to be kept stable.社会消费品零售总额年均增长9.5%左右,保持价格总体水平基本稳定。

16.The country"s retail sales totaled 830 billion yuan in 1990 and jumped to 3,759.5 billion yuan in 2001.1990年,中国社会消费品零售总额刚过8300亿元,2001年达到37595亿元。

17.In the first half of this year, the total retail sales of consumer goods is 1,475.3 billion yuan, up 6.4% over the same period of last year.上半年社会消费品零售总额14753亿元,比上年同期增长6.4%。

18.In the first three quarters, retail sales of consumer goods totaled 2,911.1 billion yuan, up 8.7 percent on last year"s same period.前三季度,社会消费品零售总额实现29111亿元,同比增长8.7%。


Total Retail Sale of Consumer Goods社会消费品零售总额

1.Through introducing computational principle of predetermination of Linear Exponential Smoothing Model and applying this methodology to analyze the statistics from 1986 to ,theTotal Retail Sale of Consumer Goods in is forecast to illustrate the extensive application of predetermination of Linear Exponential Smoothing Model in the realm of economy forecast.通过对一次指数平滑模型预测法的计算原理的介绍,以及应用该方法对1986年至全国社会消费品零售总额统计数据加以分析计算,从而预测出全国社会消费品零售总额,旨在阐明一次指数平滑模型预测法在经济预测领域中的广泛应用。

3)total retail sales of consumer goods社会消费品零售总额

1.Using co-integration technique,the dynamic relationship is studied between consumer confidence index and thetotal retail sales of consumer goods in the Chinese leading cities.通过应用协整技术对我国消费者信心指数与京、津、沪、穗四大城市的社会消费品零售总额之间的关系进行了检验。

2.Using Granger-Causality model and regressive model,the dynamic relationship is tested between consumer confidence index and thetotal retail sales of consumer goods in the four Chinese leading cities of Beijing,Tianjin,Shanghai and Guangzhou.应用格兰杰因果检验与回归分析,笔者对我国 CCI 与京、津、沪、穗四大城市的社会消费品零售总额之间的关系进行了实证检验。

4)total amount of social consumption goods retail社会零售消费总额

5)total retail sales of social consumption社会消费零售总额

1.The carriage of goods by road price and highway freight traffic are choosen to be the indicators of carriage of goods by road industry,the food retail prices, retail prices of daily necessities, fuel retail prices,total retail sales of social consumption and industrial added value are choosen to be the indicators of national economy.其中,公路货物运输指标主要选取了公路货物运输价格和公路货运量,国民经济指标主要选取了食品零售价格,日用品零售价格,燃料零售价格,社会消费零售总额,工业增加值。

6)total retailing of social consuming goods社会消费品零售额



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