
带着忧伤的情感文案 温柔似水 令人向往


I hurt you with my hot and cold attitude, and you ruined me with your indifference 爱,就是没有理由的心疼和不设前提的宽容

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I hurt you with my hot and cold attitude, and you ruined me with your indifference.


Love is love without reason and tolerance without premise.


Friendship remains the same, affection remains the same.


Pain, but feelings;Hurt, but the heart.Serious to hell-bent, but lost a crushing defeat;Dedicated to leave no room, but cold forgot to cry......


Later, we have everything, but there is no us, not young to keep old love, but the years of old.


Because too care, so do not want to let you see my lonely now.


Who let me hug, and then the heartbeat.


If I had powers, I wouldn"t want to save the world, I"d want to protect you.


How I hope death is just a button on the body, a press that goes, neither pain nor itching.


Missing is anxious waiting;Miss, is the south acacia red beans, is the north pure light snow.


Hope you have me in your heart, hope you have me in your heart, hope you have me in the rest of your life.


May you learn to find the occasion as soon as possible, may you get used to things, after all, not everyone is as naive as you, easy to move the truth.

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