
让人放松的感情文案 懂你的每个瞬间 温柔又治愈


When I say goodbye to you with tears, you just say goodbye to me coldly, dare not look at your indifferent eyes, heart h

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When I say goodbye to you with tears, you just say goodbye to me coldly, dare not look at your indifferent eyes, heart has broken thousands of pieces.


If there is predestined relationship, time and space are not distance;If not, all day together will not understand.


Suddenly want to escape from the present life, desperate to pack up their simple luggage to stray.


It was cold, so I wrapped myself in clothes.The heart is cold, I comfort myself with strong.


Countless times in the dream of artistic conception, outline your appearance, so devout, and your heart, a lifetime of profound.


You can kill all my passion.


You do not understand my silence, how to know my sad.


I"m the one who broke up with you. I"m the one who deleted your friends. I"m the one who bought wine every day and cried every night.


Time is really a nasty thing, it changes everything without anyone"s consent.


In fact, narcissistic people are very smart, because fall in love with yourself will never be hurt.


Birds are still in pairs, depending on each other to sing busy.Two lines of tears.


See you and others sweet talk, my heart is not sad, because you finally found true love.


No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won"t make you cry


Not I can not give up, but already had no choice.

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