
那些心酸的情感文案 句句说进心里 越看越心痛!


Being loved is like winning the lottery Falling in love is like winning the first prize我记得那天晚上I remember seeing real

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Being loved is like winning the lottery. Falling in love is like winning the first prize


I remember seeing real people that night


There were strong winds and tsunamis in my heart, but I didn"t let anyone know that I didn"t know much before, but now I"m more or less immersed in it. That night, the rain really fell on my heart, ticking and flowing quietly


At that moment, his mouth was full of bitter words


When I put down my heart to love you, I learned a lesson. I have thought many times about what is the best love


Whenever I close my eyes and recite your name in my heart, I will think of you


I always want to add that you are my child, but when I open my eyes, I know you are not mine


I still clearly remember what you said to me and what you said. I still remember your evaluation of me, your jokes and your truth. I remember you said a lot of good things to me


You see, we also have so sweet, so believe, so warm, so I don"t understand why everyone has shortcomings


I"m no exception, but am I unlucky? Why don"t you want me? I don"t want to be separated from you


But you don"t want to stay with me. I know, I know

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