
简短文艺的个性签名 暖心又可爱 小众不俗气


Now I miss the pub on the street every day I want to drink to hide my bad mood 以后就把牵挂的话,放在酒里传送给你

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Now I miss the pub on the street every day. I want to drink to hide my bad mood.


Later, I will send you the words of concern in the wine.


It"s better to be alone, drinking lonely wine and blowing free wind.


When my father handed me a bottle of wine, I knew it was time for me to support the family.


What I don"t understand is that I have worked hard, why can"t I make you satisfied


Each of us is busy, just in order to earn a few pieces of silver, let us eat and wear warm.


I don"t understand why I have no money in my pocket when I work every day.


Every road is our own choice, whether the road is full of thorns or not, we still have to stick to it.


Now I finally believe that, really, you"ll come whatever you"re afraid of.


Now no matter who leaves, I can accept it, good or bad.


Our life, no matter how carefully planned, can"t be equal to a fate arrangement in the end.


When we fall, we still need to get up by ourselves, and no one can rely on us.

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