
赞爆朋友圈的沙雕句 笑到秃头 开心时刻!


My best friend fell in love with Pinduoduo She bought an iPhone11 on Pinduoduo the day before yesterday and sent an iPhon

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Today, I finally got up the courage to send the sunset photo to my favorite boy. He sent a circle of friends and said that it was taken by his girlfriend. I was so angry that it was dark that I took it!

二,我闺蜜迷上了拼多多 前天在拼多多上买了一个iPhone11 结果寄来一个

iPhone5+iPhone6。My best friend fell in love with Pinduoduo. She bought an iPhone11 on Pinduoduo the day before yesterday and sent an iPhone5 iPhone6

三,曾经跟一个人无数次的擦肩而过 衣服都擦破了,也没擦出火花。

I once passed a person countless times, and my clothes were torn and there was no spark.

四,睡觉了的跟我互删 这么爱自己的身体 肯定没时间爱我 都不问问我睡觉了没有。

Those who go to bed delete each other from me. If you love your body so much, you must have no time to love me. You don"t even ask me if I"m asleep.


I play king and lie comfortably every day, but the ground is a little cold. I suggest laying a carpet in the canyon.

六,别人的夜晚:老公抱抱 你的夜晚:我那么多遗憾那么多期盼 你知道吗。

Other people"s night: the night when my husband hugs you: I have so many regrets and so many expectations, you know


I would like to recommend a delicious food: my mouth.


I admire those who can play games and carry the whole audience. I am different. I am sorry for the whole audience.

九,我真实的样子打动不了你 我就用真实的棍子把你打的动不了。

My true appearance can"t impress you, so I can"t beat you with a real stick

十,夏天了 我来教你们如何鉴别西瓜里有 没有虫 首先你要去敲一敲那个西瓜 邦邦邦 如果里边有虫的话 虫子就会问:谁呀?

In summer, I will teach you how to identify whether there are insects in watermelon. First, you have to knock on that watermelon. If there are insects in it, the insects will ask: Who is it?


Maybe it"s a fan of the authorities. I don"t even know what"s the use of being good-looking


You look up and say that the moon is really bright. The moon says that your baldness is also quite bright.


Why can"t I talk about losing weight? Where can I talk besides my mouth?

十四,老师说错一道题就是财富 我看了看我的卷子 才发现原来我是土豪。

The teacher said that the wrong question was wealth. I looked at my paper and found that I was a local tyrant

十五,永远不要嘲笑一个胖子 因为不知道哪天自己也会成为其中一员。

Never laugh at a fat man because you never know which day you will become one of them.

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