
令人向往的心情短语 转发朋友圈必点赞!



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一、如果一段爱情到了该终结的时候,就不要强求它继续。而一段感情到开始的时候,也不要强行它停止。你永远不会知道怎么样的感情会有好结果。所以,分手时不挽留,在一起时不保留,最后留下的,才是好的。If a love comes to an end, don"t force it to continue. And when a relationship starts, don"t force it to stop. You"ll never know what kind of relationship will lead to good results. So it"s good not to keep it when we break up, when we are together, and when we finally leave it. & lt; br /& gt;

二、唯一的错,错过一个人的情,等一世的惆怅,等一世的命运,执着一世的挂牵,伤害一世的温柔,多少错觉,等来一世的卑微和伤感。每一段感情,不一定都能完美,但每段感情,都使人成长,不要死守回不去的那段回忆,这样看不到未来的美好风景。The only mistake is to miss one"s feelings, wait for one"s melancholy, wait for one"s destiny, persist in one"s concern, hurt one"s gentleness, how many illusions, and wait for the humility and sadness of the next life. Every emotion may not be perfect, but every emotion can make people grow up. Don"t stick to the memory that can"t go back, so you can"t see the beautiful scenery of the future.

三、你对每个人都真心,对每件事都努力,无论何时你总是选择相信,然后有一天,你发现其实在对方心里你没那么重要,有的事努力了也没结果,一直相信的东西早就悄悄变了模样。You are sincere to everyone and work hard for everything. Whenever you choose to believe, then one day, you find that you are not so important in the other party"s mind. Something you try hard has no result. What you believe has changed quietly for a long time.

四、在我们之间,我终于学会了话少和不再打扰。若深情总是被辜负,余生尽是孤独又何妨。轻风皱涟漪圈圈,烟云过落雨点点。在岁月中跋涉,每个人都有自己的故事,看淡心境才会秀丽,看开心情才会明媚。好好扮演自己的角色,做自己该做的事。Between us, I finally learned to talk less and stop interrupting. If deep feelings are always disappointed, what"s wrong with being lonely for the rest of your life? The light wind wrinkles and circles, and the smoke and clouds pass through the raindrops. Traveling through the years, everyone has his own story. Only when you look at the light mood can you be beautiful, and only when you look at the happy mood can you be bright. Play your role well and do what you should do. & lt; br/>

五、生活不仅需力气,更需智慧,它会让你一下子跌倒,处理不当会减少你的收获;生活不仅要动、更应醒,它不会一夜间让你成功,经营得好会累积你的成果。小处着眼,明天受益;点滴累积,生活诗意。Life needs not only strength, but also wisdom. It will make you fall down at once, and improper handling will reduce your harvest. Life should not only move, but also wake up, it will not make you successful overnight, and good management will accumulate your results. Look small, benefit tomorrow; accumulate little by little, life is poetic.

六、爱情这种东西没什么道理可言的,想的跟做的往往都不是一回事。千百万种爱情千百万种模样。卑微的爱情难有好的结果,不对等的心,得不到相对的回应,迟早会心灰意冷心,疼得厉害,自然会放手。There is no reason for such things as love. What you think and what you do are often not the same thing. Millions of love, millions of forms. It is difficult for humble love to have a good result. Unequal hearts can not get a relative response. Sooner or later, they will be frustrated and cold-hearted. If they hurt badly, they will let go naturally.

七、要先打败任何事情得先学会打败自己。宁愿笑着流泪,也不哭着说后悔。梦想是注定孤独的旅行,路上少不了质疑和嘲笑,但那又怎样,哪怕遍体鳞伤也要活得漂亮。To defeat anything, you have to learn to defeat yourself first. I would rather cry with a smile than regret. Dream is a journey destined to be lonely. Questions and ridicules are indispensable on the road. But what about that? Even if all over the body is bruised, we should live beautifully.

八、似此星辰非昨夜,为谁风露立中宵。就像昨天有位朋友留言说的那样:我爱过你,我尽力了。从特别关心到取消,从聊天置顶到取消,从单独分组到大众分组,把凡有与你联系的信息到全部清空。It seems that this star is not last night, for whom the wind dew midnight. Just like a friend left a message yesterday: I loved you, I tried my best. From special care to cancellation, from chat top to cancellation, from individual grouping to mass grouping, to empty all the information you have contacted.

九、爱情是一种渴望,也是思念的凋零,是人生的一种卑微,也是最后的错觉和失落的风华,梦一场,错一场,等一个心情,爱上一个错觉。焦虑就是浪费时间,它不会改变任何事,只能搅乱你的脑袋,偷走你的快乐。Love is a kind of longing, but also the fading of missing, is a humble life, but also the last illusion and lost elegance, a dream, a mistake, and so on a mood, fall in love with an illusion. Anxiety is a waste of time. It won"t change anything. It can only disturb your mind and steal your happiness.

十、行走在路上,我们邂逅的不仅仅是尘世风景,更是触动人心的辛酸人事,漫步人生,经历的不仅仅是悲欢离合,更是命运的森罗万象。生是见识,不是活着,我们都在快乐的经历。Walking on the road, we encounter not only earthly scenery, but also touching people"s bitter personnel, strolling through life, experience not only joys and sorrows, but also fate. Life is knowledge, not living, we are all happy experience.

十一、你想要别人的承诺,是因为你不安全。如果你给别人承诺,是因为你不够强大。强大的人从来不给别人承诺。嫣然盛夏,若与君共,愿倾尽一世繁华。You want promises from others because you are not safe. If you promise someone, it"s because you"re not strong enough. Powerful people never make promises to others. In midsummer, if you share the prosperity with the monarch, you are willing to make the most of the prosperity of your life.

十二、不要计较眼前得失功过,要经常在错误中纠正自己、在幸福中感谢他人、在知足中怡然自乐、在奉献中甘愿付出。星星能照亮夜空,感恩他人,就是善待自己,怀有感恩之心!才能包容全世界。怀着感恩的心情去生活!让自己快乐!更让别人感到快乐!Don"t worry about the merits and demerits. Always correct yourself in your mistakes, thank others in your happiness, be happy in your contentment, and be willing to give in your dedication. Stars can illuminate the night sky, grateful to others, is to treat themselves with gratitude! Only in this way can we embrace the whole world. Live with gratitude! Make yourself happy! Let others feel more happy!

十三、在一段感情里,有的时候我们总是自诩为情圣,即使最后得不到,也要在人前装作一副潇洒又深爱的模样,实际上呢,在你的心里或许早已恨得牙根痒痒了吧!最难过的,莫过于当你遇上一个特别的人,却明白永远不可能在一起,或迟或早,你不得不放弃。Sometimes in a relationship, we always praise ourselves as saints of love. Even if we don"t get it at last, we should pretend to be smart and loving in front of people. In fact, you may already hate itching in your heart! The saddest thing is when you meet a special person and realize that you can never be together, sooner or later, you have to give up.

十四、 生活给了一个人多少磨难,日后必会还给他多少幸运,为梦想颠簸的人有很多,不差你一个,但如果坚持到最后,你就是唯一。我还是很喜欢你,像风走了八千里,不问归期。Life gives a person a lot of hardships, how much luck he will be given in the future. There are many people who are bumping for their dreams, not less than you, but if you stick to the end, you are the only one. I still like you very much, like the wind has gone eight thousand miles, do not ask the return date.

十五、我一生中,走错不少路,看错不少人,承受了许多背叛,我落魄的狼狈不堪过,但都无所谓,只要我还活着,坚持下去,我就有本事站起来!我很想和你游历四方,欣赏晴雨的风光,想为你铺纸提笔,写下余生的篇章!In my life, I have taken many wrong paths, seen many wrong people, and endured many betrayals. I am in a terrible state, but it doesn"t matter. As long as I am alive and persevere, I have the ability to stand up! ___________ I really want to travel around with you, enjoy the sunny and rainy scenery, want to lay paper and pen for you, write the rest of my life!

十六、梦想是现实的升华,是人生的希望。有它,行动有目标,努力有方向。但不能与客观脱节,应以现实为起点,不断延伸,在自已的坚持和努力中,迎接更美好的明天。Dream is the sublimation of reality and the hope of life. With it, action has a goal, and efforts have a direction. But it can not be divorced from the objective. We should take reality as the starting point, continue to extend, and meet a better tomorrow with our own perseverance and efforts. & lt; br/>

十七、人生没有彩排,好好珍惜现在,把握生命中的一分一秒。人生没有如果,只有后果和结果,过去的不再回来,回来的不再完美。没有过不去的坎,只有过不去的人。不管喜与愁,该走的还是要走,该来的终究会来。Life has no rehearsal, cherish the present, grasp every minute of life. Life has no if, only consequences and results, the past is no longer back, the return is no longer perfect. There are no obstacles that cannot be overcome, only those who can not be overcome. Whether you are happy or sad, you should go or you should go, and you will come after all. & lt; br/>

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