
20句表达个人经历文案 现实又残酷!

时间:2015-06-26 04:30:45



Growing up is a process of declining desire to talk

二,有种沉默是因为不想说实话 但也不想说谎话

There"s a kind of silence because you don"t want to tell the truth, but you don"t want to lie

三,不发生点烂事 永远看不清身边人的模样

You can never see the people around you until something bad happens

四,所谓的坚强不过 是比谁装的更无所谓

The so-called strong is just more indifferent than who is pretending

五,做人生赢家 不止要善良 你还要漂亮 还得有才华

To be a winner in life, you have to be not only kind, you have to be beautiful, you have to be talented

六,有钱才敢做最真实的自己 没钱只能做讨人欢喜的自己

If you have money, you dare to be the truest self. If you have no money, you can only be a pleasing self

七,别因为太过在意别人的看法 而使自己活得畏手畏脚 无论你做得多好 都会有人对你指手画脚

Don"t live in fear by caring too much about what other people think. No matter how well you do, someone will tell you what to do

八,踏入社会的时候 不要什么话都跟别人讲 你说的是心里话 别人听的是笑话

When you step into society, don"t tell others everything. What you say is in your heart. What others listen to is a joke

九,不要为任何人而改变 如果他们不能接受最差的你 也不配拥有最好的你

Don"t change for anyone. If they can"t accept the worst, you don"t deserve the best

十,人生三大真理 努力真的可以解决烦恼 帅真的可以当饭吃 有钱真的可以买到很多东西

The three truths of life, hard work can really solve the troubles, handsome can really eat when you have money, you can really buy a lot of things


When I was young, I longed to grow up, but when I grew up, I became more and more unhappy


Don"t choose comfort at the age of struggle!

十三,人间从来不是乐土 各人有各人的苦

The world has never been a paradise. Everyone has their own suffering


When you grow up, learn to take care of yourself

十五,有种沉默是因为不想说实话 但也不想说谎话

There"s a kind of silence because you don"t want to tell the truth, but you don"t want to lie

十六,明明你能左右我的情绪 为什么不让我开心!

Why don"t you make me happy when you can control my mood!

十七,打破自己所有原则和底线去维持的感情 结局必定烂尾 没有例外.

There is no exception to the emotional ending that breaks all your principles and bottom lines to maintain.


A lot of it ends up being just an acquaintance.

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