
温柔到爆炸宝藏文案 适合发布的优质短句 人人点赞!


As long as there is light in the world, gentleness still exists 二十七,茫茫人海相爱的人迟早会遇见

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一,小猫在午睡 地球在转圈.

The cat is taking a nap and the earth is going round.

二,雪是大浪漫 你是小人间.

Snow is a big romance, you are a small world.

三,所有人都想要拯救世界 我想留下帮妈妈洗碗.

Everyone wants to save the world. I want to stay and help mom do the dishes.

四,就算世界荒芜 总有一个人他会是你的信徒.

Even if the world is deserted, there will always be one person who will be your believer.

五,别让我久等 这个季节我也想有归宿.

Don"t keep me waiting for this season. I want a home, too.

六,不要圆滑 要变成星星 有棱有角 还会发光.

Don"t be smooth. Become a star. It"s angular and shiny.


My iron tree is finally blooming in your hands.


I"m not here to save you. I"m here to love you


If you need to think about it a few times, it is really better to be silent


Guns and roses are on standby for the princess


The road to the forest does not know the way back, the world is bitter can only cross

十二,愿你历经万苦 还能笑着讲讲来时的路

May you go through all kinds of hardships and smile and tell the way when you come


You don"t need to empathize when you want to


No one is born with a good temper, good for you because you are important


Trotting all the way, staying awake, always knowing, always being kind.

十六,我路过庄园 却只爱一朵玫瑰.

I pass by the manor and love only one rose.

十七,跟我回家吧 我们回家 回我们的家.

Come home with me. We"re going home. We"re going home.

十八,是微风 是晚霞 是心跳不止 是无可代替.

It"s the breeze, it"s the sunset, it"s the heartbeat, it"s not just irreplaceable.

十九,生活再糟糕 也不妨碍你变好.

No matter how bad life is, it doesn"t stop you from getting better.

二十,什么关系都是越简单越好 别捆绑别计较.

The simpler the relationship, the better. Don"t tie it. Don"t worry about it.

二十一,笑容可以瞒过别人 心痛却瞒不过自己.

A smile can hide the heartache of others but not yourself.

二十二,夕阳会落在你身上 你也会快乐一场.

The sun will set on you and you will be happy.

二十三,很多事情 开头很甜 却没有结果.

A lot of things start out sweet and end in nothing.


Meet your better self this summer.


After the college entrance examination, maybe I can"t sneak a peek at him anymore.


As long as there is light in the world, gentleness still exists.


Sooner or later, people who love each other will meet.


Sunflowers have only one sun, and the sun has countless sunflowers.


If you don"t say good-bye, you will meet again

三十,我怕目光夹杂着爱意 所以闭上了眼睛.

I closed my eyes for fear that my eyes would be mixed with love.

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