
可以让人舒缓的情感文案 字字暖心 单纯文艺!


最大的心安莫过于,你知道,我在。我知道,你会来。The greatest peace of mind is, you know, Im here I know Youre coming 腻在一起的感

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The greatest peace of mind is, you know, I"m here.I know. You"re coming.


The feeling of being together is not that we will always have endless topics to talk about, but that we will not feel embarrassed even if we do not speak.


I will become the wind and gently surround you.


A lot of dreams are waiting for, and I have been confused, you are a stranger, or passing love.


There are always some people in the world who can not be talked about, why care too much.


Snow no trace, love no end!Snow invisible, love has shadow!!In winter, the snow is light;Love comes, love comes.Winter, snow melt water;Love is still, love is always.


I"m a fool, but believe me, I didn"t mean it.Can you forgive me?My dear!


Commitment is a struggle between men and women, sometimes to the satisfaction of all, most of the cases are lose-lose.


Like a person is a feeling, do not like a person is a fact.Facts are easy to explain, feelings are hard to describe.


Are you a magician?Because every time I see you, everyone else disappears.


I could have endured loneliness, if I had never seen you.


It"s easy to do and say stupid things."

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